
Green River and Lake

ntr netorare netorase

742894572 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 7

Under the moonlight, Wang Cheng was sleeping soundly with a beautiful young woman in his arms, looking contented. 

The young woman has a pretty face and a slender figure, she is a rare beauty. 

She was held in Wang Cheng's arms, looking at the man who had just fucked her with tender eyes. 

She was once chaste and virtuous, but now she has been completely conquered by this man. 

Although Wang Cheng was short and mean, and had no respect for her, his thick cock and the strong masculine scent he exuded made her feel very comfortable. 

After being fucked by Wang Cheng several times, this beautiful young woman who devoted herself to her husband and son is now willing to be fucked by him. 

"Although in your eyes, I am just a toy that you throw aside after playing with, but I don't regret becoming your woman. Although I know that we are just a fleeting love, I still hope that you will come to me more often in the future. As long as you want, it doesn't matter if I betray my husband and continue to be raped by you." The young woman gently touched Wang Cheng's face and whispered. 

Of course, Wang Cheng, who was already asleep, didn't hear her words at all. 

Just as the young woman was staring at Wang Cheng infatuatedly and secretly vowing to betray her husband for him, an eagle cry sounded. 

Afterwards, the young woman, who had a good cultivation level, heard a sound of breaking wind coming, and many people fell from the sky. 

When those people landed, the young woman had already put on her bellyband and underwear, and covered herself with a tulle. 

After gently shaking Wang Cheng awake, Wang Cheng looked at the young woman with dissatisfaction. 

"Wang Lang, hide well and don't come out! The people who injured my father-in-law and husband still don't intend to let us go, they are chasing us again. You saved my father-in-law and husband, I am afraid they will be angry with you, so you must hide well and don't come out." said the young woman. 

While she was talking, the young woman's keen hearing had already detected that the intruders had surrounded Zhuangzi. 

After hearing what the young woman said, Wang Cheng was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. 

The young woman's father-in-law is a local hero in the late Xiantian stage, and her husband is also a master in the early Xiantian stage. They were able to beat them severely and nearly die. How could she fight against them? 

The timid man rolled off the gorgeous bed without hesitation and crawled under the bed. 

When he found that the young woman was looking at him with a look of hesitation, he was afraid that if she stayed too long, he would be implicated, so he impatiently wanted to drive her away. 

"Why are you still standing here? Do you want to kill me? Get out of here!" Wang Cheng scolded the young woman in a low voice. 

Hearing that the man who had just fucked her was driving her to death in order to save her life, the young woman did not feel pain or loss in her heart, because she already knew what kind of person the man who took away her virginity and made her a slut was. 

After smiling at Wang Cheng, the young woman squatted down and faced Wang Cheng, then looked at him infatuatedly. 

"Wang Lang, I can't serve you anymore, what a pity. I like being your woman, but I love my husband. Today I will die with him. I hope I can see you again in the next life and be your woman!" After saying that, the young woman gave Wang Cheng a passionate wet kiss, and then turned and left. 

Wang Cheng looked at the young woman's back as she left and opened his mouth slightly, then whispered: "What a pity, I finally got a high-quality bitch and now she's gone. But it doesn't matter, with my dick and medical skills, there will be plenty of women for me to play with in the future." After that, he immediately got under the bed. 

"You beasts from Wanshou Manor! Now that you are here, stop hiding! Others may be afraid of you, but we in Juxian Manor are not! Come out, let's fight to the death!" A powerful voice shouted. 

"Are you not afraid? Hahaha... If you are not afraid, how come there are only five of you left in such a huge Juxian Manor?" a sinister voice mocked. 

"Hey! Wu Juxin, why did your wife and daughter-in-law come out wearing so little? Were you having sex just now? No! You and your son have been castrated by us!" said another cold voice. 

"Could it be that the miracle doctor you found not only healed your internal injuries, but also reattached your penis?" another voice said in surprise. 

"I don't think so! If the dick is gone, it's gone. Maybe the father and son's wives hooked up with other men and just had sex with them!" said the sinister voice. 

"Ah? She hooked up with another man to have sex with? Could it be that the virtuous wives praised by the world, the wife of the owner of Juxian Manor, Wei Jinhuan, and the young wife, Jin Huijuan, are sluts who hooked up with wild men because their husbands' dicks are useless?" the obscene voice said. 

Wu Juxin and his son were so angry that they were shaking all over, while their wives were a little shy. 

Fortunately, Wu Juxin and his son were watching the invading enemy, otherwise they would have noticed that his wife's expression was not right. 

The two housekeepers, whom they trusted deeply, stared at their mistress infatuatedly, their eyes filled with the determination to die for her. 

"You three beasts, you dare to come to Juxian Manor and run wild. Even if you really destroy Juxian Manor, do you think you can escape the pursuit of the righteous?" Wu Juxin, who had just recovered from a serious injury, looked pale. 

Although the injury is no longer dangerous, the pain of castration cannot be recovered in a short time. 

