
Greek Gods As Neighbors

Raquel Alvarez takes her future seriously and works diligently. Her goals include becoming a psychologist as well as getting Ares Hildago to notice her. Raquel has always had an intense fascination with Ares. Although she lives next door, Raquel has never spoken with him directly but still can't help thinking there may be more to him than meets the eye and imagines what it would feel like to kiss him! Once she discovers her crush is more than unrequited, their fiery attraction quickly intensifies into something truly unforgettable - they fall hard and fast for one another. Raquel wants Ares to commit, but his life has already been planned out for him: after finishing school he'll join his family business; for now though? Stay cool. Don't get involved. And avoid falling in love. Ares and Raquel seem to have found what ignited so quickly may soon extinguish itself, but is their relationship going to last?

kashim_Samaila · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 16

Bright sunshine and cool breezes signal the start of my first day as a senior in high school. It will be difficult to get used to waking up early every day again, I realize as I shuffle inside the building. It's only day one of summer break, and I already miss it.

Apolo is standing next to a locker as I make my way through the crowd of students in the main hallway. "Apolo!" Why are you in this place?

"Good day, Raquel." He gives me a smile. "I'm coming here now."

"You've switched schools," Has Ares as well?

His head is shaken. He wouldn't ever leave that school, I assure you. He is too devoted to his soccer team.

I make an effort to hide my dissatisfaction.

Oh. That's great that you're here, though. I- ""

We are cut off by a scream that reverberates down the hallway.

"Raquel, my heart's queen!"

Despite myself, I smile as I turn to face Carlos, a devoted admirer of mine. Everything began the day I stood up for him against some fourth-grade boys who were misusing him. He has vowed to love me forever ever since, almost every day. Even though I've told him that I only see him as a friend, he still doesn't seem to get it.

"Hello, Carlos." I sway. He still appeals to me. He's entertaining despite being a little crazy.

"My lovely princess," He gives my hand a passionate kiss.

"For me, this summer has been the longest and most agonizing."

Apolo gives us a what-the-fuck-is-going-on look while remaining silent.

To him, Carlos turns. Who are you, exactly?

It's Apolo here. I respond, holding up my hand, "He's new. "Apolo, this is Carlos, he is...

Carlos quickly responds, "Her future husband and father of her four children."

I struck him in the head's back. I warned you not to speak in such a manner!

Sometimes people hold that belief.

Have you ever heard the saying "If you tell a lie enough times, it becomes true"?

Apolo smiles. You have a very devoted admirer, wow!

Before leaving for our classes, we laugh together.

As quickly as it started, the first day of class comes to an end. I'm in my senior year already, and I can't believe it. Going to college is something that both excites and terrifies me. Rocky won't eat, so I hurried home to feed him. I then undressed and threw my clothes in the washer. I want to go outside and look out my window because of my old habits because it's now

when Ares returns from school. He used to circle his room as I watched.

Raquel, stop now.

I see a tiny white box on my bed when I turn to look at it. A note slips out as I reach over to pick it up. When I realize it's the box for the newest iPhone, my eyes start to widen. I quickly review it.

Therefore, you always have a phone with you. Consider it a solace for everything you experienced that evening.

Don't even consider returning it to me.


Rocky gives me a puzzled look as I laugh so loudly. "Are you insane?"

"Greek God" I speak up and ask. "You're totally insane!"

This cell phone is too expensive for me to accept in any way. Ares has no problem with money, but how in the world did he enter my room while Rocky was present? I notice the dog's belly is full and fat as I look at him, recalling that he didn't want to eat when I first entered the room.

"Oh no. Rocky! Traitor!"

Rocky sighs and appears to be confessing his guilt.

I need to return this phone, so I put on some jeans, a T-shirt, and leave. There is no way for me to enter from the back, so I circle the block to get to the Hidalgos' front door. I don't want to get shot or anything if I'm mistaken for a burglar.

