
green stone 3

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sorasword123 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 7: I've got to go

"We're leave this world aren't we?" Key asked as he walked over to her

"Yes everyone is that is like us." Louvre said

Key turned around and ran to Slain.

"I don't want to go." Key said as he started crying

"Don't worry we will still remember each other." Slain said

Then they started to hear a noise.

"What is the world is that noise?" Slain asked

"I guess that's our que to leave?" Key asked

Then there was a light that shone from the machine. They all started to glow (even lupin and the others around the world).

"I'll miss everyone." Slain said

Then they all faded away. Slain walked out and crying as well.

You can guess what happens next and thank you for reading Green stone books 1-3.