"You beasts from Wanshou Manor! I will fight you to death tonight and make you pay the price!" Wu Qiming, who was castrated like his father, said with gritted teeth. 

Losing his manhood was a fate worse than death for him. 

He felt extremely distressed when he thought that he could no longer enjoy his wife's charming body. 

However, thinking of his beloved wife, his expression could not help but warm up. When he turned to look at his wife, he found that she was looking at him lovingly. 

"Husband! Tonight we will live and die together!" Jin Huijuan said lightly, her gentle tone revealing her determination to risk her life. 

"Hahaha...live and die together? Do you think it's up to you to choose? All the men in Juxian Manor must die! And your women, hehe! You have to be our female animals. After all the men in Wanshou Manor have fucked you, we will throw you to the animals to fuck and become mothers to breed offspring. This is the punishment for you killing the young master of Wanshou Manor." said the cold voice. 

When the people from Wanshou Manor and Juxian Manor were confronting each other, neither side knew that I was floating above them in my spirit body. 

Not far away, my mother-in-law, who had received my instructions, was rushing over using her Qinggong skills. 

Qingyao, who was running slower, was running from a farther distance, carrying his father-in-law, who had lost all his power. 

Seeing the scene in Juxian Manor, I felt a little anxious because I was afraid they would start fighting too early. 

Wu Juxin is a master of the late Xiantian period, but he has just recovered from a serious injury, so it is good enough that he can exert the combat power of the middle Xiantian period. 

Wu Qiming can only exert the strength of the peak of the mortal realm now. 

At this time, the fighting power of their father and son was not even as good as that of his wife. At least Wei Jinhuan had the strength of the perfect middle stage of Xiantian, and Jin Huijuan could also exert the strength of the early stage of Xiantian. 

Their main opponents, the Three Poisonous Beasts, are all masters of the late Xiantian stage. 

Among the dozens of subordinates they brought with them, several were in the middle stage of Xiantian, and quite a few were in the early stage of Xiantian. 

In order to end this battle without any injuries and to completely destroy Juxian Manor, Wanshou Manor sent out an overwhelming force. 

At this time, the Three Poisonous Beasts were confronting the people from Juxian Manor, while the men brought by the Three Poisonous Beasts were searching in the rooms of Juxian Manor. 

They wanted to find other people from Juxian Manor, but unfortunately, Juxian Manor had already dismissed all the villagers. 

If the housekeeper had not wanted to live and die with the mistress he secretly loved, he would have been dismissed along with the others, leaving only Wu Juxin's family in the manor. 

The people in Juxian Manor also knew the purpose of the people in Wanshou Manor rummaging around in the manor, but they had no ability to stop them, nor did they have the intention to stop them. After all, they were the only ones left in the entire Juxian Manor, and they were about to fight to the death with Wanshou Manor, so why should they care about them rummaging through their own house? 

Wu Juxin and Wu Qiming didn't care, but Wei Jinhuan and Jin Huijuan were very scared because they knew Wang Cheng was still inside. 

After Wang Cheng cured Wu Juxin and his son, he stayed behind without telling them and fucked Wei Jinhuan and her daughter-in-law for several days, making them surrender to his big cock. 

Wei Jinhuan even followed Wang Cheng's orders and used her body to serve Wu Tang, the housekeeper who had been loyal to her for many years and had always had a crush on her. 

If the other servants in the mansion had not been dismissed, who knows how many men the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would have been fucked by according to Wang Cheng's orders. 

Wei Jinhuan and her mother-in-law didn't want Wang Cheng to be found, not because they were afraid that their affair with Wang Cheng would be exposed, but because they sincerely didn't want Wang Cheng to die with them. 

To Wang Cheng, Wei Jinhuan and his wife have long been devoted to each other. 

Although their hearts still loved their husbands, their bodies had already surrendered to Wang Cheng. 

They were willing to accompany their husbands to the grave, but they wanted Wang Cheng, the man who had taken away their virginity and given them unprecedented pleasure, to live. 

As wives, they loved their husbands, and as women, they were deeply infatuated with Wang Cheng. 

Wei Jinhuan and his wife hoped that Wang Cheng could escape, but with Wang Cheng's level of cultivation, how could he possibly avoid the detection of the masters of Wanshou Manor? 

When he was brought out by an early Xiantian and two mortal realm masters, Wei Jinhuan and his wife did not hide their worries at all. 

Meanwhile, my mother-in-law finally arrived. 

Just as my mother-in-law was about to draw her knife and rush into the village, I sent a message to stop her. 

"Wait a minute! This is a good opportunity for you to learn about the kind of man you will serve in the future!" 

After listening to me, my mother-in-law gave up the idea of ​​going directly to the confrontation site and quietly landed on a remote roof in Juxian Village, intending to see what happened next. 

She chose a good position, so that she could join the battle immediately once it started. 

When she saw how Wei Jinhuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were dressed, she couldn't help but feel excited, because she was wearing the same clothes as them, wearing a bellyband and underwear and a thin gauze. 

