
Green Arrow:New Guardian

I’m the new Oliver Queen Follow me on this journey

Sam_Nabors · TV
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6 Chs

Central City Love

Hey guys welcome back, I've really missed you guys, but let's get all of you caught up on what's been happening so far…

Okay so Shadow's belly is getting bigger as her pregnancy continues and my twin William is just like me and I can't help but be grateful to god for giving me the chance to have this life and letting me continue to watch him grow up and become the man I know he will be.

Next is that John has joined the team and has adjusted to being a vigilante, but he doesn't want a suit yet, and also I've been thinking about bringing felicity into the fold, just not yet.

Now that your all caught up join me at the base as I train Laurel and Thea.

"Again!" I say as Thea and Laurel spar with a bow staff, but if you look closely you can see the look of determination in their eyes before I turn and instruct Dig through a faster fighting style.

"Okay good job guys, you can take a break, but Thea come over here and bring your bow with you!" I say as John and Laurel walk off while Thea grabs her bow and follows me to the archery range.

"Okay instead of trying so hard at making the shot, just relax breathe then let go of the bow string!" I say as Thea does what I instructed her to do and she hits the tennis ball straight through the middle and plunging the arrow into the wall.

"Good job, just keep working on that and once you are confident in your archery skills I'll let you come on patrol with me!" I say with a proud smile as Thea smiles back at me before becoming and determined continues to do as I instructed hitting her target each time.

"You know she looks up to you right!" Laurel states as I nod and smile at her as Laurel kisses me on the lips before shadow comes over and does the same before taking my hand and putting it on her stomach.

"How are you?" I ask shadow while I continue rubbing her pregnant stomach.

"I'm okay…we both are, I just worry about you is all!" Shadow says as she runs my cheek before I close my eyes and lean into her touch before feeling arms wrap around my back.

"We just want you to be okay, but we also know it will be a long time before you are really okay after everything that happened on Lian Yiu!" Laurel says as she hugs me tight before kissing my cheek as I just smile at them for their care before I received a call.

As we continue training I hear my phone start to ring confusing me because everyone who has my number is here except one person…Caitlin.

I in over to my phone and pick it up confusing everyone except the girls since they already know about the other two women that might be future sisters to them with Caitlin being one of them.

"Caitlin what's wrong?" I say worriedly.

"Can you come to Central City please?" Caitlin says sounding nervous.

"Of course I'll be there as soon as I can!" I say hearing her sigh in relief over the phone.

"Okay thank you Olli, I'll see you soon…just meet me at Star Labs when you get here!" Caitlin says happily.

"Okay sounds good, I'll talk to you when I land!" I say before hanging up.

"Is everything okay?" Laurel asks as I pack some clothes for my trip.

"I don't know that's why I'm bringing my bow with me, but I promise I'll be careful just in case!" I say easing Laurel and shadows worries as I pick up William and kiss his forehead as he starts giggling at my actions.

"I love you both!" I say to both Laurel and shadow as I kiss them followed by me crouching down and kissing shadows stomach with both Laurel and Shadow smiling happily.

"Take care of each other while I'm gone and don't let them slack on training!" I say as both shadow and Laurel nod before I drive off towards Central City.

<Central City: Six-Hundred Mikes Later>

After finally arriving in Central City I call Caitlin and continue driving heading towards Star Labs.

As I pull into Star Labs I see Caitlin waiting for me before smiling happily and running towards me as I stop, before jumping into my arms and hugging me tight.

"I've missed you so much!" Caitlin says as I twirl her around in the air as she laughs, but unbeknownst to us Cisco is watching wide-eyed at our interaction.

"I've missed you too!" I say as I put my forehead against hers as we stand there smiling at being together again.

"I'm glad I don't have to hide your existence anymore babe!" Caitlin says as she guides me inside the facility.

"I am too babe, but Cait you sounded nervous on the phone is everything okay?" I ask worried about her.