My courage wanes in front of the house. It's a three-story house with Victorian windows and an entrance garden. As intimidating as him. I ring the doorbell after gathering my composure.

The door is opened by a lovely woman with red hair. I would have assumed she was a member of the family if it weren't for her uniform. "Good evening, May I assist you?"

"Hello. Ares... is he present?

Who is asking, exactly?


Okay, Raquel, I have to wait until he tells me before I can let you in for security reasons.

Would you please wait while I look for him for a moment?

"Of course," she said.

I play with the box in my hands as she shuts the door. I don't believe coming here was a wise decision. She'll probably slam the door in my face if Ares tells her he doesn't want to see me.

The girl reappears a short while later. "You may now enter. In the playroom, he is waiting for you.

a playroom

I'm not at all surprised by the absurdly opulent interior of Ares' home.

She stops after guiding me through the living room and down a lengthy hallway. The third door from the right is where he is.

"I appreciate it."

Why I'm suddenly so anxious is beyond me. I'll be seeing Ares. Although it's only been a few days, it feels like so much time has passed.

Raquel, just return the phone to him. Give him the phone, enter, and then leave. Simple. Simple.

He yells, "Come in!" as I knock on the door.

I peeked inside after opening the door. A pool table, a sizable TV with various consoles underneath it, and plush furniture make up the typical playroom.

Ares is playing something with a lot of shooting while seated on the couch in front of the TV and holding what appears to be the PlayStation 4 controller.

He is only wearing his school uniform pants and is shirtless. He is playing while biting his lip, and the headphones he is wearing have left his hair messy.

Ares, why in the world must you be so hot? I can't remember why I'm here. Uncomfortable, I clear my throat.

Ares says into the headset microphone, "Guys, I'll be right back." "I have a guest, we know that." He puts his headphones away and leaves the game. I look into his eyes. "Let me hazard a guess." You arrived to give me back the phone, right?

As usual, I feel small when he stands up. Why must he wear no clothes? You shouldn't greet a visitor in that manner.

My voice is found. "Yes. Although I appreciate the gesture, it is excessive.

It's impolite to turn down a gift, so accept it.

There is no need for a gift because it is neither my birthday nor Christmas. I extend to him the box.

Do you only get presents for Christmas and birthdays?

Yes, occasionally not even on those dates.

Take it, please.

I want to flee when Ares just stares at me. "Raquel, you lost something you worked so hard to get that night in a terrible experience."

How do you know that, exactly?

I'm not a moron, I guarantee you. I'm supposing that your mother could never have purchased the phone you did, given her income and the bills she must pay. I am aware that you paid for it out of your own pocket and labor. I can give you another one, but I'm sorry I was powerless to stop them from taking it. I'll give it to you now. Avoid being arrogant.

"You are so... challenging to understand."

"I have been informed,"

"No, I'm not kidding. You say you don't want to connect with me, but then you act in such a polite manner. Ares, what game are you playing?

"I'm not joking around." I'm merely being polite.

"Why?" Why are you treating me nicely?

"I'm not sure."

"You can never be certain."

You "always want to know everything," he said. He approaches, his blue eyes fixed intently on me.

"I'm starting to believe you enjoy confusing me."

I get the smirk from Ares that he loves so much. You make yourself confused.

With you, I've always been clear.

"Yes, Mr. Kindness, that is very clear."

What's wrong with showing kindness, exactly?

That prevents me from forgetting about you.

Ares makes a shrugging motion. "That's not a concern of mine."

I feel a wave of rage wash over me. "And now the melancholy Ares appears."

Ares furrows his brows. What were you calling me, exactly?

"Moody. You have too many mood swings.

"As original as ever." His tone is full of sarcasm. You enjoy giving meaning to everything, so it's not my fault.

Isn't it true that everything is always my fault?

Why are you acting so dramatic, Lord!!

I'm still getting angry inside of me. Why don't you leave me alone if I'm such a bother to you?

Ares shouts louder. "You gave me a visit!" You searched for me.