The only difference was that the gauze worn by the mother-in-law was red, while the gauze worn by Wei Jinhuan was white. 

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm not from Juxian Village, I'm not from Juxian Village!" Wang Cheng, who was being dragged, kept begging for mercy with a trembling voice. 

At this moment, he no longer had the confidence to play with women. 

Facing the vicious man, his behavior fully illustrates what cowardice is. 

"Eh? Why hasn't Doctor Wang left yet? And... why is he naked?" Wu Juxin asked in confusion. 

Hearing Wu Juxin's doubts, Wei Jinhuan and her daughter-in-law blushed immediately and then sighed slightly. 

They knew that they could no longer hide the fact that they had sex with Wang Cheng. 

With Wang Cheng's courage, let alone keeping the secret, he would reveal everything if threatened by others. 

After taking a look at their husbands, their eyes were filled with guilt, but they did not regret it. 

Wu Juxin's doubts were shared by the Three Poisonous Beasts. After they looked at Wei Jinhuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they immediately had a guess in their minds. 

They were already preparing to take action, but decided to humiliate the enemy once more. 

So the sinister man asked Wang Cheng: "Who are you?" 

"I am Wang Cheng, the only heir of Medicine King Valley. I am the doctor who cured Wu Juxin and his son. My medical skills are unparalleled in the world. Don't kill me. Just keep me alive and I will work hard for you in the future! I can cure any injury you have!" Wang Cheng said loudly. 

Hearing Wang Cheng's words, the Three Poisonous Beasts sneered. They didn't believe that an unknown person was a genius doctor with unparalleled medical skills. 

Although he claimed that he cured the injuries of Wu Juxin and his son, there are definitely many doctors in the world who can do this. 

They were not interested in his medical skills, but something else. 

"Why are you naked? What were you doing just now?" the cold voice asked again. 

Hearing the man's question, Wang Cheng immediately remembered that these people were enemies of Juxianzhuang. He felt that if he told them the truth, he might be able to save his life. 

So he betrayed the woman who had given her body to him without hesitation, and confessed loudly: "I was sleeping with Jin Huijuan just now. Today, after I told Wei Jinhuan to have sex with the housekeeper, I fucked Jin Huijuan and then slept with her." 

"Useless!" After hearing Wang Cheng's words, the mother-in-law frowned and said in dissatisfaction. 

Wang Cheng's answer made the Three Poisonous Beasts laugh evilly, while Wu Juxin and his son instantly looked ashen. 

When their eyes fell on Wei Jinhuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the two beauties looked at their husbands guiltily and said, "Hubby... I'm sorry! I betrayed you!" 

After hearing his wife's answer, Wu Juxin and his son seemed to have figured something out, and asked with a trembling voice: "Is it to treat our injuries?" 

"That was my original intention, but after he took possession of my body... I was willing to be his woman." The two women admitted guiltily. 

"Hahaha... Wu Juxin, Wu Qiming, your wives become sluts after letting men fuck their pussies. It seems their pussies are very itchy! Have you two never satisfied your wives in all these years?" The lewd man took the opportunity to humiliate Wu Juxin and his son. 

"Hey! I think the two ladies know that their husbands have no dicks, so they can't help but look for men to fuck." Another voice responded coldly. 

"Hey! Divine Doctor! Tell me how the two chivalrous ladies reacted when they fucked you!" The last of the three beasts looked at Wu Juxin and his son with a mocking expression, and ordered Wang Cheng to say something that would hit them harder. 

Wang Cheng knew what the three beasts were up to, so he immediately said flatteringly: "When the two ladies fucked me, they acted like whores who had received a large sum of money. As soon as I said something, they would immediately stick their big butts up and beg me to fuck them. When I fucked their cunts, they screamed like bitches. By the way, their big butts were soft and slippery, and it felt great to bump into them, and their tits felt great to pinch." 

Hearing Wang Cheng's words of humiliating the woman he had sexually engaged with without hesitation in order to save his life, the mother-in-law became even more dissatisfied. 

Although she has decided to be a whore who doesn't mind being humiliated and fucked by men, she is still honest and kind-hearted. 

Seeing someone like Wang Cheng, she was of course disgusted. 

She wanted to kill this selfish man who betrayed his lover without hesitation to save his own life. 

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that a chaste female knight would be no different from a bitch when fucking. Wu Juxin, is your reputation in the martial arts world so high because of your wife's pussy?" 

"Juxianzhuang? Did you gather all those virtuous people together because they fucked your wife's pussy?" 

"Hahaha! Wu Juxin, your Juxianzhuang is actually a brothel that pimps your wife!" 

The humiliating taunts kept coming out of the mouths of the three beasts, causing Wu Juxin and his son's faces to turn from blue to black, and then from black to red. 

Although they knew they were no match for them, they didn't intend to listen any further. 

Since they must die today, they would rather die in battle with honour than suffer such an insult! 

The father and son jumped towards the three evil beasts. 

At the same time as the father and son began to act, Wei Jinhuan and Jin Huijuan also took action. 

