
Grey Fortune

When planet Earth and Humans were at a verge of extinction, some entities known as the Greyes, appeared to the humans and promised them a new home to start a new. Humans found themselves in a new home where they can finally start a new, but they are not the only inhabitants of this new home.

Veinti3eis · Sci-fi
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30 Chs


● Graviton

Exact Location: Lens 24r Street

"It is not too late to do the right thing…" Leo Silas stood in the middle of the road as he spoke his words. His words were just as urgent as always.

"We don't have to wait for the Star Lord! It is the Greyes we are believers of not some coward who is married to a human," he stopped one of the many cars that were passing by and walked up to the window.

"Make your own decisions and save yourself from the punishment of the Greyes, act now…" the driver hissed and drove off before he could finish his sentence.

Leo shook his head and stopped to catch his breath before starting again. "Humans are a disease, a plague, their sins will engulf us all if we don't do something about them, think of the young ones, think of the many beautiful things you could do, think of those we have already lost."

"Hear me! Hear my words!"


Exact Location: A nearby house.

"Who the fuck is that man, and what the fuck has he been yapping on about?" Logan, the leader of the Other Wolders questioned while looking at the gray-haired man who continued to rant about the end of the world.

The green-haired girl, Selene looked at her brother who was still tied to a chair before replying. "His name is Leo Silas, a Believer who believes humans are the reason the zone is currently moving towards other space."

Logan scoffed and stood up straight. "And no one has killed him yet?"

"That is because he even insults the Star-Lord and nothing happens to him, so people believe he was made to say the things he does by the Star-Lord himself, his sudden disappearance will probably make things more difficult."

The dark yellow-eyed man nodded understanding. "That's not our problem anyways, we've got bigger fish to fry." He slipped his hands into his pocket and started taking some steps closer to Selene.

"Do you have it? Or have you accepted to die instead?"

She slipped her hand into her pocket and took out the box of Artificial Intelligence given to her by her father and placed it on Logan's hand. "There's three hundred Artificial intelligence inside."

The leader of the Other Worlders opened the box to confirm. "If it's not legit, I'm coming back for you and your brother," he said before waving at the huge man in his squad. "Let him go."

They untied the girl's brother's hand before making their way towards the exit. "Pleasure doing business with you, let's hope we never cross paths agai…"

"Let me work for you," she blurted out before they made it out of the house.

The yellow-eyed man veered around while putting a cigarette in his mouth. "I already have someone who can speak the Grey Language, you'll just be a dead weight." He took out a lighter and lit the cigarette.

"I can help with getting information from the Star Villa…"

"I already have a reliable source from the Villa, very reliable I'll tell you that, so there's no need for any addition," he chipped.

"Please, I'm also good with computers, I can help you with many other things, let me be a part of the course that will lead humans to the top again."

Logan removed the cigarette from his mouth and sucked his teeth. "It seems your human blood is stronger." He stopped and pondered his options for a while before speaking.

"Alright then, Selene is it?--- just stay put and I'll contact you when I need you."

A smile flushed over her face. "Yes, of course."


Exact Location: The Star Lord's Villa.

Zephyr sat on his chair on a balcony, taking periodic sips of his drink as he waited for his guest to arrive. A few minutes later, Dahila returned to the balcony with a blue-eyed pale-skinned lady.

"Ms. Jericho, welcome… please, sit." He pointed to a chair next to him and the pink-haired lady moved towards it.

"Please, you don't have to be so formal, just call me Nyx."

Zephyr shot her a smile. "You are hundreds of years older than me, of course, I'd be formal."

"Fine then… what is it you wish to speak to me about?"

The white-haired man stood up on his feet and slowly paced around the balcony. "What is your purpose?" He questioned while looking down the balcony.

The pink-haired lady named Nyx furrowed and looked up at Dahila before resting her blue eyes on the Star Lord's Heir. "I don't quite understand the question."

Zephyr veered around. "It's simple, what do you hope to achieve by convincing my father to rally the Heavenly Protectors to become Sweepers?" He asked.

"Oh, that…" she paused and took a sip of the drink that was served to her. "I simply want for us to retrieve the Inner Core is all."

"Please, I know you have something hidden that you want, and I want to know what."

The owner of JERICHO chuckled softly. "I've told you, I only look to regain our lost lands," she revealed. "You are well aware of the riches we had at the Inner Core before the appearance of the gas, this villa used to be at the Inner Core even--- that is all I want and your father seems to see things as I do."

Zephyr narrowed his eyes at her. He scoffed and picked up his glass from the table, taking a sip of his drink. "I see. Well, then I hope you succeed in your future endeavors." He dropped the cup and walked away.




● Satellite

Exact Location: Zone Protection Wall.

Liam walked into the locker room where they were to change into their Bio-suit with the newbie following behind him.

"Hi everyone, I'm James Harrison, and I am looking forward to working along side all of you," he blurted before Liam could even say a word.

The light brown-haired man pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"Are you a New Blood?" Thomas questioned.

The light red-haired boy nodded yes. "I am eighteen, old enough to make my decisions without the interference of my parents," he said with a wide smile.

"Have you ever been inside the Forbidden Zone?" Zara probed.

"Thrice, in a simulation, and I believe I have acquired much knowledge to be just as good as an Old-born and have more experience than a Sweeper that has been inside the Forbidden Zone a couple hundred times."

Zara shook her head and continued fixing her suit.

"Come on guys," Cole chipped and wrapped his hand around the New Blood's shoulder, leading him to where a Bio-suit was hung. "suit up, we are living soon."

He then moved to where the three were standing. "I am disappointed in you three."

"Mr. Jenkins, it's not us and you know it," Thomas said.

"At least see what he can do before you judge him," he chipped.

"You saw how terribly we all did on our first day, and that is with solo raid experience," Zara added.

The teal green-eyed man stepped forward. "As much as I hate to say this, Zara is right, at least he should skip this mission out, we are not installing a Luminaire stick, this is a 'code Re-Decrypt' mission, we don't need a recruit on this mission."

"If Daniel put him on, then I'm sure he's qualified."

"Err… Mr Jenkins." The four turned to see the new kid in their group struggling to fix his suit. Cole turned back to them with a disappointed smile.

"I'll watch him myself then," he stated.


The Greyes granted humans temporary immortality during their travels to Grey Land which was a four hundred years journey.

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