
Green Literary club

This is the story of a popular idol girlfriend, a yandere junior, a beautiful senior, a cold-faced classmate, an angelic pure and lovely sister, a taciturn but gentle and virtuous mother who are all conquered by a big-cock junior... This story basically has two main characters: [1-Xia Wenxue, The one who becomes NTR, 25% MC] [2-Ye Shengge, One who does netori, No romance or attachment, all just sex slaves 75% MC] You can consider any one as MC, it depends on your desire. grammar quality is bad, only those who like to read. ---TAG--- R18 - Netori - Mature - Smut - incest - rape - blackmail - group - Threesome - foursome - hardcore - Ghosts - Milf - etc.

ALEXDJ · Urban
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48 Chs


"Then we'll go home first!"

"Okay... oh, I've been drained by you."

"Hmph, anyway, you'll be back to the best condition the next day after a good night's sleep, what's the difference!" Zhuang Yuxia said with a smile.

Waving her hand, Zhuang Yuxia and Mo Ran left Xia Wenxue's home.

On the way, Mo Ran glanced at Zhuang Yuxia and couldn't help but said, "You're really good at acting."

"You're so good at saying that."

"So, Xiao Ran, didn't I say that?" Zhuang Yuxia pouted, glanced at Mo Ran and said, "Ye Shengge is just a vibrator to me."

"The vibrator can make me feel comfortable, but it doesn't mean it can take my heart away." Zhuang Yuxia said lightly, "I love Xiao Xia, there's no need to deny or doubt."

"Then what did you mean by what you said to him at that time?" Mo Ran asked with his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh, it's just for fun~" Zhuang Yuxia showed a sly smile on her face: "Didn't you see? The more I talked, Xiaoxia seemed uncomfortable on the surface, but her lower body was getting harder and harder..."

"And Xiaoqiong was the same. She didn't seem satisfied at first, but after I said that, Xiaoxia became even harder, and fucking Xiaoqiong became more exciting, so of course I had to talk more?"

"Do you really think Xiaoqiong is like you? Only two of the three of us told the truth. Who was it?" Mo Ran raised his eyebrows, glared at her and said, "It can't be you anyway!"

"Really~ Didn't you agree to ignore me?"

"Humph, you deliberately said that in front of Xia Wenxue. I think you are excited in your heart. You are so excited to be found out and lied to her. ..."

Zhuang Yuxia paused, glanced at her, and said: "No, I'm not excited."

"That's just to make Xiaoxia feel comfortable, that's all!"

"Hehe... That's all, I won't talk to you anymore." Mo Ran said: "You can do whatever you want with your dildo, just remember, don't drag Xiaoqiong, Jiaojiao and me into the water."

"Besides, I don't care how much you love that dick, it has nothing to do with me."

"Oh~ OK!" Zhuang Yuxia waved to her: "Then I'll go first!"

"By the way, don't forget to check the forum~"


Watching Zhuang Yuxia's back gradually walk away and disappear in the neon lights of the city, Mo Ran narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhuang Yuxia... Have I seen through you?

Mo Ran turned around, stepped onto the sidewalk, and found his way home in the light of the neon lights.

After returning home from Xia Wenxue's house, Mo Ran remembered what Zhuang Yuxia said before she left, so she opened the forum that Ye Shengge had sent her before, wanting to see if he had updated it.

Seeing that there was no update, she first breathed a sigh of relief, while muttering in her heart that Zhuang Yuxia was indeed lying to her.

With Situ Qiong's personality, how could that guy succeed...

Just thinking about it, the webpage suddenly refreshed automatically, and the next moment, a new post appeared in Mo Ran's sight.

The moment he saw the post, Mo Ran's eyes widened and he quickly clicked on it.

The name of the post was - [During the military training, I trained the obedient girlfriend of the senior to be willing to have sex with me! ]

What a joke...!

The moment she saw the title of this post, Mo Ran was like being struck by lightning, and she sat down on the chair in disbelief -

She bit her lips tightly, and her thoughts flew through her mind.

Is it acting? In fact, it's not Situ Qiong at all? It's just a trick they used to attack her mind?

Situ Qiong likes Xia Wenxue so much, she swore to Xia Wenxue so sincerely today, her performance - is it also acting?

Is she also deceiving Xia Wenxue? !

Mo Ran doesn't believe it, doesn't want to believe it, doesn't dare to believe it.

She clicked on Ye Shengge's post, she wanted to see clearly what was going on!


Zui Jin Mi: Hello everyone, it has been more than a month since the last post, right?

This university has been really busy since the start of the semester. I have to fuck women and deal with academic matters at ordinary times. I am really busy. Fortunately, I can take a break during military training.

