
Chapter 38

After separating from Mai Sakurajima, Asagiri and Yotsuya Miko came to the classroom of Class A of the first year.

Seeing that none of the classmates were looking this way, Jianzi whispered:.

"I signed in to the group last night, and with the announcement ability, I got a total of 600 points, which were all used in the lottery.."

"Yeah. "

Because he had been busy last night, Asagiri hadn't had time to open the chat group yet, so he didn't know what abilities Miko had extracted. When he

opened it now, it was extremely shocking..

[Group member Yotsuya Miko spent 600 points in a lottery and received the reward: Zanpakutō (shallow fighting form)! ]

The members below were neatly arranged, and they all had big question marks.

Even Asagiri couldn't help but be shocked by Yotsugamiko's incredible luck.

The Zanpakutō's ability to grow along with the user itself is considered the most valuable category in the entire prize pool.

Yotsuya Miko only spent 600 points and got it in the first lottery?

[The Strongest Emperor's Arms User: The newcomer's luck is too great, right?.]

[Silver-haired half-elf: Zanpakutō…You can get something like this in the first lottery. Is this the so-called novice welfare period?]

[Shura Busujima: Envy, still envy, I also want a Zanpakutō.]

[Fairy Guild Front Desk: Paired with her yin and yang eyes, she is really a weapon to slay demons..]

[A girl from the Wu clan: Knife? Forget it, I'm not good at using knives. We, the Wu clan, are still used to killing people with our own hands..]

[Silver-haired half-elf:....Garuda, it's hard to imagine the environment in which you grew up. Why do you sound so strange?]

[Princess of Thorns: I know, I know, Garuda is a killer just like me, right?]

[A girl from the Wu clan: Yes, we will exchange experiences more in the future..]

[Princess of Thorns: Okay, I also want to communicate with my colleagues to improve my technical details. ]

Except for Yoel and Garuda, let's not talk about the conversation filled with a strange atmosphere.

All the members were shocked by Yotsugamiko's luck.

Chao Wu looked at the beautiful JK girl in front of him and had a wonderful idea in his mind.

Could it be that this is the legendary conservation theory of luck?

Yotsuya Miko can be said to be the most unlucky person in this everyday world.

I have awakened my yin and yang eyes that can see ghosts and evil spirits, but I have no ability to counteract them. I have to be careful every day and don't dare to reveal that I can see "them".

It's all bad luck.

With good luck, she got the Zanpakutō in the first lottery, which can be regarded as compensation from God..

"Well, with this, you can deal with evil spirits by yourself in the future.."

"Really? "

Although Yotsuya Miko has already seen the introduction of Zanpakuto's abilities, she obviously trusts Asagiri more than the system, which makes even evil spirits fearful. At this time, she couldn't help but smile when she received the confirmation from the other party. Finally, she looked



The weak situation of being watched by evil spirits and ghosts but unable to do anything finally came to an end.

From today on, she, Yotsuya Miko, has the ability to kill those demons and monsters.

Seeing Mik

o's joyful expression, Asagiri did not remind him of the power gap between the various forms of the Zanpakutō.


Evil spirits actually look a little scary.

In terms of pure power, how can it be compared with the "hollow" in the world of Death?

The powerful Zanpakutō from the world of death, even in its initial shallow strike form, is enough to kill those evil spirits.

As for Yotsuya Mitsuko, can he master the Zanpakutō's first and even swastika techniques?

With her talent in spiritual power, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

At this moment, Yuigahama Yui and her friends walked into the classroom talking and laughing.

When she saw Chao Wu sitting in the corner of the classroom by the window, there was a bit of hesitation in her eyes, but in the end she mustered up the courage to walk over and said softly.

"that…Asagiri-san, you saved my Sabre the night before yesterday, and I haven't had the chance to say thank you.."

"It's just convenient, don't take it to heart. "

Seeing Asagiri's nonchalant look, Yuigahama Yui had a hard time connecting the handsome boy in front of her with the man she saw on the road that day who could hold down a moving car with one hand. together.


Did you see it wrong?

Yuigahama Yui has been very entangled in the past two days. Even when she went to bed at night, she was thinking about that scene.

Are there really people with super powers in this world?

She would rather believe that she was wrong at the time.

Yuigahama Yui brushed her peach-colored hair around her ears, stretched out her right hand to Asagiri generously, and said with a smile..

"Asagiri-san, can we be friends? "

Asagiri glanced at Yuigahama Yui and gently shook her hand..

"Yuigahama-san is always tired of catering to other people's preferences. "

The smile on Tuanzi's face stiffened slightly..

"Asagiri-san, I don't understand what you mean.."

"forget it if do not get it. "

Tuanzi paused for a moment, then curiously said.

"I heard that you, Miko, Uimuo, Yukino, and several classmates from Rikka established a club together. Can I join?"


"Hey, really? "

Tuanzi didn't expect that Asagiri would be so straightforward and agreed to his application to join the ministry..

[Ding! Interacting with Yuigahama Yui, the Daughter of Luck, the fusion degree of Bengyoku increased slightly..]

[Ding! Yui Uigahama, the daughter of destiny, joins the club, her fusion degree with Bengyoku is slightly increased, and the power of her heart is absorbed. ]

Tuanzi was overjoyed, thinking that joining the club so easily was beyond his expectation.

The reason she joined the club was simple.

That classmate Yukinoshita Yukino seems to have few friends and doesn't talk to others in the class.

Yuigahama Yui is a gentle person.

She didn't want to see Yukino-san looking so lonely.

Maybe as long as she joins the club, she can become friends with him.

simply put.

Yuigahama Yui is a girl who needs to use her gentleness to save others in order to appease her own heart..

"Tick tock, tick tock...."

Hearing the sound of raindrops falling on the ground outside the window, Yuigahama looked outside, looked at the dark sky, and murmured to himself:.

"Recently, it seems to be raining all the time. "