
Chapter 77 The birthplace of Titan, the day of divine power

"So, there are four kinds of forces in the underworld."

"One, naturally, is Hades, the king of Hades, and Persephone, the queen of the underworld, as well as the gods loyal to them."

"They are the most important force in Hades."

"The second one is Thanatos, the god of death, and Hypnos, the god of sleep. They appear to be loyal to Olympus, but in fact, they are dissatisfied."

"If Medea is still alive, she should be included in this faction? They are both of the night bloodline of Nyx, the goddess of the night."

"The third one is Styx, the God of Styx, and her sons of gods. They are dually loyal to Mount Olympus and the Underworld, and they are more inclined to Mount Olympus."

"The fourth one is the various beasts and gods in the desolate land of the underworld. They are not loyal to anyone and believe in the supremacy of violence."

"But if they have the opportunity to join the forces of the underworld or Olympus, they should be very happy."

At the bottom of the Styx River, in a cave far away from the Styx Temple.

Yang Qi refused the invitation from the God of the Styx to stay, flew a hundred thousand miles away, found a desolate cave, entered it, and spread dragon magic around it to isolate the breath and fluctuations of divine power.

"If the plan succeeds and the Queen of Hades really leaves the underworld, other forces will be ready to take action."

"Does Hades have the strength to suppress other forces?"

Yang Qi was thinking in his heart.

If you can analyze the situation in the underworld clearly, you can make better decisions.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Qi made a judgment in his mind: after the Queen of Hades regained her memory, she would definitely want to return to the Olympus God Realm.

However, Hades will definitely stop him.

At the same time, Hades is also powerful enough to suppress other forces in the underworld!

Because Hades is the brother of Poseidon and Zeus, and one of the three giants of the Olympus gods.

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He once competed with Zeus for the position of God King.

How could he not be strong?


"No matter how the external situation changes, becoming stronger yourself is the most important thing."

Yang Qi opened the dragon's mouth and spit out several fragments burning with blue-black flames, which were the fragments of the divine sickle.

I have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Before, the divine power in Yang Qi's body was so abundant that it was like a heavy water ball that exploded when he poked it.

He fought a long battle with Bea, and now, all the divine power has been completely absorbed and consolidated.

He felt that all the cells in the dragon's body were vibrating and jumping for joy, as if the withered and cracked earth was looking forward to rain and more divine power!


An orb appeared beside him, filled with a faint divine light, illusory and blurry, as if it did not exist in this world.

Yang Qi stared at the orb: "This is not a real bead…"

"I have gone through a lot of hardships before to get a little bit of divine power from the memory of Cronus."

"How much divine power can you help me get from Cronus' memory?!"

Yang Qi suppressed the overwhelming expectation in his heart and regained his composure.

If Yang Qi were a human being, he would definitely play with the bead with his hands and observe the bead with his eyes for a long time.

But Yang Qi is a dragon, and he prefers to swallow the beads into his belly and use his own dragon throat and stomach to understand and feel the beads.

Yang Qi's perception of divine power is extremely keen.

He has been feeling this [Insubstantial Pearl] in his belly, and he vaguely understands its usage.

"I'm afraid this orb can only absorb one kind of divine power."

"If I try to absorb multiple divine powers, it will not be able to bear it and burst, and my soul will be shattered."

"So once the action is taken, there is no chance to remedy it."

"In the memory of Cronus, gain power and be cautious in your actions."

"But once you take action, don't regret it!"


Several fragments of the divine scythe erupted into billowing black airflow, and divine power poured into the dragon's body.

From the source of Yang Qi's divine power, countless blue-black fireballs suddenly rose in the void, bursting out, dying, and circulating continuously.

Yang Qi closed his eyes, and his soul seemed to travel through endless time and space.

"I saw it…I saw it…!"

The extremely green light illuminates the earth instantly!

boom! ! !

Yang Qi saw a huge World Tree!

"My soul has returned to this time!"

Yang Qi felt that the [Unreal Pearl] had also come here with his soul. It was shining crazily, ready to absorb divine power at any time!

The World Tree continued to expand and contract, and then, it sank hard, piercing into the earth, trembling continuously!

Where it penetrates the earth, a clear spring of life gushes out, nourishing the World Tree and the earth.

boom! ! !

A huge amount of life force suddenly surged out, and within a million miles, countless flowers burst out on the desolate land.

They grow wildly, with stems intertwined and stamens stuck together.

"The World Tree, the power of life! Do I want to extract this power?!"

Yang Qi's brain was thinking rapidly!

After a moment, he decided: No!

Because the fragments of his divine sickle are enough to see the memory twice.

If you really want the power of the World Tree, you will have another chance next time.

This time, Yang Qi decided to improvise.


Yang Qi heard an extremely miserable voice, which was the divine voice of Gaia, the Earth Mother!

He felt that there was intense divine power being born deep in the earth!

Then – Yang Qi's soul flew towards the earth uncontrollably, as if falling!

"I feel powerful divine power, deep in the earth, that is the divine power that is being nurtured…"

Suddenly, Yang Qi's soul flickered: "I know, the birth of the Twelve Titans!"

"I saw the birth scene of the Twelve Titans!"

"Ouranos and Gaia gave birth to many sons of gods, and the best among them are called the Twelve Titans!"

"They were the rulers of the God Realm before Olympus!"

"The head of the Twelve Titans, and the youngest among them, is the second generation God King, Cronus!"

"I'm about to see their birth!!"

"What powers will they have?!"


Yang Qi's soul flew directly into the earth, passed through layers of soil and rock veins, and headed towards the deepest part of the earth!

"The earth is the body of Gaia, the Earth Mother, so I want to go to the body of Gaia, the Earth Mother!"


The soul has no weight, and Yang Qi's soul is in the ancient memory. Almost instantly, he crossed thousands of miles and arrived at the destination – the birthplace of Titan!

The world suddenly opens up!

This place is extremely vast and boundless. The soil on the ground is divided into five colors, and there are countless mountains of gems in the distance.

Looking up, there is a huge mountain in the distance. It is made entirely of rubies, with bright red light, steaming across the sky and earth, emitting billowing divine power!

Then there is the mountain of sapphire, the mountain of purple sapphire, the mountain of diamond, the mountain of emerald…

They all emit infinite brilliance, shining on this land!

"Sure enough… this is the body of Earth Mother Gaia, her most secret place, the birthplace of the Titans!"

"Those veins are probably the source of all gemstone veins in the God Realm!"

"They're all gathered here?!"

And – Yang Qi looked up and saw that the strangest thing here was that there were three suns floating in the sky.

Those three suns are actually three huge strands of divine power, condensed into a ball and spinning crazily in the sky!

The divine power of heaven, the divine power of earth, and the divine power of life!