

After Jenara Kaya, a 19-year-old girl, manages to get her US student Visa, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery in an unfamiliar country. She experiences life on a whole new perspective; pain, tears and heartbreak become her bestfriend. Through every storm, she grows stronger. * Inspired by writer's true events. ... Story created by: God. Written by: Maureen Nzungu

Teemzie · Urban
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35 Chs


My sister-in-law lived at her parents' house which meant it was just me and my half-brother at his apartment. At first, it was so free. I could cook and watch whatever I wanted. When he left for work, it was just me alone and that was fabulous. I saw no problem. I was happy.

Before we carry on, there's something you need to know about me. I don't know what kind of connection I have with God, but it's really great. He communicates with me in several ways, especially dreams. Whenever I'm approaching a tough time, I always dream of the Holy Virgin Mary. It can be her statue, her shadow, and sometimes I could see her from the sky, glowing beautifully.

I dreamed of her 2 days before I boarded my flight to the USA. So, I was very unsure of what that tough phase will be. Will it be my time at the university? Was it the flights? I was eager to know. Mind you, I had mentally prepared myself for whatever was going to happen, but what actually happened was not even on my last card.

I woke up and it was snowing crazily outside, but that wasn't what bothered me. It was what I felt during the night. I clearly remember feeling somebody's hands touching my feet, all the way to my waist. Women do have wet dreams too, but that felt very real. It made me uncomfortable because the only person in the house other than me was Jonathan, which meant, if the dream wasn't actually a dream but real, he was the one who did it. 


I had to force myself to see it only as a dream. I had to convince myself that my half-brother couldn't do something like that. I prepared myself and went out for breakfast. It was Thursday. He worked from home on Thursdays.

"Hey, let me ask you a question.", my half-brother began, "Do you sleep-talk?", 

I shook my head, "I used to when I was 10 to 15, but it stopped. Why?", I asked him.

"I heard you talking last night, so I came to check if there was someone else in the room.",

Oh my God!

So, he did come to my room. I started feeling awful, but I didn't want him to read me. I laughed it out so that he wouldn't know that I caught on. It began to be uncomfortable. Later that night, he didn't come to my room. I made sure to watch a movie until 1 am, and there was nobody.

Next morning, Friday, when he left for work, I turned the TV on, put the volume on the level he usually listened to, and observed if you can actually hear someone talking from my room with that volume. It was impossible to hear, which meant he made that up.

That Friday night was memorable. I remember I slept early. At exactly 2 am, I suddenly woke up from a not so bad dream. I looked around the room, and at the end of my bed, where my legs were, I saw something black. It looked like a box, but it was moving up and down. 

A breathing box?

I was so confused. I pinched my eyes to wring out my sleep and looked again. That's when I realized that it was somebody's back. My hands are shaking as I'm writing this. I can still feel the horror. Someone was in my room! And there's no doubt on who that person was;

"John?", I called for the first time.

He didn't respond. He froze.

"John?", I called again.

It was quiet, until he turned the flashlight on his phone and pretended to pick something up from under my bed.

"Oh, you're awake?", he said as he managed to sit up straight, "I thought you were sleep-talking again.",

"What are you doing here?", I could feel my heart pounding. I was in so much terror and had no idea that I was shaking from head to toe. 

I was wearing a short, silk nightdress, a hand me down from my mom. It was so light that even a toddler could rip it apart. 

Please God, protect me! Please, I need you. Please, I'm scared, God.

I automatically said a prayer in my head. John got up with a cable in his hands. His flashlight was still on.

"I came to take this.", he said, showing me a cable, "Goodnight.",

I couldn't respond. I waited until he left my room then I went and locked the door, again! I sat in my bed staring blankly at the door. My half-brother, from the same man's balls, wanted to rape me? I couldn't sleep. I cried all night. It was very unbelievably painful. I felt so awful. The trauma was gluing itself on the walls of my brain.