The military training in our school is really good. It's not like standing back and forth to practice walking. There are really various activities. Although it's very tiring, I have a really happy time during military training.

The food in the canteen is good, and there is a small shop where you can buy various snacks and drinks. There are different activities for different groups to participate in during the day and night - not to mention, there is also a beautiful classmate to fuck!

What kind of military training is this? It's simply heaven on earth!

Okay, but I have to admit that it's still very tiring. Even for me, it's hard to fuck a woman continuously under high-intensity training, but fortunately, although the number of fucks is not many, I still easily took down this little slut with a boyfriend!

Let me introduce you first. The training target this time is the member of the Z slave club mentioned in the previous post, and also Z slave's high school classmate. Let's call her Qzi first.


(The picture shows Qzi being fucked while facing the camera. She has short black hair that reaches her shoulders. Although her figure is not as impressive as Z-slave and her sister, the so-called youthfulness also has youthful beauty.)

(From the background, it seems that this is on a rooftop somewhere, but there is a bed on the rooftop for the two to make love.)

(The man entered Qzi from behind and held Qzi facing the camera. Qzi was hanging on the man's big cock. Qzi and the man's faces were naturally mosaiced, and five extremely obscene words were clearly written on Qzi's body.)

(This hole is exclusive to [mosaic]↓No insertion without permission)

(Meat slave [mosaic], except [mosaic], you can fuck at will!)

(←The semen should be shot inside, shooting inside is a small step, and pregnancy and childbirth are a big step!)

(Bitch A kind of [mosaic], girlfriend was fucked, masturbating to heaven! )

([mosaic] and [mosaic] are not allowed →)

(The mosaic content in the content is undoubtedly the real name of the person, and even if the woman hanging on the man's penis in the photo is mosaiced, Mo Ran can recognize it - the so-called Qzi is Situ Qiong!)

(How could she let Ye Shengge succeed? How could Ye Shengge write such words on his belly... Even if it is mosaiced, Mo Ran can guess the specific content. I am afraid that many of them are insulting Xia Wenxue and herself.)

(How is this possible... This is impossible... This is impossible...!)

Qzi is also a freshman, and also the girlfriend of Senior X mentioned earlier. She, Senior X and another idol are dating at the same time, and they are mutually recognized!

Although I knew that they had had a relationship in private at that time, I didn't expect that the relationship between them was actually recognized by Senior X's idol girlfriend. I was really shocked!

But this is not important, it makes me more excited. I like to fuck women with boyfriends. I like to see them say they like their boyfriends, but their bodies are honestly fucked by me until they squirt and twist their waists.

But this Qzi is really troublesome. She is really in love with Senior X and is extremely loyal to him. It is definitely not appropriate to use the method of dealing with Z slaves. So at this time I thought of a way - to use her love for Senior X to make her take the initiative to have sex with me!

Haha, someone must ask, how to use her love for Senior X to take the initiative to have sex with me?

It's very simple, just create a cuckold Senior X and make Qzi believe that Senior X is really a cuckold.

As long as you fuck her, it's easy! The difficulty lies in how you fuck her at the beginning, and how to fuck her so hard that she dare not tell anyone!

I learned from the Z slave that Qzi is a person with a strong sexual desire. She usually has sex with Senior X almost every day. It can be seen here that although Senior X is not as good as me, he is also an iron man.

But after all, Senior X was not here during the military training, so this was the time when I could do something to Qzi.

So at this time, Z-slave appeared.

As I said before, Z-slave's family was very rich, so I asked her to prepare a special place for Qzi to masturbate without being discovered by others. No one else could enter, only Qzi and I who were given the key by Z-slave could enter.

As for the future... Hehe, I'll just write here today, and tomorrow I'll continue to tell you how I easily won Senior X's cute girlfriend with three times of sex!


After reading this post, Mo Ran collapsed on the chair and didn't respond for a long time.

What a joke...!

At that time... At that time, they swore to Xia Wenxue so sincerely on the surface, but in fact it was all acting!

Or... Or... Did they really feel that way from the bottom of their hearts?

Ye Shengge is just a dildo, so having sex with him is like being fucked by a dildo, it doesn't matter at all...

And they all still love Xia Wenxue in their hearts, they love Xia Wenxue deeply, so they can say those vows without changing their expressions...

If only the perseverance in the heart is considered as perseverance in the body - then if I resist the sexual desire and stick to my body for him... what does it count?

Unfair... This is unfair...

Mo Ran took a deep breath and shook his head.

Impossible... It must be impossible... This post has not been posted yet, Situ Qiong will never surrender to such a man.

Wait, he will definitely show his flaws later - revealing that the woman is not Situ Qiong's flaws!

Mo Ran bit his red lips tightly, sat in front of the computer desk, letting his mind run wild, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

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