Moreover, his speed was even faster than that of Wu Juxin and his son, whose strength had been greatly reduced after being severely injured. 

"Hubby! I failed to be your good wife in this life. I hope I can repay you by working like a slave for you in the next life." Wei Jinhuan said. 

"Honey! I'm sorry! I know I'm not qualified to be your wife, but I hope I can die for you!" Jin Huijuan said. 

Seeing their wives standing in front of them, willing to die for them, the two men's humiliation and pain were gradually replaced by relief. 

After reaching out and holding their wives' hands, the two men, in their moved gazes, showed their determination to "live and die with you". 

Seeing their husbands' gazes, the two female warriors' eyes became moist. 

At this moment, they felt that death was no big deal. 

When Wu Juxin and his family rushed towards the Three Evil Beasts, Wu Tang, who had enjoyed his mistress's body, also rushed forward. 

Since Wei Jinhuan had chosen to die with her husband, there was no need for him to live on. 

Although he had indulged himself on the goddess in his heart, he knew that he was not qualified to live and die with her. 

All he could do was to be buried with him. 

Although he had fucked the goddess in his heart, he was not satisfied at that time, because he was not fucking a goddess, but a slut who had been trained by a shameless man. 

When he saw the mistress twisting her body to cater to his fucking, he did not feel a bit of pleasure, but felt a little disgusted, because he was fucking a bitch! 

But now he is willing to die with the goddess, because he now knows that the goddess is still the goddess, the chivalrous woman he has been obsessed with for many years. 

Wu Juxin and his family decided to die, but there was another person present who would never let this happen. 

When she saw Wu Juxin and his son holding his wife's hand, she rushed out with tears in her eyes. 

She must save this family and make them live happily. 

"Bitch! I will break the limbs of your entire family! I will torture you for the rest of your life!" Seeing Wu Juxin's family rushing forward without fear, the three beasts felt that their verbal humiliation was like that of a clown, and shouted angrily. 

When the three beasts' strength surged through their bodies, intending to turn their dreams into reality, a sense of crisis rose from the bottom of their hearts. 

Having experienced many battles, they understood that this was a premonition of death. 

When this premonition occurs, it means that a powerful enemy that they are absolutely unable to resist has launched an attack on them, and if they do not respond properly, they will die on the spot. 

But this sense of crisis definitely does not come from Wu Juxin's family! 

Facing the direction where the sense of crisis came from, the three beasts simultaneously launched their strongest attacks. 

But when they saw the red shadow reflecting the sky, absurdity and despair surged in their hearts. The enemy turned out to be a top-level warrior two realms higher than them! 

"Red sleeves are fragrant!" A soft voice came with a faint fragrance. 

The gentle voice is touching and the rich fragrance is very charming. 

But the three evil beasts felt cold all over, as if they were falling into an ice cellar. 

They felt that their strongest attack seemed to hit the clouds, and was completely useless. 

When the gentle fragrant breeze passed over them, they felt their hands and feet getting cold. 

Then, his body couldn't help but sink and fell to the ground. 

Then came the piercing pain from their hands and feet. When they looked at each other in pain, they couldn't help but howl in despair. 

Because their hands and feet were all cut off. 

"You scum are the ones who should have your hands and feet broken off!" Mother-in-law said coldly. She sheathed the beautiful yet cruel scimitar and turned to look at the stunned Wu Juxin family. 

Seeing the surprised look on Wu Juxin's family's faces, the mother-in-law smiled and said, "Do you want to continue to be in a daze, or kill all the people in Wanshou Manor to avenge your previous shame?" 

Amid the mother-in-law's smile, Wu Juxin and his family seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and followed his mother-in-law to rush towards the people of Wanshou Manor who were scattered in panic. 

At this time, no one noticed that Wang Cheng, who had just been living like a dog, was staring at his mother-in-law with greed on his face. 

When his mother-in-law jumped up, his eyes were fixed on her plump buttocks. 

I, who had hidden myself, had already whispered some seductive words into his ear. 

"This is the woman I brought for you. She can definitely get pregnant with your child. But you have to be brave and don't be scared by her. No one can cure her husband's injury except you. Use all the despicable means to make her pregnant and make her your bitch. This will be the proudest thing in your life!" I tempted Wang Cheng in his ear. 

After seducing Wang Cheng, I whispered in my mother-in-law's ear: "This Wang Cheng is definitely capable of curing your husband. I know you hate him, but if you don't let him fuck you, your husband won't have a chance to recover. Oh, right! Don't be a bitch in front of this Wang Cheng, be an upright and chaste chivalrous woman! What he likes more is to train an upright chivalrous woman into a whore." 

"Master! I'm sorry! Although I'm a slut, I'm not interested in being fucked by such a shameless man! I'll use my own way to make him agree to treat my husband." After saying that, the mother-in-law began to chase after the fleeing disciples of Wanshou Manor with a knife. 


The reception hall of Juxianzhuang is only used on special days to receive a large number of guests or distinguished guests. 

