


"He is gone." My father catched me carefully, examining my features. I nodded.

"What of Samantha?"

"Nick left the cell with her. I thought you wanted revenge. You literally let Morgan go. And why did you make Nicole believe it was all me? I mean, this was your plan."

I laughed. "Father. I want Samantha. More than I have wanted abybody else. And I just need Morgan out of the way. It is just so nice the plan came with an extra topping of punishment for Morgan."

"What punishment?"

"He is never going to live down killing Nicole the way he did. You know him, he claims to be good. By the time he is back, Samantha will be mine, and he would have lost everything, including his own stability. The kingdom will be useless. He will gradually lose his grip on his humanity and you, and the elders will sentence him to the same cold death his parents were sentenced to."

"Nicole was on our side."

"She wanted Morgan. If you hadn't convinced her that Morgan would go back amd risk killing Samantha, she would never have done it. Samantha was her target. She was mine too, in a completely different way. That way needed Nicole out of the way."

He looked at me incredulously. "I used to think you were stupid." 

I lifted my eyes to him. The face that used to scrunch up in pure disgust whenever i made a small mistake. The hands that would hit me hard across the face not minding that I was just a little boy. When I wouldn't drink enough blood because I was sad, he would hold my mouth ajar and force it on me. That face.

"You used to think I was nothing, actually. The only time you acknowledged me as your son was when Morgan appointed me in his council."

"Yes," he replied. "You weren't much back then, but I am glad you have made something of yourself now."

"Look at you acting like the perfect father.." I said, cackiling with humorless laughter.

"I am the perfect father," he answered, his emphasis on "am".

I shook my head. "Yes, to raise this son. It would have done Morgan a whole lot of good to have you as a father. He wouldn't have fallen for this trap so easily."

He shook his head. "Stop sulking and let me get you out now."

I nodded, then stood behind him, waiting for him to open the door with the key he had bribed the guard to get. 

I could see the keys burning his hand, it was made of silver. He still held on to it, and pushed it into the keyhole, then opened it, seting me free.

"You know what they say about guard dogs?"

He turned. "What do they say?"

"Wel, they do not have much use after their work is done. Most times, its better to dispose of them."

"I guess, let's go."

"Oh, you're not going anywhere father." I said as I grabbed the keys from the keyhole.