
Chapter 7

You kind of lay there in a daze for a few minutes, mulling over all you'd came to learn. Before realising, it did you no fucking good at all. Sure you could speak now, and you swore liberally to sum up the situation, but laying around got you nothing.

So you gave your pussy ass a shake and took off into the air, flying towards Beacon.

It didn't take you very long to reach your destination, but the second you got in view and flew down over the area you grimaced. "Shit man." you shook your head.

It was all torn apart. Massive craters littered the ground. Blood and bodies everywhere. Human and robot alike. The school building and dorms were smashed to bits and that fuck off huge dragon grimm thing was perched atop the Beacon Tower, only, it was completely frozen over. you could see it twitching and moving every few moments but it was stuck pretty damn tight.

Oh, and who could forget the absolute monstrous amount of Grimm? Nevermore perched all over the place and most of the ground was blotted out by black fur. There were tens of dozens of different species of Grimm about and they were all just idling around in place, hardly moving at all, staring up at the dragon perched on the tower.

Fucking hell. It was a literal feast of strength below you, but the second you did anything, these things would be all over you.

You flew over the wrecked school building and something caught your eye. The shiny silver metal of one of the rocket lockers. A few of them hanging in the demolished gym area.

Your weapons are still stored in there. You didn't have them on you when Cinder and her posse killed you.

Dipping out of the air, you landed in the demolished gym locker room and looked over the place. All of them were open and empty, except one. The one with your name and number on it.

Padding over on all fours, you lifted one of your legs when you got close and punched through the metal locker with your claws and tore it open. And there they were. Your weapons. A pair of gleaming ebony black gauntlets and greaves, lined with glowing white veins that you had painstakingly inscribed.

Ironically, you'd called them Grimm Claw, because they had reminded you of the paws of a Beowolves.

You pulled them out, thankful for how surprisingly nimble your own paws were and looked them over. An idea came to you and you position the greaves up and slipped your feet into them. Thanks to the compression mechanism, they could expand a bit, and with claws you'd put into them, more for aesthetic purposes, it gave your actual new claws somewhere to go while wearing them.

And a little twist of your ankles had them compressing into your hind legs and fitting snugly. And the gauntlets were even easier to use fit on.

"A grimm wielding weapons," you snorted, shaking your head, "People would shit themselves if they saw me." especially since these gauntlets and greaves could fire dust projectiles too.

The thought amused you for a few moments before you gave yourself another shake and took off into the air, heading towards Beacon Tower to get a closer look at the motherfucking dragon stuck to it.

It took you a few moments to fly your way from the gym locker room up to the tower. When you did, you noticed there were no Grimm besides the dragon at the top, and you immediately realised why. There was a strange kind of pressure that was exuding from its body, pressing down heavily against you like gravity. And its eyes, even frozen over tracked your movements.

This fucking thing was still alive.

But, as you landed atop the tower in front of it, the giant frozen dragon didn't hold your attention for long. Something throbbed in your head and you found your eyes involuntarily looking into the centre of the demolished tower room.

Honestly, it wasn't anything all that special to look at. You know this used to be Ozpin's office, but it wasn't that anymore. It was just all demolished metal, giant ass metal gears and mortar scattered across the ground.

Though one thing did stand out. A small pile of glittering orange dust sitting in the middle of the room.

For some weird reason, you felt yourself drawn to it. You made your way over, curious to why it drew you in so. But the second you got within a foot of it, you felt your semblance activate. Not the passive part that was absorbing grimm you killed, but the actual original power of your semblance. You wouldn't mistake that feeling anywhere. The ability to absorb aura.

The glittering orange dust swirled up into the air just like the black grimm smoke that you kept passively absorbing and just like said black smoke, was sucked inside you.

You aura shimmered and flared into life around you without calling upon it, growing brighter than it ever had before and a gasp left your throat as something rushed through your veins. Not quite euphoria, but close.

It took a few moments for it to die down and you found yourself slumping down in a moment of exhaustion, "What the fuck is going on with me?" you wondered aloud.

It took a few moments before the jelly like feeling of exhaustion left your limbs and you took off into the air leaving the tower behind. While you'd love to kill that big ass dragon and drain its power too, you were pretty sure as you were, you were simply incapable of doing so even with it immobilized.

You glided through the air, overlooking the wreckage and withheld a sigh. 'Where the hell do I go from here?' you wondered.

It wasn't like you had anyone to return to. You're an orphan that wasn't close to anyone, not even your team. Well, except Weiss. And you were slightly close to Pyrrha you supposed. You did sleep with her after you found her drinking her sorrows away after that dance you weren't capable of attending because of said girl.

She'd been all depressed about that putz of a guy Arc being more interested in Weiss than her and not noticing her feelings. Granted, after that, she'd been distantly polite instead of a friendly polite, so maybe you weren't that close at all.

So that left you with Weiss alone as your only connection. And you were pretty close to Weiss. For all your personalities should have clashed, you bonded over the fact that you were both try hards, her trying to come out of the shadow of her family and you working overtime to make something of yourself.

So, when she wasn't with her team, you found yourself hanging out with Weiss, sometimes studying together in the library, sometimes going on walks. Sometimes you even watched some television together in the dorm lounge. You even comforted her when she left the same dance you did Pyrrha after, crying her eyes out because of that cunt Neptune standing her up.

Honestly, that blue haired sissy boy was lucky he didn't face you in the Vytal Tournament or you would have broken both of his legs and shoved them up his pansy ass.

Still, it wasn't like you could even just go find Weiss. Your a damn Grimm now, and she'll most likely have returned to Atlas. You'd get shot fucking down before you ever got close.

And there was no point going to Vale beyond to try and clean up the Grimm, because if Beacon is this infested, Vale will be too. So there's nothing there for you. Your shitty apartment has probably been destroyed with all the grimm running about in Vale too.

You sighed. 'God, being me really does suck.' and thus you were back to square one. Leaving you with only the offer from that wet dream grimm queen...and your revenge.

But no way you wanted to head to the Grimm Lands and find that chick, hot as fuck or not. She was totally of the bad, the Grimm Queen of badness. Who knows if she wasn't just lying about her offer and didn't just want you close so she could finish you off or something.

Technically speaking, wasn't your potential pretty much limitless at this point? It may take a fuck god awful amount of time, but with the amount of Grimm for you to kill and absorb, aren't you basically on the path to being unstoppably strong?

..Cinder apparently came from Haven now that you think about it. You could head that way and try and find some clues about her.