Today, this reception hall welcomed the three most distinguished guests since the establishment of Juxian Manor. 

No, to be exact, there were four people, because I was also held in Qingyao's arms as a baby. 

Qingyao, who was already nine months pregnant, hugged me tenderly, took off her shirt and let me suck her milk. 

Seeing this scene, Wu Juxin and his son thought Qingyao didn't regard them as men, so there was inferiority and pain in their expressions. 

Is a man still a man without a dick? 

"I didn't expect Jian Zong and Madam Xiangdie to come here. Madam Lao rescued us. Our family would like to thank you." Wu Juxin said while holding his wife's hand. 

"If it weren't for Madam's help, our Juxian Manor would have been wiped out today." Wei Jinhuan thanked her gratefully. 

After going through hardships together, the relationship between Wu Juxin and his wife not only did not weaken because of Wei Jinhuan's lewd behavior, but became even better. 

But Wu Juxin still felt very inferior in his heart, because he was no longer a man. 

Wu Qiming felt the same way. 

Wei Jinhuan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also felt sorry for their husbands because of their own lewd behavior. The two couples, filled with guilt and inferiority towards their lovers, inevitably felt a little awkward when they were together. 

At this time, Wei Jinhuan and her mother-in-law had already changed their clothes. They were no longer wearing the transparent underwear and gauze that they had put on in a hurry to fight the enemy, but had changed into formal and gorgeous clothes. 

In comparison, the outfits of mother-in-law and Qingyao are more sexy. 

But no one was surprised, there were some chivalrous women in the martial arts world who liked to dress sexy. 

The attire of some chivalrous women is not inferior to that of the evil whores. 

"Luckily I arrived in time! Otherwise, the righteous world would have lost another pillar, and my husband would have lost the chance to recover from his injuries." Mother-in-law sat next to father-in-law with her legs crossed. 

After hearing what his mother-in-law said, Wei Jinhuan opened his mouth hesitantly, looking as if he didn't know whether he should say it or not. 

When her mother-in-law signaled her to go ahead, she sighed and said, "Mr. Jianzong, Madam Xiangdie, you two just said that you want to find that Wang Cheng to heal your injuries. But... do you know what kind of person he is?" 

"Well! We know a little bit. When we heard the rumors about his superb medical skills, we also learned some rumors about his personal style." After the mother-in-law finished speaking, she gently wiped the sweat off the father-in-law. 

The gentle gesture and affectionate gaze made everyone understand how much she loved her father-in-law. 

"Madam...what are you going to do to him? That man...is very shameless!" Wei Jinhuan was a little embarrassed to speak. 

"Simple! Let him choose between saving lives and breaking bones. Such a shameless person, don't even think about touching my body!" said the mother-in-law coldly. 

"Oh~~~~ I wish I had your determination at that time!" Wei Jinhuan said with a look of regret. 

"Wife, don't be sad! Your husband doesn't care, really!" Wu Juxin gently comforted his wife. 

Seeing Wu Juxin's gentle expression, a hint of lust flashed in the mother-in-law's eyes. 

But thinking that Wu Juxin was no longer a man, she had to regretfully give up the idea of ​​seducing him. 

Although their names have been castrated, the mother-in-law is still unwilling to accept it. 

She really wanted to fuck good men like Wu Juxin and his son. 

"If their dicks were still there, I would show them my thighs and pussy now!" the mother-in-law thought secretly. 

Qingyao, who was feeding me, was also very regretful, because she, like her mother, wanted to be raped by Wu Juxin and his son. 

When mother-in-law and Qingyao were feeling regretful, Wu Tang, the butler of Juxian Manor, came in carrying Wang Cheng who had just finished washing up. 

The reason Wu Tang took her to clean up just now was that when his mother-in-law killed the three beasts, the aftermath of the battle and the broken limbs all over the ground scared him to death! This man who is very capable of playing with women is still essentially the same useless coward who plays with women by relying on his father's influence. 

When Wu Tang threw him in front of his father-in-law, he didn't even care about the pain of being thrown to the ground, but stared at his mother-in-law and Qingyao with lustful eyes. 

Because my mother-in-law was still wearing that seductive and light outfit, and Qingyao was still feeding me. 

"Take my husband's pulse and cure his illness! If you can't cure my husband, you can die!" said the mother-in-law coldly. 

Wang Cheng immediately stood up and held his father-in-law's wrist. With the knowledge I taught him, he immediately figured out the reason why his father-in-law was seriously injured from his pulse. 

At the same time, based on his father-in-law's current situation, he also deduced that he and the woman with the Nine Yin Body often had sex. 

When he saw Qingyao, who was pregnant, standing next to his father-in-law, the corners of his mouth curled up. 

Because he just found out that his father-in-law and Qingyao are biological father and daughter. 

"Madam Xiangdie, I can cure your husband's injury, but it will take a long time." Wang Cheng said proudly. 

"Why don't you hurry up and do it?" the mother-in-law ordered. 

