
Chapter 69 Circe’s divine dew meal, Bea’s divine dew meal

Chapter 69 Blood delicacies, blood art

"No. I'm not hungry." Yang Qi shook his head. He looked at the boiling black liquid in front of him and thought of the tea made by Circe using pale flower petals and divine dew.

That is the correct use of divine dew.

"Then I'm welcome." Bia lifted the golden basin and poured the black paste into her mouth.

"Can't you drink the divine dew directly?" Yang Qi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Gudong, Gudong."

Bea drank the black goo in one gulp and wiped her mouth.

"It was the great god-king Zeus who taught me to eat it this way."

"He told me that the divine dew should be cooked with the blood and entrails of the enemy. He said that I was a warrior, and this was the food of a warrior."

"But for some reason, God Queen Hera seems to be very dissatisfied with me, especially when I was eating the divine dew, I had an extremely disgusted expression on my face."

"…" Yang Qi was speechless.

"She is just a good girl who was brainwashed by Zeus." Yang Qi commented in his heart.

Speaking of which, Yang Qi has only seen two goddesses use divine dew and cook divine food so far.

Searcy's skills are masterful and the finished product is sophisticated, elegant and delicious. Although the Circe is fake, the real Circe is unknown.

Bea's cooking style is terrifying.

As for Medea…Medea never did. She seemed to drink up the divine dew within a few days of being given out.

"Medea is also my wife after all…I will let her make me a divine meal from now on!" Yang Qi thought to himself.

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"Please allow me to lead you." After Bia finished her meal, she put on her battle helmet again, and golden wings grew out of her back. The wings looked like they were made of metal, shining brightly.

Yang Qi and Bea flew along the tributaries of the Styx.

They first crossed the Burning River, one of the five Styx rivers.

The Burning River is extremely wide, covering the sky, front, rear, left, and right, with river water all over the place. It can't be seen to the edge, just like an ocean.

There are countless cyan souls floating on the surface of the river, and there are dark fires deep in the river bed. They rise from time to time, burning the souls.

What Yang Qi saw was that there were only souls and dark fires on the dark river. The sound of souls burning could be heard in his ears, and he could smell the smell of daffodils, rot and the fishy smell of river water in his nose.

They flew for three months, crossing the Burning River.

Then he flew on the land of the underworld for twelve months and arrived at the River of Oblivion, one of the five Styx rivers.

This river is as wide as the Burning River, and the depths of the river bed are filled with colorful gems, emitting a misty illusion of light.

Yang Qi saw the souls floating on the river. Their surroundings became darker and darker, and clouds of mist evaporated. And in those mist, various colored orbs condensed.

Inside the orb is the memory of the soul's lifetime. After crossing this river, they will no longer remember what happened during their lifetime.

Yang Qi and Bia flew for three months and crossed the River of Forgottenness.

Then he flew for another twelve months over the land of Hades.

During this period, Yang Qi continued to fight with Biya.

They fought twelve times without hesitation. Twelve chase battles, twelve purely physical battles without using the source of divine power. There are still twelve life-threatening battles, but at the last moment, I will hold back.

Yang Qi won almost all of them, and there were more and more pieces of the divine sickle in his hand.

Yang Qi increasingly felt that Bia's character was peculiar. She didn't talk much at ordinary times, but once she spoke, she would always refer to "the great god king Zeus" or "the incomparably noble god queen Hera", and she was full of respect when talking about the Olympus Court.

During the battle, she fell into a near-death state more than once. The source of her divine power gradually dimmed, the light in her eyes disappeared, but a strange smile appeared on her face, as if she was enjoying herself very much.

She didn't seem to care about winning or losing, but wanted to keep savoring the moment of being close to death.

Sometimes Yang Qi didn't want to fight with her, so she would hunt all kinds of underworld monsters on her own, muttering something about "dedicating herself to the underworld and letting the queen of the underworld be glorious."

After the hunt, she invited Yang Qi again and again to appreciate it, as if it was a gift she had carefully prepared to share with her friends.

She stared intently at the broken limbs and splattered blood on the ground, sometimes for days.

Of course, Bea also ate the black goo countless times along the way. She made soup with the tail and liver of the underworld rat, sucked the blood and entrails of the giant centipede, and crunched the teeth of the underworld bat like a snack.

She kept inviting Yang Qi to taste them, but Yang Qi refused them all.

Apart from being a little weird, Yang Qi doesn't hate Bia. He felt that Bea did treat him as a friend.

Yang Qi himself also gained something. The divine power in his body became more and more consolidated, his fighting skills became more refined, and his soul became more consolidated and integrated. He no longer felt the conflict between the dragon soul and the human soul.

finally. In front of them is the extremely broad Styx River, the Styx River, and the location of the Styx Temple.

Yang Qi stared at the wide Styx, waiting for Bia.

She just said that she wanted to "bring glory to the Queen of the Underworld" and go hunting for monsters.

Buzz… Golden light shone, Yang Qi looked up, and saw Bia flying back and landing gently on the ground.

Behind her floated the corpses of hundreds of Styx dogs. She pointed her finger at the earth, and the corpses fell down.

The corpse was still steaming and twitching, maintaining its original state after the battle.

It's like this again, broken limbs, splattered blood.

"Eternal Wings, my friend, the powerful dragon – please appreciate it." Bea said very seriously.

"…Okay. It's beautiful." Yang Qi rolled his eyes and started to rant: "Combining the styles of Fauvism and Surrealism, it shows great pain, suffering and bestiality. The picture features thirty alien dog heads and seven or eight pairs of With the intestines as the center, surrounding unknown limbs, and with the help of curves splashed by blood, the work acquires a strict internal structure, an artistic image that stirs the soul…"

Bia said: "Eternal Wings, I always don't understand what you say. But it seems that you like it, I'm very happy."

Yang Qi continued to make nonsense: "However, the works lack innovation. I have seen them dozens of times along the way, and they are basically the same shape. Does this mean that the artist's thinking has been exhausted and he is constantly struggling in the old field…"

Bia said: "You are criticizing me. I don't understand. Do you like the powerful dragon or not?"

Yang Qi rolled his eyes again: "I like it. I love watching it. Come more."

"That's great." Bea smiled.

"Hey…" Yang Qi shook his head.

Bea fell next to Yang Qi, and she also looked at the vast Styx River.

Bea said: "This is the River Styx, the first of the five rivers of Styx. The palace of my mother of gods is here."

"Okay, let's go." Yang Qi said.

"Wait a minute." Bia suddenly said, "Powerful dragon, during the long battle, I think we have established a deep friendship."

"After entering the Temple of Styx, I can no longer enjoy fighting. Please let us fight one last time."

Yang Qi turned his head and looked at Biya standing there.

Her golden armor shines with colorful lights, and the queen's metal wings are about ten meters long, majestic and majestic.

But I don't know why, it looks a bit pitiful.

The protagonist will not transform in the future and will always maintain the dragon state. Except for occasionally spending long nights with the goddess.