
Chapter 14 One-tenth of the ocean, white and thin arms

Fear bloomed in Triton's pupils, he had an incredible look on his face, and then he gritted his teeth and his divine power burst out!

The misty sea fog behind Triton began to boil crazily, making an extremely ominous sound!

Thunder roared, thousands of clouds covered the sky, and it started to rain heavily!

"Haha…hahaha…" Weird laughter came from the sea fog, and then a pale hand stretched out, followed by her head.

"Siren Banshee!" A name jumped out of Yang Qi's mind, "In the shadow of the sea fog behind Triton, a Siren Banshee actually crawled out?!"

The Siren Banshee has a strange smile on her gloomy and beautiful face, and her hair is made of green seaweed and covered with fish scales.

In her hands covered with sharp nails, she actually held a bident.

"Lizard, you are lucky enough to see the source of my divine power, [Sea Mist, Mist Banshee]!" Triton laughed wildly, "Death is about to come to your humble life!"

Siren banshees have stunning beauty and heavenly singing voices.

In the legends of later generations, sailors could occasionally hear singing from afar on the vast sea. The song was deep and mysterious, and it was fascinating.

The sailor looked at the misty sea and saw the sirens sitting on the rocks, playing their natural sounds.

The crazy sailors jumped into the sea and swam towards the sirens.

And when they get close, the siren banshees will open their huge mouths, filled with extremely sharp teeth, and bite the sailors' throats.

"A lizard with wings, not a god at all, not even the god of beasts, can actually rival me…"

"Lizard, I'm afraid you haven't seen the true terror of gods."

"That would crush all living beings, it's absolutely terrifying!"

"The source of divine power!"

Triton's face showed an extremely ferocious look, and he stretched out the bident in his hand. The Siren Banshee synchronized with him, and also stretched the bident forward, and then, the ocean began to boil!

Do You Weigh 85 Kg? You Will Reach 58 Kg! Write The Recipe


Twelve blue shields, as clear as sapphire, shaped like gates, leap out from the ocean, bringing out the rough seawater!

"The source of divine power! Is the mist and siren banshee behind Triton, the so-called [Mist in the Sea, Banshee in the Mist], the source of his divine power?!"

"What exactly is the source of divine power?"

Yang Qi thought to himself.

Everything happens in an instant.


Yang Qi's black flames impacted the Ocean Gate summoned by Triton.

Then, there was a crisp sound of glass breaking all around.

The first gate to the ocean collapsed!

It shattered into countless fragments, shining with colorful light, and fell into the sea, causing ripples.

The second ocean gate collapsed!

The third ocean gate collapsed!

The fourth, the fifth!

The black flames rushed towards the sixth ocean gate, but the ocean gate only resisted for a moment and collapsed again!

"What?" Suddenly, a look of extreme fear and horror spread across Triton's face, "Can't you resist?!"

The black flames didn't even decay, and the bursting heat and shining light were even more dazzling!

The eleventh course!

Track 12!

Joint Pain Will Go Away In 3 Days!

Joint Pain Will Go Away In 3 Days!


Не из-за любви к Родине вернулась Пугачева: раскрыли подробности

Не из-за любви к Родине вернулась Пугачева: раскрыли подробности


Песков: налоги сильно поднимут в 2024 году, но не всем

Песков: налоги сильно поднимут в 2024 году, но не всем


"!!!" Triton's pupils opened hugely, and the black flame beams had already surged in front of him!

Then a violent sound shook the world, and the entire pillar of black flame engulfed Triton.

The black flames gradually dissipated, leaving nothing in the sky, not even ashes left.

"Won? I defeated the gods?"

"The power of darkness given by Cronus is actually so terrifying?!"

"Burn Triton right up!"

"This is only one billionth of Cronus's divine power. If I can get more…!"

"It is worthy of the divine power of Cronus!" Yang Qi was shocked. "No matter how powerful Triton is, he is only a fourth-generation god, and Cronus is the second-generation god-king!"

"The power of the King of Gods!"

In an instant, Yang Qi was extremely eager for the divine power of Cronus!

His Dark Divine Scythe was scattered into countless fragments. There must be a large number of creatures in the God Realm who got their hands on them. Their unified characteristic is that their whole bodies are burning with blue-black flames.

Grab their divine sickle fragments!

Yang Qi made up his mind.

"Go back to my lair first." Yang Qi fluttered his wings and was about to fly. Suddenly, he saw countless purple lights flashing in the sky in the distance.

Those purple rays of light met in the air, forming a small portal.

The portal opened and a girl jumped out.

The billowing purple divine light enveloped her body, and Yang Qi could not see her face clearly.

"Another god appears? Who is she?"

