
Battle Against a True Hero

Frisk's POV

"Yo." Frisk and Poppy skidded to a halt in the middle of the bridge. Monster Kid approached them. "Undyne told me to stay away from you. She said you... You two hurt a lot of people. ... But, yo, that's not true, right!?" Frisk turned away, gripping their knife. There was a pause. "Yo... Why won't you answer me? A... a... and what's with that weird expression...?" Frisk turned toward Monster Kid, stomping toward them with the knife in hand. The child's eyes were wide as they stepped back.

"Oh... Oh man…" Monster Kid turned their back on Frisk. " Man, my h-heart's pounding right out of my chest…" They murmured. "What would Undyne do?" Monster kid turned around, their eyes narrowed at Frisk and Poppy. " Yo... Y-you'd b-better st-stop r-right where you are... Cause if you w-wanna hurt anyone else... you're... You're gonna have to get through me first." Frisk's soul appeared. They pulled their knife out of their pocket. You're in my way...

"Two attack, two defense," the voice murmured. "Looks like free EXP." Frisk nodded. Raising their knife, they slashed it through the air. A metallic screech followed. Time slowed down as Frisk took a step back, gazing up at the tall figure before them. Undyne had stepped in front of them. Her eye was wide and there was a huge gash on her stomach.

"UNDYNE!" a voice gasped. Footsteps echoed across the bridge.

Monster Kid turned to Undyne, their eyes wide. "Undyne! You're… You're hurt!"

"Hurt? It's nothing…" Undyne was shaking in place, gripping her stomach, but her voice remained strong. She even forced a smile. "Next time, listen when I tell you to leave, okay?"

Monster Kid's eyes welled with tears. "Undyne… I-"

"I'll take care of this!" Undyne snapped, glaring at them. "Get out of here!" Monster Kid sighed, marching past Undyne with their head hung low. Another short figure rushed to her side.

"UNDYNE!" Clover gasped, skidding to a halt. Undyne's lower body had turned to dust, shaking like leaves in the wind. She gripped her wounded stomach.

"It's nothing…" She muttered, her eye fixed on the ground. "No… s-somehow, with just one hit… I'm already… already… D-damn it…" Only now was Undyne's voice shaking. "Papyrus… Alphys… Asgore… Just like THAT I… I failed you…" The rest of Undyne's body split into dust, remaining in the air. Clover fell to his knees. Before Frisk could take a step forward, Undyne reappeared, her legs still in pieces, but her eye narrowed at Frisk. Clover stood up.

"No…" she grunted through gritted teeth. "My body… It feels like it's splitting apart. Like any instant… I'll scatter into a million pieces." Frisk took a step forward, knife raised. Clover stepped between them and Undyne, holding up a spear. "But… Deep, deep in my soul. There's a burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that WON'T let me die. This isn't just about monsters… it never was. If you get past me… You'll… You'll destroy them all, won't you? Monsters… Humans… Everyone... Everyone's hopes, everyone's dreams, vanquished in an instant." She glared at them. "But I WON'T let you do that. Right now, everyone in the world… I can feel their hearts beating as one, and we all have ONE goal: to defeat YOU. Humans, for the sake of the whole world." Undyne's entire body turned to dust, blurring and shifting in place.

"I, UNDYNE, WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN." Undyne reappeared before them, fangs clenched and spear in hand ready for a fight. Her eyepatch was gone, revealing an empty socket with a beam of light emanating from it, casting a faint light in the otherwise dark cave. Her armour was much thicker, the shoulder blades being as pointy stalactites. She flicked her spear. Poppy took a step back, letting out a strained squeal.

"You…" Undyne paused to let out a dry chuckle. "You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT." Frisk tried to take a step forward but the movement never came. They glanced down. Their soul had turned green and their feet were glued to the cave floor.

"Undyne…" The mysterious voice seemed breathless. "The heroine reformed by her own determination to save Earth… ninety nine attack and defense." Frisk scowled. Great...

A line of spears appeared behind Undyne. Throwing her hand forward, the spears flung past her, zipping through the air from different directions. Clover lunged forward, stopping in front of Poppy. Frisk didn't catch a word of their exchange. A spear zipped toward them, leaving them nowhere to run. They forced their upper body to the side. The spears zipped by them, slicing their sides open, over and over and over. Something red sprayed through the air. Frisk's eyes widened. Blood…

Shoving themself forward, their feet finally broke away from the ground. They landed hard on their stomach. Forcing themself to their feet, Frisk pulled out their knife, slicing it across Undyne's stomach. A screech filled the air. Frisk staggered back, their eyes widened at Undyne. She didn't even flinch!

