
Chapter 21 The Eagle Girl’s Trust, the Power of the Wind

Chapter 21 The Eagle Girl's Trust, the Power of the Wind

Calypso looked at Yang Qi.

It turns out that the sadness and pain are to the extreme, and only numbness oozes from the eyes.

"…" Yang Qi stared at her, feeling her divine power.

Her breeze power is very poor and not worth mentioning.

Not to mention this little magical power, even if it were ten times more powerful, Yang Qi would not be moved.

"Saving you will offend the Court of Olympus."

Yang Qi shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Calypso's eyes showed deep disappointment, her thin shoulders twitched, she lowered her head, tears streaming from her eyes.

Yang Qi looked at Calypso and sighed.

He took a deep breath and thought to himself: "I am not a vicious person, but I am not a Holy Mother either. I will save you when I can ensure my own safety…"

"Rescue when you can ensure your own safety!"

After a moment, Yang Qi considered his words: "If you insist on me saving you, there is only one way."

Calypso suddenly raised her head. She crawled to the Thunder Cage, opened her eyes wide and stared at Yang Qi closely.

"Powerful dragon, what method do you have? No matter what method, I can accept it, as long as you don't stay in this thunder cage anymore, anything will work, anything will work…"

Her divine voice was full of pleading.

"The method is, you give me all your divine power."

"Then, your soul wanders in the River Styx, waiting for me."

Yang Qi gritted his teeth and said, "I won't save you! Until—"

"Until one day, I achieve a high position in the Court of Olympus and gain the trust and friendship of Zeus!"

"Or simply, I can defeat Zeus and make the Olympus tremble in front of me!"

"Only then will I come to save you!"

"Of course, that day may never come, and you will have to wander on the banks of the River Styx forever!"

"This is the only way I can save you!"

"…" Calypso looked at Yang Qi.

"That's great, great…" She smiled.

Perhaps this was the first time in a million years that a smile appeared on her face.

"The powerful dragon… How can an eternal waiting without hope compare to waiting with a glimmer of hope?"

"I am willing to wait. At least, there is still hope…"

She closed her eyes.

The blue-black flames around her flew towards Yang Qi and merged into Yang Qi's dragon body.

Yang Qi felt that his strength had increased. Calypso's knowledge and memory, including her divine power, were all given to Yang Qi.

"I…wait for…your…powerful…dragon…" All the flames around Calypso disappeared. She smiled and stretched out her hand, touching the thunder cage.

Golden lightning penetrated her whole body, she trembled violently, fell to the ground, and died.

"Her soul has gone to the underworld and will wait for me on the bank of the River Styx." Yang Qi looked at Calypso's body.

"If that day really comes, I will definitely come back to save you."

"This is my promise to you."

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Yang Qi closed his eyes and looked at himself, and came to that empty space again.

Calypso's divine power is mainly divided into two types.

A mist that turned into black and blended in very smoothly should have been given by Cronus.

One kind turned into a very slight wind, blowing in the empty space. This should be Calypso's own divine power.

After a long time, Yang Qi opened his eyes.

In the empty space, a breeze blew gently, making a sound.

This was the first time that sound appeared in the empty space.

The black mist became thicker and richer, and the black mist and crimson mist formed a vortex, rotating forever.

Yang Qi felt that the vortex was spinning faster than before.

It must have been caused by the breeze.

"Calypso is the goddess of breeze. Her unique divine power was absorbed by me and became the breeze in this void space."

"I wonder what the effect will be?"

Yang Qi's spirit condensed into a point of light, leading the breeze in the void space and blowing outward.

Suddenly, violent wind roared out from between Yang Qi's wings, making a terrifying sonorous sound, and the surrounding seawater was shaking crazily.


Yang Qi flapped his wings and took off, soaring upward.

"So fast!" This effect was far beyond Yang Qi's expectation. He opened his eyes wide and felt the speed, "This speed is more than doubled than before!"

"It's really fast! If I mobilize the dark power and crimson flame power to condense on the wings, and then cooperate with the power of the wind, I wonder how fast it will be?!"


Yang Qi suddenly thought of something.

"Fire combined with wind…"

Yang Qi's spirit condensed into a point of light again, leading the black and red mist in the void space.


Suddenly, Yang Qi opened his mouth and spit out a spiral of dark and crimson flames, roaring outward.

"It's now!"

Yang Qi's spiritual light point once again led the breeze and blew outward.

Suddenly, a strong sound of wind erupted from Yang Qi's dragon mouth. The strong wind drove the flame spiral, and the flame spiral roared, and the speed was more than three times faster in an instant!


The flame spiral was like a rampaging dragon, accelerating instantly and flying towards the distant water wall.

The wall of water trembled violently, and the entire dark and deep palace also trembled together!

"This power!" Yang Qi's heart moved. It was much stronger than the dragon flames he spat out before!

