
More Than Friends 2


"Your eighteenth.". He said and I looked up to him. "It will all happen on your eighteenth." 

          He promised, and by the time the massive car parked in front of my home, I couldn't wait for the next four days.

"Dad." It was one of those pleasant surprises where he would come unannounced and go make pancakes. 

"My baby." He said, turning down the heat and walking towards me. I was more than happy he was here, so I ran into his arms once he stretched them. "School?"

 I shrugged. "It was fine. I didn't expect you back today?"

 He laughed and started on his way back to the kitchen. "Well. I was in the conference room. And then my phone gave a beep. I checked it to see a calendar notification, 4 days away, and I knew whatever it was, I had to come back here and watch my daughter legally become an adult."

 When he talked like this, I couldn’t hold the tears back. "Dad."

 "She's about to cry, she's about to cry!" He said, laughing and I gave him a small nudge. "Such a cry baby."

 "Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Go freshen up. Pancakes are on the menu."

 I nodded. "I love your pancakes " 

he scoffed. "That's what they all say, and then the boyfriend shows up and steals then away." He finished with a sly look and a wink, and I felt a lump rise in my throat.

          The boyfriend? Wait, what was Morgan? I wanted to kiss him and do lots more on my birthday, but what would that make us after? Will I be his girlfriend, or.  A one night stand? He didn’t say he loved me. Was that not the foundation? He also didn’t say anything about a relationship. Had I been asked, by my best friend, to be his one night stand? I felt my heart thump at the thought. 

"Penny for my baby's thoughts?" My dad said, pulling a one thousand dollar bill. 

"That isn’t a penny, dad." I was feeling a bit irritated, but not towards my dad, more towards myself than even Morgan.

 "Well, to me it is. So long as it us compared to my baby's priceless thoughts." 

I looked at him. He was such a sweet dad, and I always wondered how any woman in her right senses would leave him. But maybe my mum hadn’t been in her right senses. She still wasn’t. "Its nothing, dad. Let me go freshen up real quick." 

He nodded and yelled after me as I jogged towards the stairs. "If you take too long, I’ll eat it all." 

"No way!" I yelled back and jogged faster. 

I sat in the hot water bath I had run for myself, my cheeks flushed. One night stands..was I really going to be a one night stand? To my best friend? I laid my head back and I felt my hair dampen and get heavier. My phone rang, and I reached for it. "Hello?"

 "Uhm, hey. Samantha. Its Liam." Liam? The guy who'd asked me out? "I just called to.."

 "I would love to go with you."