"Hehe! Madam, you don't seem to understand. Now you are begging me. If you still have this attitude, you will watch your husband become a useless man for the rest of his life! Although your daughter can continue to help him stabilize his injuries to prevent his meridians from being broken and dying, how many incestuous bastards do you want her to have with her biological father? In order to survive, the Sword Sect's Meng Jianhou kept fucking his daughter's pussy and got her pregnant. Does it sound good?" Wang Cheng said with a lewd smile. 

Wang Cheng's words shocked everyone. Wu Juxin's family was shocked to hear his father-in-law and Qingyao having sex, while his father-in-law and his family were shocked by Wang Cheng's superb medical skills that he could figure out everything just by taking the pulse. 

The mother-in-law angrily slapped Wang Cheng in the face, knocking him to the ground. 

Qingyao's mother-in-law and father-in-law had planned to keep it a secret for the rest of their lives, but they didn't expect that the bastard doctor would reveal the truth before the child was even born. 

Now, this secret has been heard by the people of Juxianzhuang. 

If she didn't like Wu Juxin's family, she would have even wanted to kill them to silence them. 

"Hahaha...are you angry out of shame? So what if you're angry? Beat me to death if you dare! Damn it, you can torture me if you have the ability, and see if I'm afraid! But I tell you, the harder you torture me, the more enjoyable it will be when I fuck you! There are many women who beg me to save people, and many who threaten me to kill me to save people. But no matter what means they use, I won't fucking agree! In the end, they all just stick their big asses up and let me fuck them! Just like Wei Jinhuan, who stabbed me with more than a dozen swords, and after I fucked her, I let her stick her big ass up to hook up with more than a dozen men to fuck her pussy! You can use whatever means you want, and when you beg for mercy, I'll make you sell your pussy and be a whore!" Wang Cheng was also furious. 

Wang Cheng's fierce look was completely different from the cowardly look he showed when facing the three evil beasts just now. 

Because he knew that the three beasts were really ruthless in killing people, and if they were not satisfied with one of them, they would kill him without hesitation. 

But no matter whether it was Wei Jinhuan or Feng Yudie, neither of them would kill him. 

Not only will they not kill him, they won't even inflict a serious injury on him. 

Because they needed him to save their husbands. 

Therefore, as long as he can endure the pain, the women in front of him will succumb sooner or later. After all, it is their husbands who are injured and they can't afford to delay. 

When he thought of the perfect woman in front of him, with her big ass raised up for him to fuck, he felt that he could bear any pain. 

Because he knew that he would never meet such an excellent woman again in his life. 

What's more, when he was bathing just now, he secretly took medicine that could reduce pain. 

No matter what kind of torture it was, he felt it was just ordinary pain. 

On the contrary, his pleasure will be greatly enhanced. 

In response to Wang Cheng's vicious remarks, the mother-in-law used her strength to press on his body and performed the bone-breaking hand. 

However, when Wang Cheng looked at his mother-in-law with a smile on his face, ignoring the pain of his broken hand, everyone was shocked. 

Is this still the loser who was scared to death by Wanshou Manor just now?! 

"Hahaha... Let me tell you! I have used medicine to change my body a long time ago. No matter what kind of pain I feel, I don't feel much. Feng Yudie, your tricks are useless to me. If you really want to save your husband, you should take off all your clothes, show me your cunt, and twist your ass to beg me to fuck you. You'd better make a decision as soon as possible, because your husband's meridians are blocked. If time is delayed, even if I heal him, there is no way for him to return to his peak physique and skills." Wang Cheng was sure of victory. 

Seeing Wang Cheng's smug look, the mother-in-law knew she had miscalculated. 

This short, wretched man is a coward when facing villains, but when facing a beautiful woman like her who hopes to heal her loved ones, he is the most terrifying villain. 

Facing such a villain, the only choice she could make was to obey, unless she didn't want to heal her husband's wounds. 

If my mother-in-law was really a completely chaste and heroic woman, she might choose to break up and find another miracle doctor, but she is not! 

Now, she wouldn't even frown even if she became a whore. 

But the mother-in-law was still a little unwilling, because she hated Wang Cheng from the bottom of her heart. 

"Do you...really want to die?" said the mother-in-law coldly. 

She wanted to threaten Wang Cheng one last time, and even exuded murderous intent. 

The cold murderous aura of his mother-in-law frightened Wang Cheng so much that he trembled all over. If he hadn't already peed once, he would have peed his pants again. 

He was so scared of death that he almost begged for mercy on the spot. 

However, I didn't want to see Wang Cheng's retreat, because I still wanted this cowardly, wretched, shameless, ugly guy to teach my mother-in-law and Qingyao on my behalf. 

Letting this shameless man teach my mother-in-law and Qingyao will definitely bring me and my father-in-law greater happiness. 

"You useless thing! If you dare to back down, I will let you know what it means to be worse off than dead! She can kill you, but I can continue to torture your soul after killing you! Until your soul is gone!" I threatened Wang Cheng viciously. 

