
Grimm Legacy

In present-day Savannah, Georgia, a seemingly ordinary man named Jacob Dustin BEFEHL awakens to a world veiled in shadows, where folklore meets reality, and the tales of the Brothers Grimm come to life in a chilling twist. Unbeknownst to Jacob, he is not just another face in the crowd, but a descendant of a line of legendary hunters known as the "Grimms." As he stumbles upon this hidden heritage, he is thrust into a dark and exhilarating journey to protect humanity from the sinister supernatural creatures lurking in the shadows.

Ayoub_AMZ · TV
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4 Chs


Jacob Dustin BEFEHL the MC.

Aisha or mama: the woman in charge of the orphanage, Aisha, or "Mama" as everyone called her, was the closest thing to a mother for Jacob. She was old-fashioned and stern.

The monsters are called "WESEN"

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