Undyne summoned a spear into her hand. Thrusting it forward, Undyne managed to stab Frisk in the stomach before they could dodge. Frisk's gasp was muffled by blood. They were thrown to the ground again, sliding off the spear with a screech. Spears rained down from the sky. Before they could get up, one of the spears shot right through Frisk's heart. Jerking one final time, the world around them went dark as their head lolled to the side.

"You cannot give up just yet…" A strange voice murmured in their ear. It was a deep voice, one Frisk had never heard before. "Chara! Stay determined…" A fire lit within Frisk, blazing through their entire body. No! This isn't the end! Frisk's eyes popped open. They stumbled for a moment, before steadying themself on their feet. A save point laid in front of them.

"Frisk?" Frisk glanced at Poppy, who stared back at them with wide eyes. "You… uh, you okay?" Frisk gave a brisk nod before making their way toward the bridge. I've got another shot at this.

"Yo!" Frisk skidded to a halt, clenching their teeth at the familiar voice. They turned to face the monster child. "Dude… I… I heard some things and…"

"Hey, look over there!" Frisk pointed behind Monster Kid.

"What? Look over there?" They raised an eyebrow, but turned around anyway. "What for-" Frisk raised their knife. They slashed it through the air, unsurprised when a metallic screech filled the air. Undyne had taken the hit yet again. The Monster Kid let out a gasp. Undyne forced them away again and everything progressed the same with Clover showing up and Undyne giving her amazing speech. Then she transformed, summoning a barrage of spears.

"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that!" Undyne exclaimed, glaring at the Frisk and Poppy. Frisk's eyes narrowed. Clover once again lunged at Poppy, though their fight was insignificant to Frisk. They stood in the middle of the bridge. Unable to move their feet, they jerked their upper body side to side, allowing the spears to zip pass them. Some still scraped their sides, spraying jets of blood onto the bridge.

This went on for what felt like hours before Frisk's soul turned red, and they leapt to the side. Undyne shot spears from her hand. Frisk dashed forward, jumping side to side to avoid the spears as they got closer to Undyne. Finally, they were close enough to attack. Frisk yanked their knife out, slicing it across Undyne's stomach as they had done earlier. A screech echoed in their ears. Undyne leaped back as spears rained down from the sky. Frisk stepped around them, booking it toward Undyne again, stabbing her in the stomach.

Undyne staggered back. She flicked her spear, forcing Frisk in place before they could act again. Jumping back toward them, Undyne swung her spear at Frisk. They rose their knife, blocking the spear just before it slammed into their head. Frisk's heart pounded out of their chest. Unable to move, Frisk pushed their knife against Undyne's spear, their arms shaking as they struggled to hold it in place. Frisk stiffened as another spear zipped toward them from behind.

Removing their right hand from the knife, Frisk flung it behind them. Their eyes widened as they gripped something. Frisk flung their right hand in front of them. A spear came with it, scratching Undyne's face and flinging dust through the air. Undyne leaped back. Her eye was wide, though she was still in one piece. Summoning another spear, Undyne lunged at Frisk, skewering their stomach like a kebab. Frisk let out a gasp, blood forming in their mouth. Undyne removed the spear, aiming it at Frisk's face. In one heartbeat, they blocked it with their knife and spear, shaking in place. The weapons screeched against each other. Undyne let out a growl and another spear charged at Frisk from the front. In one swift motion, the spear in Frisk's hand was thrust in front of them, blocking the spear while their knife still screeched against Undyne's spear. The other spear had disappeared. Frisk's arms shook as they stayed in this position, knife raised and spear blocking more spears. They stabbed at the warrior as often as they could, while not letting down their defenses from her barrage of attacks.

Finally, their soul turned red again. Kicking against Undyne, Frisk leaped backward into the middle of the bridge. Sweat dripped down from their forehead. They longed to stop and pant as spears appeared around them at every angle, circling them like sharks. Frisk slipped around the arrows just before they could close in on them. Advancing forward, Frisk thrust the spear into Undyne's stomach. She let out a grunt. However, the warrior still stood tall, gazing down at Frisk with blazing eyes. Undyne flicked her spear, gluing Frisk to the ground.

New yellow arrows were charging at them like bullets, closing in fast. Frisk pointed their spear at the first one. It zipped right over their head and before they could turn around, the spear sank deep into their back. Frisk's upper body arched backward. Unable to keep up, the spears kept coming, stabbing Frisk from every angle and coating them in red. Frisk flopped over in a pool of their own blood. Unable to get up, they went limp.

"You cannot give up just yet…" It was the same deep voice from earlier that echoed in Frisk's mind. "Chara! Stay determined…" The fire burned within them again. Their eyes popped open, and they were back in the cave in front of their last save point. Frisk gripped their chest. Their heart was pounding so fast Frisk could barely keep track of the individual beats. Eyes narrowed, they made their way out of the cave. So the yellow arrows come from the opposite side… got it… Hand clasped around their knife, Frisk marched back onto the bridge. Got it...

