

"Visuals... Check!"

"Audio... Check!"

"Now recording... Day #3 of Research and Exploration Division"

"The Space Inquisition Brigade, team number #084, has currently landed on Planet Nova. My name is Dr. Lorelei Weiss biological science specialist opted for this mission that focuses on the unique wildlife and geography of Nova, mainly that focuses on a very specific substance called 'Essence' this

particular... "


How long will I be here for? I've already sent out S.O.S.


I pressed to play the audio recordings again...

"This particular matter is unknown to man kind, accidentally discovered a year ago when a diver on earth had discovered a complicated ancient machine that had no power at all still working for decades underneath the Bermuda triangle that is said to have been the leading cause of the strange phenomena surrounding the area. It's the reason behind the research for 'Essence' is because of its radioactive-like properties without being radioactively harmful itself, meaning it emits large amounts of energy that could be harnessed or hoped to be harnessed by D.I.R.E. for future use...

so far we can only detect 'Essence' by using a specific type of mineral that glows within its vicinity."

this recording happened on the third day we spent here, since then a week has passed already and I'm stuck here in one of the rooms in the medical ward. My team betrayed me and locked me in here, I swear if I see them again I'll make sure they pay for what they did. I'll just have to wait for the rescue team, I've already sent out a S.O.S. signal so it might take them a couple of days. I just need to buy myself some time.


I'm still tired from all that ruckus last night, I had a hard time sleeping trying to ignore the commotion but oh well... Might as well get breakfast. I stood up sluggishly walking towards the window pane as my eyes met with the sunlight; I blinked due to the instantaneous brightness. As I slowly opened them, I met this disastrous view that was once a paradise! The building was in terrible condition: walls crumbling, window panes cracked and broken, columns barely holding up. If it weren't for the metal plating underneath the walls, beams and columns then this whole place would've been completely destroyed.

"Thank God!"

But how did I survive last night?! I questioned myself...

I turned towards the bed and saw a huge crevice underneath with both ends of the bed barely holding together on each of the ledges. I went around to inspect more and saw that it ended just beneath the bed, If it went straight across I would have died falling into my doom...

*Creak... whoosh! CRASH!*

"I'm never audio linking my thoughts again" as I saw the floor crumble and watch the bed crash.

I turned off the audiolink and the recordings that played from my wristwatch, As for the rest of the room it was completely wrecked. Shocked and contemplating how I barely managed to survive out of pure luck; I was relieved. But there was one thing that boggled my mind...

"What happened to Sylas?" I questioned myself.

I went pacing back and forth on what to do, then stood as I stared blankly into the crevice beneath that revealed the floor below. I figured that I should go look for him with that thought in mind I took some supplies with me that I had stashed underneath my bed. I checked each item within the my supply bag: Military grade rations, first-aid kit, Molecular Analyzer, some papers with my current findings of "Essence". Which were close to fictional than factual evidences that irritated me—Well soon enough I would learn more as long as I get proper equipment and finally hypothesize substanstial evidence.

I packed myself ready to go and headed out the door as I wondered where should I head first? I stared at the projected three dimensional map projecting out of my "Way-L.I.N.E (Leniency Interconnected Network Express)" that pinpointed my location with a red dot. This is a useful watch that had a lot of functions was given by the military before we embarked—these were issued to every soldier which served as their "Dog-tag/badge" that included a lot of personal information as well. From my standpoint it didn't really mean much since I'm not actually part of the military which is why I only cared for the hefty tools that it could provide, Like the map that I'm looking at right now.

Sylas was the goal in mind, having someone to rely in this kind of situation would increase the chances for survival. Good person or not but once I get a chance I'll ditch him and get away with the emergency response team. Trust has been a big deal for me especially being for a person stuck on a planet with no recollection of his memories? definitely raises a red flag for me, I've heard rumors that the government sends criminals to unknown planets in random regions of space to serve out their life sentences. With that in thought the idea of looking for Sylas was irrational and could prove dangerous but it would be the safest choice. So I took off taking the feeling of uneasiness as my companion. I tread onward the hallway with mixed feelings carefully considering my situation and choice—As I wondered about gazing at the map this place was not marked on the map but the whole area is projected, I've always thought how come this place wasn't included? and every time I inquired for more information using my watch, it would always show an "Unauthorized access" notification.

Though early in the morning with the sun shining through windowpanes of each and every room the area felt cold, I wandered in thought "What happened here?" the history behind this place held my interest... Finally I met a junction: one way strays to the left and

another to the right.

[lobby] [observation deck] to the left.

[Comms-center] [staff quarters] to the right.

I took a glance at my Way-L.I.N.E. as it scanned the area to update the map before it showed that a couple of meters to the left was a stair case to the lobby but further from that was a big room which I'm guessing was the observation deck, to the right was a bunch of rooms and the Comms-center. I measured my decision and ultimately decided on turning right. the idea of getting help faster using the Comms-center would be better so then I marched right with hopeful eyes. Moments later my mind flew away with bliss as I thought of getting home real soon, being able to continue my research on essence was exhilarating—Organic and inorganic based materials I've collected that teemed with essence aroused my curiosity, the anonymity of this substance eluded humanity for countless millennia; I wanted to be the one who found it.

