
Greg Tales

The United States of America, also known as the United States (US) or America. A country composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. The third most populous country in the world. The world's oldest surviving federation. A major superpower in all sectors of development. A seemingly indestructible nation. But then the civil war occurred. The pro-president and anti-president factions collided in which it seemed like the anti-president faction was emerging victorious. But the tides changed when the president sided with a vicious organization and gained the power of the supreme leader. He died soon after, leaving his son in charge. But he made a law that bans the use of firearms to the people of USA. America was rag-dolled. The country which boasted tremendous power turned into a mere puppet of this so-called dangerous organisation. In the streets where the MC lives in, he could see many arrogant outsiders carrying arms, but he himself wasn’t allowed to. And thus began the journey of Greg Shepherd, the job hunter and his friends. Basically he's the Ultimate Job Hunter! Credits for the images on the cover: yellow-brown png from pngtree.com hand-painted png from pngtree.com cool-girl png from pngtree.com yellow-brown png from pngtree.com

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Missing Case

Greg was in the top of the world—or someone who knows about the past few days of his would think so. But Greg was concerned. Two extra people in the household meant more expenses. And Greg can't handle heavy expenses with his lifestyle and job. He dwelled on that thought while reading the new issue of his favorite comic.

"So, what do you do when you're not out here reading comic books?" Kelly, who sat beside him awkwardly, asked.

Greg looked at her, but chose not to reply since she was disturbing his reading time. Kelly couldn't hold on to the mistreatment. Seeing the flares of anger in Kelly's eyes, Sean, who was cleaning the apartment, headed towards Greg. "I think it'd be better for you if you answer her question."

Greg saw what Sean saw and held out his phone, "I get job requests and I do them." Kelly took his phone and surfed through it. Greg had an app dedicated to himself. Seeing Greg smile weirdly—it was creepy in her eyes.

"What is this?" Kelly showed him the glaring lollipop symbol in the app.

Greg took the phone back. "It means that I have a job. Sorry, I have to go." Greg placed the comic back on the table nearby and hurried.

Sean noticed Greg's hurry. He wanted to know what kind of jobs Greg does. "Wait! Can I come with you?" He asked.

Greg thought for a moment and agreed. He offered Kelly to come along but Kelly declined. But thinking about how she'd be lonely, Kelly decided to go along with them. And surprisingly, the car started moving on the first try as they headed towards their destination.


Ten minutes north of their apartment was the destination. Greg was the first to get out—he decided not to properly park or even turn off his old car since he trusted his car to break down if he did so. The amount of diesel lost would just be a small price to pay. He thought of buying an eco-friendly car, but he erased the notion from his head since he was flat broke.

Greg knocked on the door and they were welcomed in by the maid of the house. The client, who was seated in the couch, asked them to get comfortable as well.

"So, missing person. How is he related to you?" Greg asked.

"He's my son. Been missing for a few days. Initially, I thought he was just partying with friends, but it's just too long now. He's never gone anywhere for these much days." He explained the situation.

Sean listened to it alongside Greg, but Kelly wasn't interested. She was walking by the hallway, when she saw a cute big dog. She went towards the dog, but the maid stopped her, saying that it was dangerous and that the dog is hostile towards everyone. But Kelly didn't care as she got close to the dog and patted his head. The client witnessed this scene and was amazed.

"I'm really sorry for my daughter's behavior." Greg apologized for Kelly's action.

But the client didn't mind. He was just baffled. "No! Don't apologize. This is so bizarre. The dog doesn't interact with anybody and yet it seems comfortable with your daughter."

Kelly continued playing with the dog when another one came in. "what are their names?" She asked.

"The one near you is Saddler. And the other one is his mother Lily." The client replied. "Lily is really friendly though."

Kelly gazed at Lily and saw the marks in her body—as if someone bashed her. She felt that in Saddler's body too, but chose not to ask. "Saddler's kind of a dumb name, isn't it?"

"Ah, my son named it. So I wouldn't know!" The client laughed.

Greg stood up; so did Sean. "Okay, I guess we got all we want. But I want to ask you one thing. Is your son involved with any kind of drug dealings?"

The client was distorted for a second. Greg felt the uneasiness coming from his client. The client laughed it off. "No! Nothing like that, I reckon. You were about to go, right?"

"Yea, let's go Kelly." Kelly stood up on hearing Greg's voice and they headed towards the exit. The client bid them farewell as they got into the car.

"So, what do you think?" Sean asked Greg who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Eh? Well, we will be having a long day checking all those illegal drug trafficking in the city." Greg replied as he revved the engine.

"But the client said that his son doesn't deal with drugs. Then why?" Sean questioned Greg.

"Are you stupid or what? Didn't you see the slight hesitation while he replied to that question?" This time, it was Kelly who taunted Sean. He felt ashamed and chose not to talk anymore.

"It seemed like you noticed it too." Greg smiled as he looked at her. Kelly looked away.

"How are we going to get the info on drug dealers and stuff?" Kelly asked, still looking away.

"Well, I do have a group of people in mind." Greg smiled as he hit the accelerator.


A peaceful day in the vicinity of NYPD. No crimes were reported that day—no crimes were reported in the past few days after the altercation of the crime lords with the devil himself. Yuki was happy. Even though Oleg and Harry were in each other's throat, since Harry is injured, the intensity of the fight was lower than the other days. Everything seemed fine, until the old car that wreaks havoc showed up in front of their gate. At that moment, he knew that it was going to be a rough day.

Greg honked several times at the gate until Yuki let them in. The three of them got out of the car to receive a hostile welcome. Rather, Oleg was the only one who seemed normal.

"How are you, Greg the hunter?" Oleg asked as he welcomed him and Sean. However he stopped at Kelly. "Something about you irks me!"

"What the fuck do you want? Wanna pick a fight, huh?" Kelly got to his face. Oleg's face twitched without rest.

"Couldn't ask for more!" Oleg smiled and pulled out a gun. Kelly grabbed Yuki's gun from his holster. They both had guns pointed at each other. Yuki ran away.

A fight ensued in NYPD's yard. Kelly and Oleg were in each other's throats. Some concerned officials went to report it to their vice-captain. Others didn't care, since Oleg was powerful and they were sure about his easy win.

However, they were wrong. Both of them had equal footing—hell, Kelly was one step ahead in pure strength, while Oleg had some pretty sick skills.

"Hey, shouldn't we stop them?" Sean was concerned. Kelly was fighting a police official. It was bound to cause them trouble.

"Let the kids fight." Greg wasn't concerned for some odd reasons.

"GREG SHEPHERD! Why the fuck are you here?" Harry heard about the fight and came in his wheelchair to see someone destroy Oleg, but seeing Greg just pissed him off.

"Wow! HARRY THOMPSON! How's your injury, huh? Crybaby!" Greg laughed at him. Sean didn't understand why his family was so hostile towards the police.

"Someone give me a gun! I want to blow his head off." Harry screamed. No one dared to give a gun to the man in the wheelchair. Greg laughed and poked Harry's nose. Harry jumped at him from the wheelchair and scratched his face. They both rolled around in the ground, one upping each other by scratching their faces. Everyone around were unsure on how to stop these fights, including Sean.

"What the bloody hell is going on around here?" A thunderous voice emerged which stopped all four from fighting. Yes, it was the man with utmost dignity and respect in the department. It was their captain, Kevon—buck naked.


Alo there, it's me Greg! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This was a normal one. Anyways, have a good day!

The_Chimpcreators' thoughts