Hearing my threat, Wang Cheng, who was almost scared to death by his mother-in-law, turned pale. Between death and being tortured after death, he finally held back the fear in his heart and shouted: "Do it now if you have the guts! Without me, your husband will be useless all his life and can only survive by fucking his daughter's pussy!" 

The mother-in-law showed an angry look, and then she turned to look at the father-in-law. 

Under her gaze, her father-in-law said gently: "Yudie! No matter what decision you make, I support you." Looking at her father-in-law's gentle expression, her mother-in-law suppressed her unhappiness and said to Wang Cheng with a cold face: "Can you...really heal my husband?" 

"Of course! Not only can it cure him, but it can also make him stronger than before!" After the murderous aura surrounding him dissipated, Wang Cheng knew that he had made the right bet! 

"What do you want me to do?" asked the mother-in-law through gritted teeth. 

"Take off all your clothes, stick your big ass up to me like a bitch and beg me to fuck you!" Wang Cheng was very excited. 

He understood that his mother-in-law had become his plaything. 

He is about to fuck Madam Xiangdie, one of the ten most beautiful women in the world! 

He knew that from now on, he would never find a woman better than his mother-in-law to play with. 

Because mother-in-law is the top woman. 

Looking at his mother-in-law's seductive body under her thin clothes, his eyes were full of greed and hunger. 

Facing such a top-notch woman, no man would be unmoved, especially when this woman is both beautiful and powerful. 

When Wang Cheng made his request again, everyone in the hall looked at his mother-in-law, waiting for her action. 

Although Wu Juxin and his son had lost their manhood, they still wanted to see the delicate body of their powerful female benefactor and wanted to see her beautiful body being raped by a man. 

Although Wei Jinhuan and her mother-in-law were grateful to their mother-in-law, they also hoped that their benefactor's beautiful and attractive body would be defiled and become a piece of rotten stuff that was raped by shameless people like them. 

Wei Jinhuan and her mother-in-law have even begun to imagine the scene of her mother-in-law being fucked and raped by Wang Cheng's extremely powerful cock. 

The sight of a powerful heroine like the mother-in-law being conquered by a weak and scoundrel's cock made them look forward to it. 

Under everyone's gaze, my mother-in-law took a deep breath and slowly took off her clothes. 

When the tulle, bellyband, and underwear were taken off one by one, the mother-in-law's mature and attractive body was exposed in front of everyone. 

When Wang Cheng saw his mother-in-law's perfect breasts, flat belly, deep red vagina with attractive body odor, and long and perfect legs, he began to breathe heavily and kept swallowing. 

And the mother-in-law also lay down in front of him under his lustful gaze, with her big plump buttocks raised high. 

"Fuck me! As long as you are willing to treat my husband, I will fuck you!" Mother-in-law twisted her buttocks and said in a cold voice. 

The mother-in-law's voice showed her disgust at not wanting to be fucked by Wang Cheng, but Wang Cheng didn't care because it was too normal. 

Of the female knights he had raped so far, only a few were willing to be fucked by him. Most of them were unsatisfied and had to be fucked by him in order to save their relatives. 

But this is just the initial attitude. After any woman is fucked by him, her attitude towards him will change. 

He believed that his mother-in-law, a beautiful woman who stuck out her big butt for her husband, was no exception. 

Excited Wang Cheng immediately took off all his clothes, exposing his thick cock between his legs. 

When the father-in-law and Wu Juxin and his son saw Wang Cheng's crotch, they all couldn't help but take a deep breath. 

Because that cock is so big and so perfect. 

That is the most comfortable shape for women, and it is the cock that every man dreams of having. 

Wang Cheng, with his penis exposed, did not say anything else to provoke his mother-in-law. He believed that his penis could solve all problems. 

Holding his mother-in-law's big ass with both hands, he slowly inserted his cock into her vagina in front of everyone's excited eyes. 

When Wang Cheng's penis was halfway inserted, the mother-in-law knew that she had fallen. 

She knew that even though she had been fucked by many men in the past year and was already a seasoned whore, she was definitely no match for Wang Cheng. 

This cock is so perfect! 

While she felt unwilling in her heart, her body had already responded honestly. 

"Ah~~~~" After a high-pitched, comfortable cry came out of my mother-in-law's mouth, her original disgust and contempt turned into joy and comfort. 

With a cry of pleasure, she pushed her big butt back actively, hoping that Wang Cheng's cock could penetrate deeper and make her feel more comfortable. 

As she responded unconsciously, Wang Cheng's entire penis was inserted into her cunt. 

"Hehe! I didn't expect you to be so proactive, lady. My cock is powerful, isn't it? But you have to be prepared, this is just the beginning, my cock can be even more powerful!" After saying that, Wang Cheng hugged his mother-in-law's big ass and started to thrust hard. 

In the fierce fucking, the crisp sound of "pa pa" began to echo. 

Amid the sound of impact, my mother-in-law's big tits and big ass began to tremble violently. 