"There is something I need to tell you…we'll actually two things, but let me introduce you to everyone and then we can go back to my place okay?" Caitlin asks me pleadingly to which I smile and nod before kissing her on the lips as she returns the kiss while wrapping her arms around my neck.

After the little make out session we head into the cortex where I see a long dark haired Latino, a tall and skinny brunette man, and a wheel-chair bowned Dr. Harrison Wells.

"Olli I would like you to meet Cisco Ramon…

{as she introduces Cisco I hold out my hand and he takes it hurriedly while smiling brightly!}

"...and then we have Barry Allen…

{After introducing Barry I can't help but smile and he returns it as we shake hands!}

"….and finally Dr. Harrison Wells!" Caitlin says finishing her introductions as I shake his hand already knowing about him being an evil piece of shit.

"Oliver Queen…I knew your father once he was very proud of your achievements as a coo and as a man, and I can see that he was not wrong to be proud!" Wells says as I nod in thanks before Caitlin pulls me towards the exit of the building before we take her car home.

"Okay Caitlin what's going on?" I ask as sit on the couch after making it to her home.

"Well you know about the meta humans that have been popping up since the Particle Accelerator Explosion!"

"Yeah what about it?" I ask.

"Well…I'm a meta!" Caitlin says before her eyes glow ice white with cold steam rising from her hands.

I'm gonna admit…I was shocked, but she still Caitlin and pretty soon Frost will be showing up.

"Okay not gonna lie a little shocked, but it doesn't matter whether you have powers or not I still love you Cait!" I say to Caitlin as she smiles and starts to cry before launching herself into my arms and crying on my shoulder.

After Caitlin finished crying she leaned back and looked into my eyes with eyes filled with love and adoration.

"Olli…I'm pregnant!" Caitlin says and instead of passing out this time I jump in the air with her in my arms and swing her around with Caitlin laughing at my excitement.

"We have to tell Laurel and Shadow!" I say excited about having another child.

"A-Are you sure Olli, what if they get upset?" Cait asks nervously.

"Hey, hey look at me I love you and I promise they will be happy to have a sister and another sibling for William and the baby shadow is carrying okay!" I say confidently as Caitlin smiles happily before kissing me.

"Okay, but we have some time right?" Caitlin asks as she unbuttons my shirt.

"Yeah we have some time!" I say smirking as I kiss her before she starts leading me to her room for a night of passionate love making.

{Next Morning}

After the passionate night me and Caitlin shared, we find ourselves driving back to Star City before seeing the Welcome sign and smiling at each other as we continue to hold hands as I continue drive before finally reaching home.

As we reach home I grab our luggage as Caitlin follows me up to the door before it's opened by Laurel who is smiling at us as we enter the house.

"So what's the occasion?" Laurel says as me, Caitlin, Laurel, and shadow are all sitting in my room facing each other.

"W-Well I'm p-pregnant!" Caitlin says nervously before being engulfed in a hug by both both Laurel and Shadow.

"Congratulations!" Shadow and Laurel says simultaneously as Cait cries tears of joy.

"Thank you!" Cait says before burying her face in the crook of my neck hiding her embarrassment.

After that we all just talk and laugh while the girls get to know each other as I just sit back and smile at them getting along, but I can't help but think about a certain Assassin who I fell for.

"Olli you okay?" Laurel asks as the girls look at me with concern because unknown to me I had tears steaming down my face before I wiped them away.

"Yeah…I was just remembering someone!" I say as the girls smile knowingly.

"Was it Nysa?" Shadow asked me.

"Yeah I was just remembering when we danced is all!" I say as everyone smiles happily before returning to our talk well into the night before heading to the bed for sleep with me having one last thought.

"Nyssa!" I say before drifting to sleep but unbeknownst to me said assassin was watching me from outside my window.

"Don't worry beloved we will be reunited soon….all three of us!"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and make sure to comment below!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts