
Grey: Master Of The Celestials

"The universe's vastness remains a mystery, and the existence of multiverses only adds to the enigma. The origin of the universe itself is a tale untold. However, amidst the unknown, there exist beings as ancient as the universe itself - the Celestials. These powerful entities are revered as the strongest in the universe, with some considering them beasts, alien species, primordials, or even primordial gods. The truth remains shrouded in mystery. In the mortal world, a young Grey will embark on a journey, traversing the globe and experiencing the unknown. With his extraordinary talents, he will make a name for himself, striking awe and terror into the hearts of even the gods. Join Grey on his epic adventure as he achieves the impossible and rewrites the fate of the universe."

ever_grey · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Warm up

A younger fallen angel, her wings a shimmering emerald hue, approached tentatively. "How did you learn to do that?" she asked, her voice tinged with admiration. "Even our best mages struggle with such complex magic."

Grey smiled warmly at her. "It's... a long story," he began, unsure of how much to reveal about his origins. "But I've had some good teachers along the way."

A middle-aged fallen angel, with intricate patterns on his wings that glowed faintly, stepped forward next. "You must have a remarkable understanding of mana theory," he remarked, studying Grey with a keen gaze. "It takes years of study to grasp what you've accomplished."

Grey nodded thoughtfully. "I've always been fascinated by magic and its possibilities," he admitted, feeling a sense of camaraderie with these beings who shared his passion for the arcane.

Nearby, Aira and Selene watched with a mixture of pride and astonishment. Aira beamed at Grey, her eyes shining with admiration. "See, I told you he's something special," she whispered to Selene, who nodded in agreement.

Selene observed Grey with a calculating gaze, her earlier reservations giving way to a newfound respect. "Indeed," she murmured quietly. "He's proven himself more than capable."

As the fallen angels continued to express their gratitude and admiration, Grey felt a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced before in Acheron. Despite being a newcomer and a human in a realm of magical beings, he had found acceptance and respect among them.

"I hope this helps in your efforts to rebuild," Grey addressed the gathered crowd, his voice carrying a note of determination. "If there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to ask."

The fallen angels exchanged glances, their expressions filled with renewed hope and gratitude. They knew that Grey's unexpected arrival had brought with it the promise of not just recovery, but perhaps a brighter future for Acheron.

As the scene unfolded, Selene couldn't shake off the feeling of unease entirely. While Grey's actions had undoubtedly benefited the city, she remained cautious, aware of the potential risks his presence posed. Yet, for now, she chose to observe silently, contemplating the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic young human who had brought such profound change to their world.

After the initial flurry of activity, the fallen angels dispersed to their tasks, diligently rebuilding the shattered buildings and roads of Acheron. Grey and the others watched the bustling scene with a mix of admiration and determination. Amidst the rhythmic clang of tools and the distant hum of magic, Grey's expression softened into a smile, but his attention suddenly shifted, his gaze narrowing towards a distant point.

His brow creased.

"Someone formidable is approaching," he remarked quietly, his voice carrying a hint of caution.

Aira and Selene followed Grey's gaze, their eyes scanning the horizon with a growing sense of concern. The air around them seemed to thicken, the usual bustle giving way to an uneasy stillness.

"He sensed it before us," Aira mused aloud, her tone a mix of surprise and admiration.

Selene nodded, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed the situation. "Indeed," she agreed, her voice low but firm. "His intuition is sharper than I anticipated."

They exchanged a quick glance, silently acknowledging Grey's perceptiveness.

They shifted their gaze back to the sky once more.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the dark sky just above them.

The figure was tall and muscular, with four dark black wings behind his back, dark hair, and eyes with a plus sign between the Iris.

His presence emitted a deep pressure that made even Selene and Aira feel tense.

However, Grey remained composed, unchanged and calm, his gaze fixed on the figure before him.

Grey slowly raised his hand in the air and snapped his fingers.

A dome appeared and covered the three of them.

Selene and Aira exchanged looks of confusion, then turned to Grey.

Grey raised his other hand and snapped his fingers again.

Several fallen angels present glowed and a dome appeared and covered them.

Everyone was getting confused. What was happening?

Who created this magic barrier?

It was so powerful.

These were the thoughts playing inside many of the people present.

