
Ballistic lotus

The next day, Atlan woke up to his Modify Memory Spore LifeSkill advancing to the 3rd stage Student realm.

He spent the 3000 required experience to advance it to the next stage. After its 7 days of consolidation period, it would become a 4th stage LifeSkill.

—Bard: (SR) Modify Memory Spore

——— Consolidating the 4th stage

———— 4x F class fragments

As usual, he went directly to the Garden Club after finishing his morning duties. He didn't mind walking 10 minutes every day because it gave him a good look at the happenings around the HeadQuarters.

As he reached the rusted gates, he saw no paper posted near the door.

Is he here today?

And as he opened the door, he saw Geminus with his white coat and signature haggard look on his face. As usual, he was watering his lilies in the pond and didn't notice Atlan approaching.

"You're here today."

"OH! You scared me there."