
Grenree island: light-years away from home

Four fourteen-year-old boys suddenly find themselves in another world. To return to reality, they will face many challenges that the dimension they are trapped in will impose on them.

JaneTheSoldier · Action
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16 Chs

Chapter 3


When I was one step away from Jane, I realized it was too late.

I had been deceived: instead of the girl, there was a humanoid monster, with a skin of different shades of purple, like the flowers around it.

He was deformed, with three disproportionate heads, fixed directly on his shoulders, as if he did not need a neck or any other support model.

About two meters tall, he had a cylindrical and massive body. His ears were missing, his eyebrows were missing, he had one eye on the first head, three on the other two. He had no knees and his abdomen was barely visible, hidden by the lower limbs. In short, he had a mysterious and disturbing aspect, and he had a sad, resentful air towards humans and other creatures. He walked strangely, with light steps, despite his unbalanced build and, looked around cautiously, as if he were also looking for our mate, but without good intentions, but to ambush her.

Could he have been a keeper? Who would ever have enlisted such hideous beings?

If he existed, and he was there, he would have had to serve some purpose.

Which did not reassure me at all, on the contrary, it only contributed to increasing the tension, fear and, anguish that had tormented me for some time now.

Perhaps that was precisely his goal: to get me excited.

His twisted smile almost left me stunned and, for about two seconds, I watched him. Did I felt ... how to say? Surprised, afraid, stuck, but perfectly conscious.

I've never seen one like it before.

I wanted to escape, but my legs wouldn't let me. At that moment, I realized I was in danger.

The "being" became aware of my presence and left to attack without thinking twice, approaching me quickly emitting strange sounds.

For a moment, it lit up to yellow.

He dropped an object on the ground, similar to a suitcase.

The object exploded.

My head was spinning, I heard someone calling me in the distance.

I closed my eyes.

Fortunately, I don't remember anything else.


I was badly injured, but about a quarter of an hour later it even felt like I was getting stronger than I was before.


«It's my fault, forgive me. If I hadn't gone too far, you'd be fine now, "I whispered to my partner, lying on a makeshift mat in the shade, with his head and shoulders resting on a tree trunk. His eyes were narrowed and his lips curled in a slight smile.

"That's okay, I'll recover soon," he said back, dragging on his words, out of breath.

"Do you think that, if you had stayed with us, the same would have happened?" JoyGuida04 objected, absently rolling her eyes.

"No, I could have avoided it somehow though."

I kept walking, looking away from time to time, or staring at it on a large expanse of sand, convinced that all the greatest thoughts were conceived while walking.

"You are wrong! Sooner or later we would have to go to the forest to collect wood. Then yes it would. Yes, yes. And, of course, someone would have died! " our companion exclaimed.

"It's over now, everything is fine. At least, now we are aware that we cannot go out alone, especially in the evening, "Samuele intervened cautiously.

My eyes burned.

I was convinced that I would cry even if I had them made of glass.

I felt at fault, guilty towards a boy who did not deserve to suffer and I felt a deep hatred towards those deceptive creatures: there was one, who can tell me that there would be no others?

I promised myself that I would always kill them as soon as the opportunity arose.

As I thought about how to get rid of the monsters, I remembered the real reason for my sudden departure: I was looking for wood to build a shelter and craft objects.

I should have warned my companions. I had only known them for a short time, so I didn't. I thought they didn't care about my existence, but I was wrong.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Joy was the first to notice my absence, Francis the first to come looking for me, and Samuel ... the first to defend me.

Still, something told me not to warn them. After all, I didn't know them well yet, and I didn't imagine these could be their reactions.

JaneSoldier3856 (for her friends Jane of hers) made the materials she needed. With sticks, she began to dig the ground below.


«Samuel! Instead of talking to the sheep, come and give us a hand! " I exclaimed, quickly removing the annoying gravel that prevented me from proceeding with the work.

«But they are so beautiful! And then remember that we need beds, so shear them ... "

"Ahah! Too late!!!!" a girl said, even before Samuel finished the sentence.

Joy killed the harmless plump animals that Samucava 2005 liked so much, those animals with two beautiful black eyes and their candid and very soft white wool ...

(Sam always exaggerates in descriptions).

"Joy, what have you done!?!?" the boy yelled, terrified.

"Eheh, at least now we have some wool. And we don't owe shears, "the girl replied as if she hadn't just committed a murder.

"Have you finished crying? From now on we will split the roles: Joy will go hunting and fishing, while Samuel will collect everything he deems essential for survival, such as wood and seeds. Jas and I will go to the mine and start building a bunker. We will find ourselves at sunset in the place where we spawned, perhaps in front of a bonfire ».


What if we don't get back in time? " asked someone behind me, who I later discovered was Jane.

Since we were there, he seemed to worry about every single thing and calculate all the unexpected that could have happened in an entire day.

«Don't look for us. We will manage somehow. But first, you need some food, "I replied, as I climbed the rudimentary staircase that had been created by removing the stones.


While Joy and Sam hunted, I was digging with Francis to build an underground shelter to stay a little safe.

In my honest opinion, to go to the mine he would certainly have brought Samuel with him, as a man, who, however, could not bear the fatigue and was afraid of the dark; or Joy, but he claimed she was better suited to cooking and supervising Samuel and what she was up to.

I think he thought, "If we split up in pairs and leave Jasmine with Sam, they'll surely get lost before they even start working" or something like that.

At that moment, however, I didn't particularly care to know exactly what was going through Francis' head.