
Greek Gods As Neighbors

Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

kashim_Samaila · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 18


When I see him approaching me holding the phone box, my hope is immediately dashed.

Accept it, please.

I feel even worse after that gesture because it seems like he is making amends for what just occurred. My eyes are filled with uncontrollable tears, and since I am speechless, I quickly open the door.

"Raquel!" Hello! Don't walk out in that manner! "Raquel" Behind me, I can hear him yelling.

I'm heading for the exit before I even realize it. The redheaded girl and I cross paths once more, but I ignore her and keep walking.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I walk down the street. I am aware that what just occurred is my fault. Even though he didn't force me to do it, I still don'a feel better.

I've always believed that the guy I was with would value and appreciate my first time, that it would be a special occasion, and that he would at the very least feel something for me. Although the sex was wonderful and made me feel better about Ares, he didn't care. Just sex was involved. No feelings.

He also forewarned me and made it clear what he wanted, but I acted foolishly and gave him my most prized possession. My lungs are burning from running. I collapse onto my bed and sob uncontrollably when I get home.



"Cream-topped strawberries"?

I shook my head and said, "No."

"Ice cream"?


"I know, how about some Nutella, strawberries, and ice cream?" all together?

Yoshi adjusts his glasses as I simply shake my head once more.

"I surrender."

In a deserted classroom, we are by ourselves. Yoshi is attempting to make me feel better after the most recent class ended. I've been dragging myself around school all week, and it's Friday. Not even Dani has I had the guts to tell her what happened. I feel so bad about myself. I don't believe I am yet ready to discuss it.

Rochi, hurry up. Don't let what happened bring you down, no matter what.

He strokes my cheek and tells me to "fight."

I'm not interested in doing that.

Let's go get some ice cream, shall we? Please try it. I am unable to refuse him as his lovely eyes beg me from behind his glasses. He is right. There is nothing I can do to go back in time. Yoshi reaches out to shake my hand. "Should we leave?" I take his hand while grinning at him. "Let's move on." ""

We sit in the town square after purchasing ice cream. It's a gorgeous day right now. The sun is still shining as if it were noon even though it is after four o'clock.

"Remember when we used to visit this location after elementary school every afternoon?" Yoshi queries.

The memory makes me smile. Yes, we grew close to the candy vendor.

"And she gave them to us for free."

I chuckle as I recall the sweetness on our cheeks. Yoshi joins me in my laughter.

I like it better that way. You appear more attractive when you smile.

So you concur that I have good looks? I enquire.

"More or less, I might try a few drinks to win you over."

No, just a few drinks, please!

What about Dani? I haven't seen her at school, he says while downing a spoonful of ice cream.

The reason is that she missed two days. She is working on a project with her mother at the agency.

A prestigious modeling agency is run by Dani's mother. She is absolutely fierce. When Dani was a young child, she launched her own company, which has only expanded since. Her modeling agency is currently among the state's most significant. On the other hand, Dani's father is more of a laid-back and go-with-the-flow person. He teaches in a nearby community college's art department. Dani seems to have a good blending of the personalities of both of her parents. She shares her mother's fierceness but is also sympathetic and at ease like her father.

Yoshi nods in agreement. She's already missed classes in her first week of school, which is typical of Dani.

She's smart and can catch up quickly, which is good.


Yoshi is looking at me as I lick my ice cream, seemingly waiting for something.

You know you can rely on me, Rochi? I understand where this is going when he asks. "You don't have to handle things on your own."

I sadly exhale. I am aware that it is simply... I don't want to let anyone else down because I'm so disappointed in myself.

"I could never be let down by you."

"Don't be so certain."

He gives me an expectant look in his eyes. "I assure you. Perhaps discussing it will make you feel a little better.

I just say it out loud because there isn't a simple way to do it. My virginity was lost.

"What?" Yoshi nearly spits in my face with his ice cream. "You've got to be kidding, right?"

My lips are pursed. "No."

"How?" When? Who with whom? Raquel, sh* t! He stands up and sets his ice cream aside while displaying incomprehensible facial expressions.

I stand up and try to calm him down as people start to look at me. "Yoshi, everything is fine."

"With whom?" His forehead and neck have visible veins, and his face is red.

You're not even dating anyone. Who was it, please?

"Keep your voice!"

Yoshi kicks a trash can while turning away from me and grabbing his head. Okay, I guess I wasn't expecting that response.

Yoshi, you're reacting too strongly. Remain calm.

He turns to face me after covering his face with his hand. "Name him so I can beat the living daylights out of him."

Acting like the envious, overly protective big brother is not appropriate at this time.

He makes a mocking laugh. "Big Brother"? Do you believe that this is a big brother's response? You are absolutely blind.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

He appears to be thinking a thousand different things as he looks at me.

He whispers, "You're blind," to me. "I must breathe some air." I'll run into you somewhere.

He then abruptly left, leaving me speechless. Ice cream that has been melted drips to the ground as it rolls down the waffle cone I'm holding. What the hell just occurred?

I return home, worn out and perplexed.

It's my turn to clean on Saturday.

I'm complaining about the to-do list my mother gave me. I almost finished everything; the only thing left is my room, so I play music on my computer to get myself motivated to clean. Since I no longer have a phone, Facebook has become my only means of communication, so I open it and leave it open.

While I tidy up my mess, I'm listening to Selena Gomez's "The Heart wants What It Wants." I use the air conditioner control as a microphone to sing the lyrics. I kneel in front of Rocky and start singing to him as he turns his head to the side.

You're crazy, I tell you! From the door, my mother yells. You take so long to clean up because of this! The poor dog has been traumatized by you.

"I mutter as I stand up, "You always ruin my inspiration.

Rocky thinks my voice is wonderful.

Before she leaves, she commands, "Hurry up and get your dirty clothes and bring them to me. I'll do the laundry today." I turn to face Rocky while pouting.

She is still unaware of my talent, I say. "Raquel!" From the stairs, Mom yells at me.

"I'll be there!" ""

I finish cleaning my room and bring her my clothes before sitting down in front of the computer. I'm surprised to see messages from Dani and Ares when I check my Facebook messages. Despite the fact that we are not Facebook friends, I am aware of his ability to message me. My stomach swells with butterflies as my stupid heart races. I find it hard to believe that despite what happened, he still affects me in that way.

Uneasy, I read his message.

Witch, Ares.

Really? Who greets anyone in that manner? He alone. I curtly respond, curious to hear what he has to say.

I ask, "What?"

I start to worry more and more as he takes some time.

Ares: If you can, drop by my house.

so he can once more use me? No, thank you. I'd like to respond, but I don't want to let him know how miserable I felt because of him.

Why would I do that, you crazy person?

You left something here, Ares.

I already said that I didn't want the phone.

Ares sends a picture.

When I open it, I see a picture of him holding the nine-year-old silver chain my mother gave me. My name is on a pendant that hangs from it.

My hand instinctively reaches up to my neck to make sure I'm missing it. I've never removed it. How could I have been unaware that I lacked it? Perhaps my post-deflowering spite kept me too busy.

I feel both rage and excitement at the thought of seeing Ares. His instability has been spread to me by that jerk. I type a response after regaining some of my dignity.

Me: On Monday, send it to school with Apolo.

Are you frightened to see me? he says.

I'm not interested in seeing you.

Liar, Ares

Think as you please, I say.

Ares: What's the matter with you?