
Greediest Dragon

Greed. None have a higher greed than dragons, especially Primordial Ancient True Dragon Drenkik Durjhan The hoarder, First of his name, Keeper of all the gold(Self-proclaimed). Read along with Drenkik Durjhan as he teleports to other dimensions to steal their gold, deals with random troubles in his territory and more! Disclaimer - First time writing, I write when I'm bored and have time so don't expect an upload schedule. I don't own the banner will take down if owner says so.

potato_nuggies · Fantasy
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2 Chs

All the gold in the world!

I am the primordial ancient true dragon Drenkik Durjhan the hoarder, first of my name, Dragon of supreme flame, Keeper of all the gold in the world! I flew away from my five brothers and sisters who fight to be the supreme being of the world Ojaroth, which is frankly too tiring for me! so I just flew to another galaxy! I named the new world I stay on now Durjhan world I got here 5000 years ago and now it's my world as well as this whole galaxy! I've been fighting to keep my territory in the world of Ojaroth from my five brothers and sisters for at least 7523 years! Anyways all I do now is take care of my possessions! Of course I greed I want more, but sadly I've already taken over this whole galaxy and an invisible barrier called "sim tim sum dum" or something like that is keeping me here! I'm sure it's the work of one of my brothers or sisters!

"#$%^$!" hmm? "@&#!*#(!" I feel something pressing on me, I yawn "&*^%$" MEDAMMIT! WHO DARE DISTURB MY SLEEP! "*%!God!$$$#$!" As I open an eye I see them, the people who disturbed my sleep "I only slept for only 1203 years and now my possessions have changed their language again!"

(2 hours ago - possessions perspective)

"Those cultists are trying to awaken their evil god!" - My master says "It's been 257 years since our ancestors landed on this planet and we ruled it without a hitch" - A friend of the master says "These damn natives they should be happy we kept them alive" - Another friend of the master says "But their appearances are just. . . Delightfull" - I watch as the master looks at me, licking her lips. I shudder at the thought of another night as I try to re adjust this slave collar. "Ah, have you thought about what I suggested madam?" "Of course I have but where will we find that" - The master answers "Why don't we just need to release one into the wild? Those savages will indoctrinate him immediately" - A friend of the master answers, they all turn to me and laugh.

(1 hours ago - ??? perspective)

"Your holiness we found another released one!" - one of the brothers answers as a badly beaten man walks in "h-h-hello" - The man says "those fuckers! They invade the planet of our god and enslave us then beat us! We are awakening god lets go!" - His holiness says "Right now?" - another brother says "YES RIGHT NOW LET'S GO!"- His holiness says infuriated nay enraged!

(1 minutes ago His holiness's perspective)

"Bring the gold sacrifice!" I say "Yes your holiness" - My right hand man says as a mound of at least 2 tons of gold is rolled in. A thunderous noise that escaped from our god comes out, I shudder as I hear it, I look around to see multiple of our brothers and sisters fainted. As my right hand man steels himself he goes to check our brothers and sisters that fainted "Stop don't mind them we must awaken him quickly!" as the 2 tons of gold barrels onto our ginormous mountain sized god I try to start chanting in the ancient language "what were the words again?" - I open the book and then a thunderous shaking followed by cracks in the earth appear. A thunderous voice that makes everyone faint except me "@!%#!@#8!@#&!*!@#&#!" . "Awaken @#% Save us from these invaders!"

Although Drenkik Durjhan 12,000+ years old he has slept for atleast 10,500 of those years! what a sleeper am I right! anyhow there are seven elements of universe Drenkik Durjhan is the Dragon or supreme being of fire his brothers and sisters are the dragon's of air, water, earth, light, darkness yadda yadda.

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