
If anyone is made for you 2

"Why do you think so?" I asked. He was slowly laying me down now, His eyes never leaving my face.

"I don't know. Its probably just what a jealous man would want to believe about the woman he loves."

"You never told me you loved me back then."

"Would you have accepted me if I had? I mean, instead of telling you just how much  I have fantasized about kissing you, and I chose to tell you about my feelings for you, would you have belonged to me?"

He was laying on top of me now, his breathing slow and rhythmic. 

"I am not sure, but it probably would have helped me think I wasn't only another girl to you."

"There are no other girls, you know. There never was." He moved to my side and rolled me over gently, so he would be the bigger spoon. He stretched his free hand and laid my head on it, then nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. 

"In the school, yeah." I laughed, but he didn't join in, so stopped. He probably didn't find it too funny.

"It was always you. When I saw you first, I knew I didn't need to search for someone who would keep, and in any case restore my humanity. I saw it all in your eyes.."

He moved his head a bit, and the slight change in contact sent uncontrollable shivers through me. 

He laughed and did it again and again and again, till I turned around, casting him an "are you serious?" look.

"You're beautiful." He traced his hands on the sides of my face and cheeks, his eyes peering into mine as If searching for something. I hoped whatever he was searching for would be right there.

"Thank you."

He pulled me closer, his breath coming out in raggedy gasps. 

"I guess I should have told you earlier. So I could feel how it is to be loved by you in a normal setting."

My shirt, which I had changed into, had moved under his hand, and his thumb was now caressing my bare skin.

I arched my back a little, just as he raised my face to his. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me.

I could literally almost feel his lips as his breath heated my cheeks. 

The kiss never happened however, and he gently rolled me over to the other side, and hugged me close.


"What do you mean?"

I turned to him, raising a brow. "I thought you were gonna kiss me?"

He squeezed my waist a little and smiled. "No."

"Why?" It was a little shameless, but I didn't exactly care. 

He shrugged and turned me over again. Him turning me away from him was annoying, and I was starting to think he was holding a grudge from all I had said in the tomb house.

"Becuse I have not exactly lost hope that you would one day, fall in love with me. I mean, I am so adorable," He said and chuckled. 

I laughed at that. He felt a lot like Morgan, the high schooler, not Morgan the vampire King, and I couldn't say my heart was safe from this mix.