More importantly, the dragon flames fly three times faster in the air, making it even more difficult for opponents to dodge!

Yang Qi is very satisfied with the results.

To be precise, the amount of absolute divine power that Calypso brought to Yang Qi was not very large.

She was imprisoned in the Thunder Cage for a long time, and almost all the divine power in her body was lost.

But her wind power can cooperate well with Yang Qi's Dragon Flame, producing the effect of one plus one being greater than two!

"Wait a minute." Yang Qi suddenly thought of something, "I should have another attack method."

"Dragon Roar!"

The dragon's roar is a unique attack method of the dragon clan. The majestic dragon's roar can make the enemy's hearts tremble with fear, and some may even lose their will to resist, stop moving, and wait for death to come.


Yang Qi let out a dragon roar, and the sound waves of the dragon roar turned into entities, spread out, and gradually disappeared.

The effect is not good.

Yang Qi calmed down, and his consciousness returned to the void space again.

"I can condense the power of wind onto my wings to increase my flying speed."

"It can also condense into the dragon's mouth and be sprayed out together with the flames."

"Then, can I condense the power of wind into the dragon's throat?"

"What will be the effect of making a dragon roar like this?"

Yang Qi mobilized the divine power of wind and poured it into the dragon's throat. The divine power of wind shook the dragon's throat crazily!


Suddenly, Yang Qi let out a dragon roar, but only a creature with powerful divine power would be able to tell that it was not a dragon roar, but a hundred dragon roars, but the interval was very short, so it sounded like It's a sound!

The sound waves of the dragon's roar turned into entities and drew a hundred arcs. The arcs trembled crazily and turned into a sound blade, flying towards the distant wall of water.

boom! !

The wall of water trembled violently, and the entire dark palace trembled crazily again, and then collapsed!

"This Dragon's Sound Blade is so powerful?! It's probably even more powerful than my Dragon Flame!"

Seeing this effect, even Yang Qi himself was surprised.

Originally, he could only let out a dragon roar, which at best could boost morale during the battle.

After merging with Calypso's divine power of wind, Dragon Roar can be so powerful!

Moreover, the dragon's roar has the effect of shocking the enemy's body and mind. If it is a weak enemy, a dragon's roar will immediately make the enemy freeze on the spot, trembling all over and unable to move!

"I can now emit up to a hundred dragon roars at a time and turn it into a dragon roar sound blade. If I evolve again, I can emit a thousand or ten thousand sounds at a time. I wonder how far it can go?"

Of course, this Dragon's Sound Blade also has shortcomings.

The disadvantage is that Yang Qi's dragon's throat is extremely painful now. I can barely make a sound anymore.

"I'm afraid it's better to keep this move as a reserved move."

"Dragon Flame is more useful in daily combat."

Thinking of this, Yang Qi flew away from the collapsed temple and returned to the desolate undersea land. He dug up the soil at will, made a cave for himself, and drilled into it.

Find some shells to eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are sleepy. When he was awake, he spent all his time consolidating Calypso's divine power.

So, hundreds of days passed.

With all the divine power absorbed and consolidated, Yang Qi was in optimal condition, and the previously painful dragon's throat was restored.

Anyway, it's time to go out.

Yang Qi believed that Triton was closely monitoring this area of ​​​​the sea. If he knew that he appeared, he would arrive immediately and kill him.

"Triton, your death has come!"

Yang Qi knew in his heart that killing Triton, the son of Ocean, would greatly offend Poseidon.

But so what.

Triton angered himself, and Yang Qi must take revenge.

Secondly, angering Poseidon does not mean angering the Court of Olympus.

Poseidon is one of the three giants of the Olympian gods, but his authority is only exercised over the ocean.

The Court of Olympus is, basically, equivalent to the will of Zeus.

Zeus has never trusted Poseidon, who once competed with him for the position of God King. In fact, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades fought openly and secretly, were wary of each other, and always wanted to kill each other!

It's just politics in the Olympus Court.

Yang Qi believed that killing Triton, the son of Ocean, would not only not offend the Olympus Court, but would even gain tacit approval!

Yang Qi's face was gloomy, he flapped his wings and soared, breaking through the layers of water and charging towards the Eye of the Whirlpool.

The Eye of the Whirlpool still erupted with a huge roar, sucking huge amounts of sea water into it. To break through requires huge divine power.

But Yang Qi, after several simulations, absorbed the power of Starlight Scale, Crimson Pearl and Calypso, and he must not whisper in the same breath.


Suddenly, Yang Qi's left dragon wing ignited with blue-black flames, and the right dragon wing ignited with crimson flames, and then an astonishing sound of wind erupted from the wings. The flames were blown by the strong wind, soaring thousands of meters high!

Yang Qi's speed reached the limit and he rushed towards the Eye of the Whirlpool!