"Ah~~~~ um...ah..." waves of comfortable and charming sounds came out of my mother-in-law's mouth. In this short moment, my mother-in-law changed from a chivalrous woman who hated Wang Cheng from the bottom of her heart to a whore who longed for him to fuck her and twisted her big ass to cater to his rape. 

In front of several spectators, she screamed with pleasure, twisted her body lewdly, and swung her big buttocks skillfully to please. 

"Feng Yudie! Tell your husband, do you feel good when I fuck you? Do you like being fucked by my big cock?" Wang Cheng asked loudly, banging his mother-in-law's big ass and fucking her cunt. 

"Honey...I'm sorry! I...feel good when I'm fucked! I feel good when I'm fucked by...Wang Cheng's big cock! My wife...likes to be fucked by his big cock!" The mother-in-law moaned without hesitation. 

"Are you happy fucking me? Are you willing to serve my big cock in the future? Are you willing to... be my bitch for Wang Cheng to satisfy his sexual desire?" Wang Cheng continued to ask loudly. 

"Yes! I'm happy to fuck you! I'm willing to serve your big cock and be a bitch for you to fuck!" Mother-in-law twisted her big ass in a lewd way, and shouted excitedly. 

"Then tell your husband loudly, let him know that you want to be my dog, a bitch that I fuck! When I treat him, you have to serve me wholeheartedly!" Wang Cheng increased the speed of fucking, and his lower abdomen hit his mother-in-law's big ass, making a "pa pa" sound while he roared. 

"Honey! I'm sorry! I want to be Wang Cheng's bitch! From now on... I will serve his big cock wholeheartedly! I will... be his qualified bitch! If you don't like... just divorce me, this shameless bitch!" The mother-in-law twisted her big ass and said to the father-in-law with a lewd look on her face. 

Hearing his mother-in-law's answer, Wang Cheng looked at his father-in-law with a smug look on his face, and fucked his mother-in-law's pussy hard in front of him as a demonstration, and then shouted: "Meng Jianhou! You are one of the top ten masters, so what? You still beg me to heal your wounds, and your wife sticks her big ass out to beg me to fuck? In my eyes... you are a fucking cuckold! A cuckold begging me with his wife's pussy!" 

The father-in-law didn't care about Wang Cheng's humiliation at all. He just looked at his mother-in-law with love and said, "Yudie, I love you! I will never leave you no matter what. You are my wife for life! Because I know that no matter how lewd you do, it's all for me!" 

As soon as the father-in-law finished speaking, the mother-in-law twisted her big ass as if she hadn't heard anything and shouted: "Oh~~~~ I can't take it anymore! It's heaven! I'm being fucked to heaven by... that big cock! My cunt... feels so good!" With these lewd shouts, the mother-in-law's body trembled violently and reached a strong climax. 

This climax was so comfortable that her mind went blank. 

Since she was deflowered by her father-in-law, she has never enjoyed such a comfortable orgasm. 

In such a climax, she even forgot everything. 

Seeing his mother-in-law's orgasm, his father-in-law finally understood how powerful Wang Cheng's cock was. 

Such a cock can definitely make my mother-in-law completely obedient and willing to be his woman. 

But the father-in-law is not afraid, because he believes that even if the mother-in-law's pussy is fucked, her heart still loves the father-in-law. 

Wang Cheng's fucking of his mother-in-law did not frighten him, but made him very excited, because his mother-in-law's lewd appearance at this moment was absolutely incomparable to the past. 

The mother-in-law twisted her body to cater to Wang Cheng's fucking, which also caught the eyes of Wu Juxin and his son. 

They turned to look at their wives and found that they were shy but also had a look of nostalgia and envy in their eyes. 

"Is Wang Cheng's penis really that powerful?" Wu Juxin asked Wei Jinhuan. 

"Well! As long as he puts it in... I go crazy! I feel like I'm willing to do anything for him!" Wei Jinhuan replied shyly. 

Seeing Wei Jinhuan full of passion but trying to suppress it, Wu Juxin hugged her tightly and said, "Wife! I won't be able to satisfy you in the future. If you need it, just find another man!" 

After hearing what Wu Juxin said, Wei Jinhuan wanted to refuse and show her loyalty to her husband by never looking for another man to fuck her. 

But when she saw Wang Cheng's shaking buttocks and heard her mother-in-law's lewd moans, she couldn't help but nod her head in desire. 

The Wu Qiming couple next to them also had a similar conversation. 

"Wife! Your husband is no longer a man, but you are still a normal woman. If you need to, go find a man to fuck! If you can get pregnant, give birth to the child and raise it as a descendant of the Wu family!" Wu Qiming said. 

"Honey...thank you!" Like Wei Jinhuan, Jin Huijuan did not reject her husband's well-intentioned suggestion. 

When Wu Juxin's family made a decision, Wang Cheng and his mother-in-law had already changed their fucking positions. 

He lay on top of his mother-in-law and fucked her cunt like a pile driver. 

Looking at this scene, Qingyao, who was holding me, had a look of wanton anticipation in her eyes...