The girl stretched out her arm, clenched her fist, pointed it at Yang Qi, and then threw something fiercely at him!

Brush – Yang Qi didn't hide, he opened the dragon's mouth and swallowed the flying thing.

Because Yang Qi didn't feel the slightest murderous intention from it.

"This is?"

Yang Qi stuck out his tongue and looked at the thing that landed on the tip of his tongue.

A pure white stone, faintly filled with divine power.

The divine power turned into a divine breath and merged into Yang Qi's mind, with only a few words.

"Ocean Horn!"


"Go to the eternal vortex of the deep sea!"

Yang Qi was thinking: "Ocean Horn?"

"Triton does hold a white horn in his hand."

"She asked me to run away and go to the eternal vortex of the deep sea."

"That's also the route I planned in advance…"

Yang Qi was thinking when he saw the purple portal in the sky suddenly shattered, and the girl had disappeared.

"Buzz…" The ancient and profound sound of the horn sounded in the distance.

Yang Qi saw a crystal clear drop of water suddenly appear in the distant void.

The water droplet began to expand, and in an instant, it expanded to 10,000 meters.

There is a god among them, holding a white horn in his hand and blowing it.


"He's still alive?!!!"

"This divine power——!!"

Like a hundred thousand thunders exploding from Yang Qi's heart, he felt unprecedented terrifying divine power, coming from Triton's horn. The divine power was surging like a huge wave, and he was just a floating on the sea. Waterweed!


Triton blew the horn, and Yang Qi felt that his Dragon Heart was also resonating with the horn. The blood all over his body began to boil. The extremely painful feeling exploded from his heart, as if it had turned into a hundred thousand sharp swords. The knife penetrated the whole body!

The desire to die exploded in Yang Qi's heart. It was absolutely impossible for him to defeat the gods in front of him and defeat the horn in his hand!

The ocean of Olympus is divided into the extreme west, the extreme east, the extreme south, the extreme north, and the central sea.

Half of the water in the extreme western sea began to shake.

Half of the water in the extreme western sea rose out of thin air and surrounded Triton, turning into blue lines and spreading in all directions.

"All the western seas, the tides, the abyss and the waves."

"In the name of the son of the ocean, follow my order and inherit my order."

"Devouring our enemies with the endless ocean."

Triton chanted softly, then he looked up, "One tenth, the burial cage of all the oceans."

"One-tenth, the burial cage of the entire ocean!"

A strange smile appeared on Triton's face, and the countless blue silk threads floating around his body closed towards the center and turned into a huge cage, covering Yang Qi inside.

Suddenly, the surroundings were pitch black, and all he could see was endless waves and heavy rain. The impact was tearing Yang Qi's body. Yang Qi felt that every dragon scale around him was emitting an eternal divine sound, and he tried his best to resist. impact.

Endless thoughts of death exploded in Yang Qi's heart. Now Yang Qi only had one thought in his mind, escape!

Yang Qi endured the severe pain, and the black mist in the void space boiled again, condensing on the wings, and the wings suddenly burst out with astonishing light.

Yang Qi's wings vibrated, cutting through the sea water, and with a violent roar, he rushed to the edge of the ocean burial cage, facing the towering wall of water!


Yang Qi hit his head against the wall of water, and dragon's blood immediately flowed down. The ocean cage shook slightly, as if a stone was thrown into the sea, and then it calmed down.

"Lizard, think about your last words in this world. This is the last time you will disrespect the God of Olympus." High in the sky, Triton said coldly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Yang Qi banged his head against the wall of water crazily, but the wall of water remained motionless!

The dragon's blood flowed down crazily, covering Yang Qi's eyes. All he saw was blood red around him, boom -! Yang Qi opened the dragon's mouth and spit out black flames again. The black flames impacted the water wall and then disappeared.

Yang Qi then opened his bloody mouth and bit hard at the water wall.

Still can't break it!

"Bang!!" Yang Qi hit his head against the water wall again, this time with all his strength.

There was a crisp sound, and Yang Qi seemed to feel that his skull was shattered, but the water wall was still unbreakable.

Yang Qi opened his mouth again and bit forward with all his strength. With a click, the dragon's teeth in his mouth shattered. The wall of water remained unbreakable!

boom! !

the last time.

Yang Qi mobilized all the black mist in the void space.

Just as he was about to spit it out, he heard the sound of rushing water. In an instant, Yang Qi saw a hole opened in the wall of water!

A white and thin arm stretched out from the outside!

"It's the girl who threw stones!"

That arm grabbed Yang Qi's dragon claw, and suddenly the surrounding area was filled with purple light, revealing a huge gap in the indestructible water wall!


That arm fiercely pulled Yang Qi out!