
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The unfortunate boy

"Garry... we love you, sweetie. I'm sorry we wouldn't be there to see you grow. Be a loving and supportive brother to your siblings," A solemn voice of the past visited young Kettle when he doze off from the abundance of paperwork

"Evening lord Kettle. It appears that you're rather tired. Should I fetch Sir Jackson to attend to your work? It's not every day you could sleep so peacefully, did you have a dream?"

He paused at his butler's question before this boy showed the innocent face of a child yearning for his parents. "I dreamt... about mum. To be specific it was the day my parents died. That landslide took the three of us by surprise and only I survived... now that's out of the way what's for dinner? I'm rather famished!"

His sudden shift in emotions wasn't something he would've ever desired, as the heir of his family he needs to be strong. Young Kettle was full of wits and as they mourn the loss of their parents only he partake of the mantle of the former lord. Four years have passed since the departure of his parents and at a young age he took hold of his family's obligation

"It was truly such a tragedy. But even in their absence you never once forget about your most significant role. Being a brother... it just so happens that your birthday is tomorrow, how odd? But your rule did say you wouldn't work in an event where your presence is of utmost importance," The butler faced the full might of his glare as if he deliberately conspired behind his back

"Touche... I should have expected from a scheming man like yourself. In all of my years, you're the only one that can force his hand on the lord? Are you truly a butler?"

"Young lord might I remind you that a butler's duty apart from serving his master is to ensure he's alive and well. By what part of forcing my hand do you mean? I must say your ego is the only thing that grew, no wise person would hole himself in such a special event,"

He took a step forward and they both glared intensely as they proceed not a single back and it took Garry by surprise. Instead of retaliating he steps back and admits his defeat with a long sigh. He rubbed his forehead out of frustration before he came to terms with the butler's proclamation

"Consider this your only victory, old man. Would you mind cleaning my office? Meet me at the dining table once you're done, my hunger can't wait any longer," He elegantly left his office, and before he could take another step a fair of girls lunged at him resulting in his fall

"Urgh! Cassandra, Nathalie what's gotten to the both of you? Would you mind moving?" His sisters move out of his way and he stands before his energetic sisters with such worrisome tone

[Older twin: Nathalie Kettle]

"Brother we're worried about you! Nathalie was crying all day long because of your absence– Ack! Hey, cut that out!" Nathalie was interrupted when Cassandra pinched her cheeks in her fury

[Younger twin: Cassandra Kettle]

She puffs her cheek and refuses to let her grip on Nathalie ever lose. "Urghh! I am not a baby! You're the one weeping since big brother Garry forget to tell you a bedtime story. For crying out loud you're 6 years old! Quit acting like a baby! Big bro Garry was already the family head at that time compared to you, you're a spoiled brat at best"

[Younger brother: Frederick Kettle]

The two kept bickering back and forth until a voice called for the both of them that originate from Garry's back. "I'm truly amused, to think you can manage an empire built by our family but can't stop a bunch of children. And aren't you a little earlier than usual? At this point, you wouldn't even bother going out, but im rather curious why your early, dear Brother,"

A boy younger than a year arrived on the doorstep of his office, this was Frederick Kettle the second son. As Garry took the mantle as the head of their household, Frederick chose a different path in his defeat. As normal and quiet as their days were it was about to be numbered if any wizards were to appear in their lives. Frederick sought to care for his family after failing the succession resulting in his lifelong grudge

"Antisocial as ever... Frederick just for today and tomorrow can we just act like a normal pair? Having such a serious tone tends to lower our sister's moods, they're still young to partake in the family business, don't you think?"

Not an answer was heard from Frederick and he left without ever nodding or giving a gesture of his agreement. Just the fact that he didn't lash out for a second confirmed their truce. He wasn't sociable and tends to thrive from anger, but at this moment he never once showed any lingering displeasure

"The same as always. Brother Fred is such a downer! Hmph, I can't understand him, what do you think Cass?" Nathalie puffs her cheek at the thought of Frederick's unwanted animosity

As Frederick enters the manor's study hall Garry felt her little sister yanking his shirt and said. "Big bro Garry, what happened to Brother Fred? You always told us he's kind, but I can't see it... do you know why he's like this?"

'I know where he's coming from but isn't it a little harsh being so cold? Frederick, you've always been telling me that accident was abnormal... by that, he must have meant an Arcanist was responsible? Many would side with you considering the only one caught up in such a tragedy was our parents including myself. But it's not like they're a myth, those manifestations of the sueprtunarual, that we call Arcanists. I didn't believe you, but you weren't that off, an accident that only targeted us of all people, it doesn't sound like a coincidence,'

After dining with his family, these siblings were then separated by the servants assigned to their everyday life. These caretakers were decided even before his succession and they originate under the rule of his father. Because of that, he never once questioned his father's orders and kept the servants out of respect for his late parent

'I wonder if im doing this correctly? As days pass by it felt like our ties is coming to an end. I already become the family head and in just a few years Frederick will leave to start school... from every path he could pick he chose to be a member of the Ministry of Supernatural Events I wonder if this is the wisest choice. As an older brother, I thought persuading him to reconsider his path was good but I was shoved away,'

He sighed after placing down his book and as the evening grew ever so distant he sought of retiring for the night. It was just a second away till the clock would undoubtedly shift to his day of birth and out of nowhere a spark in his chest arise. When he was about a hairs reach in his mattress his heart excessively beat. The agonizing ache in his chest grew till he screamed and the one closes to him was none other than Frederick

"Garry? What's happening over there? Hey, speak up!" He rushes from his mattress and quickly goes to his brother's room until hes shocked by the supernatural

'This can't be... Garry, you– Urghh'

His irregular heartbeat was but the start of the unwinding of a power lying dormant in his body. A glow of a radiating light originated from his chest and it explodes resulting in anything in the range being knocked. He fell to the ground without a sense of recollection of what had occurred but his brother that's present knew very well

"He's an Arcanist? B-but that's impossible! He's a Kettle! One of the prominent families in Pottrous, how can he be degraded by a devil? If word gets out that he's a mage without him being reported the whole family will be branded with treason. Everyone will die. But he's my brother! Even so... our lives are at stake, Sniff Garry... im so sorry," He wailed as loud and for no one to hear his sorrow he buried his head deep into his pillow and cried himself to sleep

"What happened?" Garry awakens from the cold and dusty floor to see his hands and body permeating with the symptoms of a freshly awakened mage

"No! This can't be... no, no, no!! Why am I a mage? Everything was well and now this?"

As much as he loathes himself it was a reality he couldn't ignore. The radiating glow of light around his body was the manifestation of mana. To the city of Grimmels (Manaless), he was no different from a monster, he was dangerous, abnormal, and most of all abhorred. That day he couldn't sleep even a wink was a wish he'd made and all he thought of was a way to hide this secret