
Grey’s Obsession

Billionaire, Grey Carter grows heartless after watching his mother murdered in cold blood, his thirst for revenge makes him push everybody away much to his father's dismay. Mr Carter(Grey's father) has tried to make Grey fall in love for years but failed and finally decided to give him an ultimatum, get married for one year or loose the family business.Grey offers Bella Casey who had just being fired from work and was in desperate need of money a contract marriage because she has to pay off the loan shark she was owing. Will this contracted marriage lead to word full of love and roses for Bella? Or a life full of trials?Will Grey Carter finally have his revenge?

Joy_Ledum · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Grey had just walked in to find Mr Curt waiting for him I'm the hallways, with the contract in hand.

"Good morning sir" the man greeted me standing up. "I wanted to do the honors of bringing it over myself"

"Thank you" he replied, leading the man over to his office. Ignoring Katrina's greeting.

"Sir with all due respect" His lawyer starred as soon as the door to his office closed making him sigh.

"Don't you think this amount in payment is far too large for a contract marriage?" Mr Curt questioned, ignoring Grey's nonchalance.

"It's my money" he replied sharply, sitting down.

"On your way out, tell my receptionists to send Miss Bella in" he instructed, implying the man should leave. Taking the hint the man got up quietly bowing a little before leaving.

Bella had just returned from the cafeteria as she usually did every morning,when she was informed that Mr Grey wanted to see her.

Her heart jumped to her mouth.

She would come very early in the morning to clean, quickly getting breakfast before Mr Grey arrived. But today, he came earlier than usual and must have needed her for the small errands he usually had her run.

With shaky hands, she knocked on Grey's door wearing a white sundress that had sunflower petals running all across it.

"You asked to see me sir?" She asked, waiting by the door for Grey to usher her in.

"Come in" he instructed, still reading the contract that was placed on his table this morning as he had asked.

"Good morning sir" Bella greeted waking in, in slow steps. Her hair was in a messy bun and her Green eyes very visible. Grey pointed at the chair In Front of him not even looking up at her.

Bella sat down quietly feeling like she was about to be scolded, she tried studying him but she couldn't fathom what was going on in his head.

"D-did I do something wrong sir?" she decided to ask, breaking the silence.

"I did a background check on you" Grey replied now looking up at her. "You're 40,000$ down in debt" he continued throwing her file towards her.

She peeped into the file the realization setting in"I assure you sir, it won't affect my work in any way" she replied waving her hand in the air.

She had forgotten how influential Grey was and was scared she would loose her job over this.

"I didn't say that" Grey stated sitting up. "I have a proposal that would help you pay your debt"

Bella stared at him surprised. Why would he be offering to help a lowly nobody like her. "What is it sir?" She questioned hesitantly.

The side of his lips switched into a smile watching her expectant expression. "Marry me"

"W-what?" She sputtered with wide eyes. "You... Mr Grey Carter w-wants to marry me?" She questioned.

"It's a contract" he replied again unfazed by her shock. "I need to be married for a year to get my father off my back, and I could help you pay your debt in return," he explained bluntly.

Bella looked at him stunned.

"So it's not a real marriage?" She asked.

"No. We just have to look real In Front of my father, and the camera"

"That means no sex?" She asked again, looking directly at him, the sexual tension sky plummeting as she asked that.

She had never thought about him like that, but there was absolutely no doubt in her mind she was attracted to him. Anyone would.

"I don't know about that" Grey replied honestly. "You would be my wife, contract or not and you would need to fulfill my desires.

"I-I. Why me?" Bella questioned quietly.

Grey shrugged pushing the contract towards her. "You're the most convenient person right now, and we both have nothing to lose"

Bella looked at him as she picked up the contract slowly reading through it. It was very tempting and was assured financial liberation till she died but her pride couldn't allow it.

She had always wanted a fairytale life, that she would get married to the love of her life and live happily ever after. She didn't want to tie herself to a contract just because she was vulnerable.

"Sir, I really appreciate the offer" she said, looking up at him. "But I would like to decline"

Grey stared at her as soon as the words left her mouth, the silence filling the room. He had never been turned down by a woman before, and he definitely wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked his eyes never leaving hers. "Yes sir"

"Then you should know I never take "No" for an answer"

She lowered her eyes trying not to let Grey's stare intimidate her, but she was failing woefully.

"Tell me, how did you get into so much debt?" He questioned even though he knew the answer.

"I had an emergency," Bella replied quietly.

"And according to what I see here, you're being threatened?" He stated tapping on the contract intimidatingly, his eyes never living her's. "If you were serious you'd jump on my offer. Beggars can't be choosers" he added making Bella shudder.

Bella knew deep down this was the best arrangement, but didn't want to back down now and loose her pride. "Sir I hope I won't lose my job over this" she asked.

"No" he replied sharply, still staring at her. His eyes looking over her, the intimidation not faltering from his face.

"Thank you sir"

"I don't a word about this meeting outside" he warned getting up to full height, making Bella scared.

He came over to the other side of his desk standing a foot away from her, his eyes glued to here and he could see her shift in her chair.

She definitely wanted him as much as he did her.

"Yes sir" she nodded before getting up. "And thank you for the top" she said before practically sprinting away, towards his door.

"And Isabella?" He called, making her turn to look at him.

"I am assuming this meeting was overwhelming for you and giving you till the end of this week to make a decision.

"Y-yes sir" she replied before running out.

Grey wasn't expecting her to accept it immediately, but he wasn't expecting her to outrightly say no either.

But he wanted her, and he was going to get her.