

In a story of intertwined pasts and broken vows, linked by an artifact and love, they navigate a haunting curse's grasp, discovering hidden truths and unforeseen emotions, all while striving to shatter the curse and find a way back to reality. In a forgotten town nestled among ancient forests, Is the famous Grimrose house Former paranormal investigators embark on a thrilling adventure, only to find themselves unexpectedly transported into a world where witchcraft reigns supreme within the pages of an ancient book. Surrounded by diverse supernatural entities, their survival hinges on navigating this mystical realm. As they grapple with the unfamiliar and mysterious, they must harness their wits and resilience to endure the unknown forces lurking within. As they navigate perilous encounters and unearth secrets, their ultimate goal remains unlocking the path back to their reality.

S_R_13 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


A bright light illuminates the window. Sun rays hit his face, making his eyes flutter and knitted brows. Exhaustion poured all over his body as another overwhelming nightmare he had dreamed of over and over again. Sighing, he started his day by getting out of bed and then taking a shower.

This is another new beginning in his life. Zhion Zhavis, 21 years old and living in Japan, was once a paranormal investigator. He loved doing this kind of job. The excitement comes from these things that people rarely experience, but everything has consequences. He kept having these weird dreams after coming back from their last mission, "the abandoned cabin," where they solved the mystery of the wandering soul of a lady. It has been said that her body has been dismembered, cut off into pieces, and thrown somewhere around the cabin. To this day, the murderer in this case hasn't been caught; the soul wandered to ask for help to find the remaining piece of her memory. A rose pendant heirloom, They did well for finding such things; confusion did cloud him. The rose pendant seems familiar; it feels like he has seen it somewhere before. From then on, he kept dreaming about a girl and that rose pendant.

He brushed away those thoughts. Coming out of the shower, a ring suddenly came in from his phone. He picked it up and stared at it for a moment before answering the call.

"Aziel, it's too early in the fucking morning. What do you want?"

An exasperated sigh came from the other end of the phone. "Yes, bro, it's early in the morning. Are you in a monthly period? I haven't even annoyed you yet." Zhion shakes his head and laughs.

Zhion's former investigator partner was Aziel. They've known each other since childhood. Their parents were both business partners and friends, but an accident happened, and they both lost their families. Zhion's family business crashes down along with his family. From then on, Zhion treats Aziel as his little brother. They were both young when that tragedy happened. Aziel lost his parents, but all their wealth was passed on to Aziel. Their loyal family assistant took care of everything and guided Ziel after his parents died.

"Alright, I know you called because you're up to something with Yumi again, right?" Zhion said while dressing himself up. "Yes! Right, right! Anyway, we found a new exciting place; it's an old Grimrose house! Isn't there a lot of stories regarding the house of Grimrose? We should try and check it out."

Zhion stopped on his track and thought for a second. "Well, didn't I say I quit doing paranormal things? I still have an annoying nightmare that I can't get rid of. What if something worse happens to you guys? It's dangerous, Ziel."

"But this will be the last, okay? After this, we won't be doing paranormal stuff again. Come on! It's also a good way to take your mind off of things!" Aziel said on the other line of the phone. Defeated, Zhion can only agree while shaking his head, ending the call.

"How can a paranormal event take my mind off things when it was the reason that I couldn't focus in the first place? But who knows, let's do this one last time; I might as well enjoy it." He muttered under his breath. A new message Aziel sent to him said he should be ready for tomorrow's plan. He took his laptop and searched. He started to check out the place and the rumors surrounding the Grimrose house.


In the town of Nichitsu, owned by the wealthiest guy named Weil Slovakia, he also owned a small business, a bookstore. Weil's a hardworking guy who adores his family. He took care of his wife and daughter. Unfortunately, Weil's wife and daughter vanished. People suspected that he killed his own family and buried them in the rose garden; others said he is part of a cult and that he volunteers his wife and daughter's lives as a sacrifice. Until one day, Weil also vanished. People have been wondering where he went on the late night of October 13th, 2000. Weil was found dead in his bedroom. Despite the fact that the police reported Weil's suicide, no evidence was found of his killing himself, nor was there evidence that someone killed him. A lot of stories have been passed down for years, but the real story is still unknown.

Zhion was quite amazed by the fact that the grimrose house had caught his interest now. Before he could even think, another call came in, and he answered immediately, it was from Yumi.

He met Yumi because of Aziel. Yumi is a person who has a gullible personality. That's why there's no way she doesn't believe Aziel's words. Although these two bicker quite often, they still respect and take care of each other. Yumi's lively voice went through, and he had to take the phone away from his ear for a moment.

"Aaaah! Brother Ion~, I heard that fish ziel finally convinced you to join us!"

A smile appeared on his face. Hearing his friend's lovely voice, "You're really such a weird girl, you know? So why did you suddenly call?"

"I'm at a cafe right now; it's just near your house. Come, Ion, and I'll treat you~!, plus we've got to talk about Grimrose. I heard an interesting story~!" His interest piqued when he heard about it. "Oh really? Alright, then I'll come see you. I'll be there in a minute. Just send the address." The call cut off, and as he checked out his watch, he nodded and dressed himself up. Seeing himself in the mirror, a small but light scar is still visible on the side of his neck, up to his ear. He briefly looked at it and frowned. He couldn't even remember where he got it from.

Not to think too much about it, he drove off and went to meet Yumi at the exact location. He went inside the cafe, and the person he expected was energetically waving her hand, beckoning for him to come over. Zhion smiled and sat down. He put his chin on the back of his hand, propping his arm on the table. "Now tell me I'm here to listen about the Grimrose house. I better assume it isn't the same as other rumors I found, right?"

Take it easy on me, I am a new writer .

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