
Greek Gods As Neighbors

Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

kashim_Samaila · Teen
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 2

I hate being disturbed when sleeping; it's one of my major pet peeves. While most days I am quite peaceful and quiet, when woken up by an unfamiliar tune it can bring out my darker side and I can only grunt in irritation. Sleepless and frustrated, I turn over in bed, attempting to cover my head with my pillow; but the damage is done and I cannot fall back asleep. Infuriated by this development, I toss aside the pillow and sit up quickly while muttering profanities - where is this sound coming from?! Who could possibly be making noise at midnight?! Not even the weekend has begun yet and I shamble to my open window with an open curtain to feel the cool breeze coming through and giving me chills. While sleeping with the window open was never an issue before now, suddenly there were noises during the night: Mana's "Rayando El Sol". Tilting my head to one side, I parted curtains to see where it came from - there's someone sitting on one of Hidalgos' small chairs outside their yard.

But this time around it's not Apolo.

My heart flutters as I recognize Ares! My excitement skyrockets.

Ares is one of the most attractive men I've ever met - and believe me, I've seen my share! He stands tall and athletic with muscled legs and an ass to die for. His face has perfect proportions - high cheekbones, beautiful nose and full lips that appear wet constantly. His upper lip forms an arch that recalls the top of a drawn heart, while his lower lip bears a nearly imperceptible piercing. When I see his eyes, they take my breath away - deep blue with an unexpected flash of bright green. Ares is an intriguing character. His jet black hair stands out against his creamy white skin, falling carelessly across his forehead and ears. He sports an impressive tattoo of a curvy dragon on his left arm which seems professionally done; everything about Ares exudes mystery and danger but instead draws me in like a magnet.

I find myself taken aback by an unpredictable force.

Under the floodlight, I can make out that he's wearing shorts, Converse shoes and a T-shirt that matches his hair color. I watch him as he types away on his laptop while nibbling his lower lip - very seductive!

But then something unexpectedly happened: Ares snapped his head up when he saw me, his beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine, and my world stopped turning. Never having made direct eye contact before, we both blushed quickly while looking directly into each others eyes - something neither of us have done ever since! I couldn't look away.

Ares raises his eyebrow and his gaze is as cold as ice, asking, "Are you needing something?" "Do you require anything?"

His voice lacks any emotion; I swallow as I struggle to find my own. His look paralyzes me; how could someone so young be so intimidating?

"Hello?" I almost stammer in response. His silence only makes me more nervous; my hands grip the edge of my windowsill as I say: "Your music woke me up."

Raquel could hear Ares talking. She took a breath. Don't faint! "Your ear is fine - but your room's quite far. "

"That's it," I think to myself, in exasperation. He turns back towards his laptop and continues typing away while my lips twist in irritation.

After several minutes, he notices I hadn't moved. With lips pursed tightly, he glances back towards me with surprise.

"Do you require anything?" he asks with an annoyed tone of voice.

That gives me courage to speak. "Actually, yes. I wanted to talk with you.

He made an introductory gesture and encouraged me to continue speaking.

"Are you using my Wi-Fi?" I inquired with suspicion.

"Yes," was his immediate and unhesitating reply.

"Without My Permission?"

Yes. His audacity is infuriating. "Don't Do That".

"I know," he shrugged dismissively, showing his lack of care.

How can you recover my password?

"I possess exceptional computer abilities."

"So it appears you obtained it through some sort of fraud?

"I gained access to your computer system and compromised it.

"How are you so confident to say such an assertion so quietly?"

"Honesty is one of my greatest qualities.

"You are..." I hesitated before offering up an insult, but his direct gaze affected my ability to think creatively; thus I settled for what has always worked: the traditional insult:

"You are such an idiot!" mes His lips curled upward in an insulted smile. "What an insult! I thought you would come up with more innovative password solutions!"

My cheeks begin to flush as my skin turns bright red with fear. He knows my password - that annoying childhood crush who I couldn't shake knowing my ridiculous Wi-Fi password has access. Now it's too late. He is my undoomed destiny.

"Nobody was supposed to know about this." I lower my head. Ares closes his laptop and looks at me amusedly.

"I know more than I should, Raquel." Hearing his name brought butterflies to my stomach but I tried my hardest not to be flustered by it all.

"Oh? And like what?" [sighs] Whilst everyone else sleeps, you visit websites on your laptop."

My mouth opens wide in surprise but quickly closes again - my jaw drops when he mentions my browsing history? Oh no, he must know of all those porn sites I visited just out of curiousity - though these weren't on purpose; just curiosity. "I don't understand," I reply quickly.

"Yes," Ares replies with a smile.

"Anyway, that's not the point - just stop using my Wi-Fi and make no noise!

Ares stands up from his small chair. "Or what?" he asks.

"Or I'll tell on you!"

Ares bursts into laughter. His laugh is hoarse yet seductive. "Are you going to tell your mother?" he questions in mocking tone.

"Yes, or yours. I feel safe sitting by my window; however, if we were confronted each other directly in the yard.

"I'll use your Wi-Fi, and nothing will be done about it." He leans back in his chair.

"They've gone too far!" This challenge must have seemed formidable to him; surely mine must have too.

"Nothing you can do. If you tell my mother, I will deny it and she will believe me; if you tell yours, I will show her all of the pages you visit when no one is watching you," says this individual.

Are You Blackmailing Me?"

He pauses as though considering my question before answering: "I wouldn't call it blackmail; rather we can come to an agreement whereby I get what I want in exchange for your silence.

"Your silence in regards to information you accessed by hacking me is unjust.

Ares shrugged his shoulders. "Haven't you heard that life isn't fair?"

"No need for that," Jerk replied firmly, sitting up and opening his laptop computer.

I find myself gazing upon him like an idiot, not knowing whether my initial impression of him as a child has faded or because my feelings for him still exist. Either way, the cold breeze outside was unpleasant so I closed the window and crawled back under my warm sheets defeatedly.

My iPhone vibrated on my nightstand. Who could possibly be texting at this hour? As soon as I opened up the message and read it aloud, my jaw dropped open with surprise.

Good night, Witch!

Sincerely Yours, Ares.

I groan with frustration as Ares continues his attack against me by labelling me a witch. Although things between us remain contentious, Ares must know he can count on me not standing idle while his plans play out. I won't stand for this and won't sit by.

Your neighbor was not the intended victim!