Clover's POV

"UNDYNE!" Clover lunged out of the reeds, heart pounding in his throat. Undyne stood between Frisk and Monster Kid, a huge gash across her stomach as she struggled to stay on her feet.

"Undyne! You're… You're hurt!" Monster Kid exclaimed, their eyes wide.

"Hurt? It's nothing…" Undyne forced a smile. "Next time, listen when I tell you to leave, okay?"

"Undyne… I-"

"I'll take care of this!" Undyne snapped, glaring at Monster Kid. "Get out of here!" Monster Kid marched past Undyne. Clover pushed past them, eyes wide as they gazed up at Undyne.

"UNDYNE!" he gasped, his eyes welling with tears. She can't die! Not from one hit!

Undyne's lower body was starting to split into dust, shaking in the wind.

"It's nothing…" She muttered, her eye fixed on the ground. "No… s-somehow, with just one hit… I'm already… already… D-damn it…" Undyne's voice shook along with her body. "Papyrus… Alphys… Asgore… Just like THAT I… I failed you…" The rest of Undyne's body split into dust, remaining in the air.

Clover fell to his knees. There was an ache in his chest, gluing him to his spot. Undyne… No… As tears poured down his cheeks, Undyne reappeared, her legs still in pieces. Clover stood up, eyes wide.

"No…" Undyne grunted, forcing herself to stay in one piece. "My body… It feels like it's splitting apart. Like any instant… I'll scatter into a million pieces." A single footstep echoed off the cave walls. Clover cast a glance at Frisk, who held out their knife. Cover stepped between them and Undyne, glaring down Frisk and Poppy as he kept a tight grip on his spear. He glared at them through Undyne's monologue. Heart pounding and muscles tense, Clover prepared to lunge at those he once called his friends.

"For the sake of the whole world… "I, UNDYNE, WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN." Clover glanced at Undyne. Her entire body had turned to dust, spinning and shifting in place before she reappeared. Undyne reappeared before them, fangs narrowed and spear in hand ready for a fight. Her eyepatch was gone, revealing an empty socket with a beam of light emanating from it, casting a faint light in the otherwise dark cave. Her armour was much thicker, the shoulder blades being as pointy stalactites. She flicked her spear. Poppy took a step back, letting out a strained squeal.

"You…" Undyne paused to let out a dry chuckle. "You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT." She flicked her spear, changing Poppy and Frisk's souls to green. Clover lunged at Poppy. She was stuck to the floor, unable to move, allowing Clover to swing the spear at her. It scraped against her cheek, drawing blood. He swung again toward Poppy's waist, staggering when the spear was forced in place. Poppy had grabbed the end of it. Swinging the spear in a circle, Poppy flung Clover to the ground face first. The spear slipped from his grasp. Clover forced himself to his feet, jumping to the side just before the spear could pierce his skin.

"UNDYNE!" he called, jumping back and glancing at the warrior. Undyne cast a glance at him. Summoning another spear, she tossed it toward him. Clover caught it in one hand. Gripping it in both hands, he dashed toward Poppy as she raised her spear. The two weapons collided with a clank.

"Why are you doing this?!" Clover demanded, pushing hard against the spear to prevent Poppy from attacking. Poppy responded with a grunt. "Frisk killed Ace…" Clover's eyes watered. He kept his grip firm against the spear, biting his tears back. "A-and Ray! Your brother! Our friends! Why would you follow them?!"

"Why would you support these monsters?" Poppy asked, gesturing at Undyne with her eyes. Clover glanced at her. The warrior flicked her spear, turning Frisk's soul red again. In a heartbeat, Clover threw himself backwards, only narrowly avoiding Poppy's attack. Spears began to rain down on the bridge. Clover dashed off the bridge, only turning around to point the spear at Poppy as she approached.

"You really think they're the good guys?" Poppy asked, pointing back at Undyne. "Why would we never see them? Why would they be trapped underground if they hadn't done something to deserve it?"

"Why does that matter?!" Clover leaped forward, slashing the spear across Poppy's chest. She staggered back, gripping her chest. Blood dripped past her hand, staining her purple shirt red. "They don't deserve to die! And neither did Ace and Ray. So why are you doing it?!" Poppy yowled, swinging the spear across Clover's shoulder. He let out a cry. His wound stung, though he resisted the urge to grip it. Gripping the spear with both hands, he prepared to stab Poppy in the stomach, only for her to block it with her spear. The spears twisted between them, screeching like a dying animal.