After that, when everyone was covered, an ominous silence surrounded the area. No one dared to speak.


A sound came, bringing a huge disaster with it.

A dangerous shock wave came, destroying many things with it.

Dust, blocks, trees—it was so fast and dangerous, the air was like a storm. After a few seconds, it stopped.

The commotion ended.

Silence descended on the place again.

Everyone tried to understand what was happening.

Selene and Aira had a look of understanding.

The system had already notified Selene about what was coming, but it still shocked her.

She now looked at Grey in a different light. Aira had a different expression on her face. She looked angry as she looked at the figure standing in mid-air, seemingly unfazed by what happened.

As he was the cause of such a disaster, it was clear he was not affected. This showed his power, his speed at which he traveled to come here, creating this shockwave.

"So here you are," spoke the man in a chillingly calm voice that seemed to echo through the air.

"I have been looking for you," his tone grew colder, sending a shiver down the listener's spine.

"Now I've found you, and you can't escape." His eyes gleamed with madness, a chilling intensity that betrayed his murderous intent.

The words hung heavy in the air.

Grey, initially perplexed by the man's cryptic words and intense gaze, remained indifferent to the sudden turn of events. He couldn't fathom why he was being targeted in such a manner but chose to maintain his composed demeanor.

As the man vanished into thin air, Grey calmly adjusted his grip on the hilt of his katana, prepared for any potential threat that might follow. The arrival of Aira and Selene did little to disturb his stoic resolve.

When the man reappeared and collided with Aira and Selene, creating a resounding boom that threw them backward, Grey observed the scene with detached curiosity. His expression remained unchanged, betraying neither surprise nor concern.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Grey stood poised and ready, his indifference serving as a shield against the escalating tension and uncertain motives surrounding him.

"Damien, why are you attacking?" Aira demanded, her voice laced with anger and confusion.

"Miss , he is a human" Damien answered.

"So what? Do you think I didn't know about this?" Aira replied coldly, her tone cutting through the tension like ice.

"If you knew about him, young miss, why are you associating with this person?" Damien questioned, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"I—" Aira began to respond, but Damien interjected sharply, "His Majesty, your father, had issued an order for me to catch him."

"Why? Has he done anything?" Aira questioned firmly.

"No, miss, but it's His Majesty's order. You don't know how much of a threat it is to us by allowing a person of another race inside our world," Damien responded solemnly, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Damien, his celestial wings tattered and dimmed, faced Grey with an air of detachment that mirrored Grey's own composed demeanor. Without a word, Grey leaped forward, a blur of motion, his movements swift and precise. Damien countered with a fluid grace, deflecting Grey's strikes with calculated ease.

Grey's hands moved like lightning, weaving through the air to summon orbs of elemental energy. Damien responded with a disciplined martial arts stance, channeling dark energy into swift, controlled strikes. Their movements created a symphony of clashes and evasions, each anticipating the other's next move with a calm resolve.

The chamber echoed with the sound of their duel, a dance of power and strategy unfurling in silence. Grey's elemental orbs exploded on impact, sending shockwaves through the air, while Damien's bursts of celestial light illuminated the darkness around them, advantage that Fallen Angels possess was their ability to harness both light and dark magic simultaneously.

Despite the intensity of their conflict, neither Grey nor Damien showed signs of emotion. Their faces were masks of concentration, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with the flow of battle. Each strike and parry was executed with precision and economy of motion.

Grey moved with a blur, his body swift and fluid as he wielded his katana with expert precision.

Damien, in response, summoned his spear with calm determination, meeting Grey's attacks with measured skill.

Their exchange unfolded in a dance of steel and magic, each anticipating the other's moves with uncanny intuition. The clash of their weapons echoed through the arena until finally, they both stepped back, standing a few meters apart.

"It was a good warm-up," Grey remarked nonchalantly, cracking his knuckles as he spoke.

Damien raised an eyebrow at Grey's casual demeanor.

Aira, Selene, and the onlookers stood in stunned silence. What they had witnessed seemed impossible—a battle between a fallen angel and a human wielding both swordplay and powerful magic.

They weren't surprised by Damien's proficiency in combat, but Grey's prowess with a blade alongside his mastery of magic left them awestruck. They had never known Grey to be such a skilled swordsman in addition to his formidable magical abilities.