*Beep... Beep...*

The strange noise that disturbed my engrossment on the matter came from my watch, so I checked.

[Synonymous device tracking activated]

The text boggled my mind as it would only activate if both parties of the same device agreed to track one another. I took a look at the map and there I saw another red indicator apart from mine that what I would assumed as the other party, It's strange because originally I thought they have left already and took whatever useful information I had with them, it's a good thing that they didn't bother to check my Way-L.I.N.E. since most of it was in here. Maybe? I thought to myself

that my device was having some sort of internal problem, I double checked the indicator and it looked like it wouldn't move anytime soon so I sighed in relief. Moments later I arrived at the Comms-center there I saw computers surrounding the main server tower, I immediately went to check the server tower if it was still intact. It was still in a great condition but without power this would prove useless, I could come back here with enough equipment to run the thing or maybe revive the power.

I took a glance around and thought to myself maybe it's time for me to head back? I still don't have a safe place to take shelter in especially if the earthquake might hit again.

*Beep... Beep... Beep...*

Suddenly, my watch was constantly beeping so then I hurriedly attended to it.

[Coordinate progress... XX/XX' XX.XXXX" X]

Once I saw the progression of the indicator in the map, I saw mine completely stationary at the Comms-center and the other was still at the same location as before.

"Busted..." I thought to myself.

My watch was facing some technical difficulties, it was most probably because these are still prototypes and was only distributed for military use. Although I could use this as a power source for the tower momentarily and transfer all data from it to my Way-L.I.N.E. that way I could access all communication logs from it but the process could destroy the battery due to power surging soo it would be risky, doing it would only hinder my safety and ruin my chances of escaping Nova... But then again my trip here wouldn't be wasted if I could atleast recover some information.

I fiddled with my watch just to see if I could redirect the power source and made it take a full software scan to check for internal problems. after a full diagnostic scan it proved my conclusion wrong as it came out perfectly fine, so I mentally prayed to God if there was one out there somewhere that he would bless me with luck. As long as I could retrieve the information I needed, I would've to immediately cancel the power redirection just before the battery overloads. The process took me awhile but I've finally did it, with a relatively decent battery especially military graded ones I could have at least ten minutes of power only before it dies out which was not a option.; It had to work.

I had my watch retrieve information within seconds as it was collecting fairly quickly but with a lot of data it would take the whole battery life just to get everything, patiently I waited as I observed countless logs flowing into my device; a couple of minutes after a notification popped open.

*Beep... Beep... Beep..*

[Coordinate progress... XX/XX' XX.XXXX" X]

This time on the map the foreign indicator was moving! fast! it was nearing my location, soon enough I could hear multiple footsteps outside the room. Acting out of pure instinct I was on the edge, every second felt slow as sweat dripped from my forehead: knees felt weak, hands trembling. I had my back turned against the doors as the server tower faced it directly, my ears anticipated the closeness of the footsteps and when I deemed it close enough I stopped the progress at halfway then went behind the mechanical pillar covering my mouth with both hands. I heard the doors opening quite slowly as footsteps of what seemed to be at least four people went inside...

"This mission is a failure" said a man with a husky voice.

"Would've never happened if only you stuck to the plan" said another person with a mean demeanor.

"Alright we need to regroup with the others if we want to complete the mission" a woman with calm voice answered.

They continued to argue among themselves while I tried to sneak away while looking for another exit, I tried to muffle my movements as I slid in between the mess that littered

the floor till I slipped a little bit causing me to bump into one of the desks but I immediately caught myself. It was quiet the stillness of everything froze me leaning onto one of the desk—it lasted minutes longer until I carried myself to the corner to take a peek and there I saw a boot then immediately pulled myself back, I hid under the desk as fast as I could, breathing heavily and slowly. Four sets of legs passed then I made my move, I took a glance at them from behind and they were wearing military overalls with cloaks so I couldn't

see them. When I had my chance I bolted straight for the door running as fast as I could.

"OVER THERE! STOP HER!" Someone shouted.

My hair flew everywhere as I wiped my sweat with my sleeve while running without turning back to look at them, I could hear the footsteps behind me as I near the door suddenly a black figure showed up at my peripheral vision so I turned right to take a glance while reaching for the door...


As my mind spun and vision faded, I saw shadow figures towering above me as I focused on the white ceiling pass them slowly turning into nothingness.

Sorry readers that it took a while to release this chaper, I tried to make it as long as I could. I hope to keep releasing consistently like before but since I’ve got personal problems, I can only stay hopeful. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. Please continue supporting me as Im joining the Spirity awards 2020 with a new novel.

EldritchTheDeadcreators' thoughts