"You're a fool to follow Frisk," Clover snarled, shoving Poppy back with his spear. Her soul turned green, gluing her in place. "They're a vicious murderer, killing just because it's fun! And now you're doing the same." Clover remained a safe distance from Poppy, reaching into his pocket to grab the food Undyne had given him: a hot dog. Upon eating it, his wounds were patched and he stood up taller. He glared at Poppy. She glared back at him, her teeth bared as she struggled in her spot. After a few moments, her soul turned purple again.

Poppy lunged at Clover, spear pointed forward. Clover jumped to the side, leading to Poppy stabbing nothing but the air. Jumping in front of her, Clover kicked Poppy in the stomach. She fell backward. Her glasses were knocked aside, revealing her wide eyes. In a heartbeat, Clover thrust the spear forward, skewering her stomach. Poppy let out a gasp. It was muffled by the blood pouring from the side of her lip. Clover pulled the spear away. Poppy rolled onto the ground, gasping as she gripped her bleeding stomach. Grunting, she pushed herself to her feet. Before she could move, her soul turned green, likely from the nearby Undyne flicking her spear. Clover pointed the spear at her neck. One slice would've ended it but Clover hesitated when he looked into Poppy's eyes. They were wide with fear. The spear shook in Clover's hands, unable to make another move. Poppy's shaking hands rose into the air. Clover raised an eyebrow, keeping his spear pointed at her as he took a step back.

When her soul turned purple, Poppy leaped to her feet. Clover lunged forward, pointing the spear at her stomach only for her to jump out of the way. Something sharp was shoved into Clover's side. He let out a cry, his eyes watering before jumping away, clashing his spear against Poppy's. His eyes narrowed at her.

"Why didn't you kill me?!" Poppy growled, refusing to move as their spears screeched against each other. "You had the perfect opportunity." Clover kicked Poppy over. He glared down at her, pointing the spear at her chest.

"Because unlike you, I'm not a murderer," Clover replied, his tone flat. Poppy's eyes were wide for a moment before narrowing at him.

"You're a fool, that's what you are." Shoving Clover's spear aside, Poppy jumped to her feet. Clover stepped back as she slashed her spear, narrowly tearing at the fabric of his shirt. A yowl echoed through the cave. Poppy and Clover both froze, turning to gaze at Undyne and Frisk. Spears zoomed in at Frisk from every direction yet the weaved past each one with ease, some at most grazing them. Undyne had to back up into the cave, past Clover and Poppy. Yet still, through each attack, Frisk was able to reach Undyne, slashing their knife across her. The warrior was covered in scars and gashes. Dust was floating through the air yet Undyne still stood strong.

Undyne screeched to a halt. Sweat was dripping down her forehead. The spears around them disappeared, leaving the one in her hand. Frisk slashed their knife at Undyne, only for her to block it with her spear in a horrible screeching that pierced the air. In Frisk's other hand, was the spear. With a shaky hand, Frisk thrust the spear into Undyne's stomach. Everything froze for a moment. Frisk backed away, allowing Undyne to fall on her knee. Their spear dropped to the ground.

"NO!" Clover cried, dashing to her side. Undyne ushered him away with a flick of her hand, forcing herself to her feet even as she shook in place.

"Damn it…" She sighed, gripping her stomach. "So even THAT power... It wasn't enough...?" Undyne chuckled, even as her eye watered and body shook. She forced a toothy smile. "If you… If you think I'm gonna give up hope, you're wrong. Cause I've…" She struggled to speak as sweat pooled down her body. "Got my friends behind me. Alphys told me that she would watch me fight you… and if anything went wrong, she would... evacuate everyone." Clover's teary eyes widened as Undyne's body dripped like melting ice. "And with that hope… this world will live on." Undyne forced out the last few words before her body melted onto the ground. No…

Clover shot a glare at Frisk. They stood tall over the dusty pool that had once been Undyne's body, grinning… Clover took a step back, his eyes wide. Frisk and Poppy both radiated with strength, with their bulky, tall figures. They were noticeably taller than Clover remembered them at least… The killing… It's making them stronger. Frisk turned to Clover, eyes narrowed and knife clutched in hand. Clover stepped back, shaking along with his pounding heart. I can't fight them both on my own… But I can't let them kill me… He continued to back away as they advanced on him. With one more step, a scraping sound echoed down the cave and the ground disappeared beneath him. He slipped backward, gripping the edge of the cliff beside the bridge. Frisk and Poppy glanced over the edge. Clover's eyes watered. Not knowing what else to do, Clover closed his eyes… and let go. The entire world seemed to pull him down, down, down, until he slammed into the rocky ground below. His back arched before he fell back to the ground. The feeling in his limbs was disappearing, almost as if he were falling asleep. Clover smiled. Ace��� Ray… I'll see you soon. His head lolled to the side and his final breath left his body.