
Greedy SCP Fan

I was transported into the SCP universe with nothing but my phone.

LostSoulOfUndead · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Hello my name is Zackary but you can call me Zack.I was just told by my best friend that you can go to a parallel universe by doing a magic incantation. I Immediately went to my room and searched how to do it. I was bewildered when it actually worked and it felt amazing. Ohh your asking which universe I chose well I chose the SCP universe to be exact. Yeah look at my greatness and start calling me king.

"Hey honey who's this weird guy doing poses in the middle of the street".

"I don't know ignore him".

Now that I think about it I should keep a low profile. Since I got transported into this world with only a phone and my money wallet and no identification. I should probably find a place to stay and find some people to make a new identity for me. Luckily my genius brain has already solved it all. China town is a place where Chinese immigrants can come and settle down. And it's also very cheap because only the Chinese stay there. With the bustling gangs and gangsters I will be able to make some business and get a new identity.

I should probably ask the people if there is a hotel I could stay at. "Hello do you know where the cheapest hotel is at".

They pointed to a hotel right near a strip club. The reason it was so cheap was because rats and it was near a loud strip club. When I walked into the hotel I saw a old grandma tending the registry.

"Hey how much does it cost per month" I said.

She replied with "Twenty dollars per month".

It was hella cheap even though it's around 2019. I had a hundred and twenty-seven dollars in my money wallet. If I was in the 2000 I could have invested into crypto currency and made millions but I should try to be a low profile. I paid for the month and went outside and looked for incriminating people. I saw some gangster taking a smoke break and went up to them.

"Hey you guys sell some stuff I could use" I said.

They looked at each and brought me to a place. "Alright man we got many types of drugs tell me which one" one guy said.

"No no I meant a new identity you got those or no" I said.

They brought me to their boss and put me on the ground. The boss started talking in a loud voice "What business do you have with me".

"I need a new identity so can you hook me up".

"And why should I give you a new identity how come I don't know your not with the FBI or stuff" he said.

"If I was with the FBI I wouldn't tell you I was with them" I said.

"Ok boys go and kill him right now" He said.

"Ok Ok Ok wait I got a hundred dollars with me right now" I said.

He smiled and took my wallet and checked. "Ok you have a hundred and seven dollars you lier" he said. He took my breakfast money and immediately brought me to a room with people.

"Ok boys make this man a new credible identity" he said.

The began with taking a picture and then asking important information. They made a authentic identification card and also uploaded it into the internet so it could be more authentic. As of now I have become part of this society. I made sure to put some background information such as no living relatives.

I than went back to the hotel and rested on the creaky bed. I pulled out my phone and I realized I had connection to the SCP site. And most importantly It had every single scp with it as if My phone is connected back to my old world. I called my little sister and she picked up "Hey little bro don't call me I'm at a party". I'm also using my parents WiFi so this is also good.

My sister was at college and my parent were on vacation and nobody looked after me. But that doesn't matter because we're in the SCP universe. I could become so powerful with any SCP item and kill every single enemy of mine.

But what I really need to do is go and get a goddamn job.