

It was another six months after alex set sail. He was 13 years old. The calendar was 8 years age of piracy. Alex went to karate island to search sparing partner. Karate island was famous for the martial artist. He saw around surounding look for pirates who had a high bounty. He had hunted pirates around 5 months, he needed some money and built his guild.

He rembered in the future there was a revolutionary base at south blue. He wanted to use this opportunity to expand his organization in the future. He would kill wapol, because wapol would have black drum kingdom after defeated by luffy. He had so much opportunity, he must faster build his influence. And karate island was a good place to recruit mercenaries and training martial arts.

He trained his haki and devil fruit ability. He got progress in conqueror and observarion haki, but he hadn't advanced to level 3 yet. When his conqueror haki was advanced, it made the will and resolution of the user stronger, less doubt about some problems, it made alex more brave, it made him didn't give up when he lost, but mada he could moving forward. When his observation haki was advanced, it would give more calm mind and quick judgement, his area observation advanced from 10 meters to 20 meters. For his armament haki, he was at level 2, it was hard to progress, he could coat both his arm with armament until all his stamina was used up, the color was less black and combined in dark blue color. Maybe if he ate zoan devil fruit, his armament haki would be advance.

His devil fruit ability was got progress, he could control his first ability. He needed to extent his observation haki to have large area of his first ability. His second ability was more advanced, he could make storage runes that was connected to the devil fruit soul space, he could make pact runes to dealing with some troublesome businesses partner. He added more combat techniques. He researched some gravity runes to support his training option, he could make some silent runes too.

"Huh, is that bull pirates that have 20 millions berries bounty?" Alex found some pirates who would sail to the red line. South blue was near the red line. He rudder his ship to the pirate ship, while taking sleeveless gloves from his backpack. His black gloves has runes with red runes on backside.

The bull pirates ship also move towar alex's ship. After they was close to alex's ship, they shouted, "hey kid, surrender or you will die!". While ghe pirates connecting their ship with a ladder.

Alex saw the pirates and silently took kunais. The bull pirate thought alex was scared. With his innocent look, everybody thought that alex was a mama boy or papa boy. Alex threw all his kunai to bull pirates ship. The bull pirates just confused because his threwing skill seemed bad.

"Take over his ship boys! He is only a child. He couldn't even throw his weapon. It was easy money. Haha." Said the bull captain and his crews. But after they looked back at alex position, they didn't see alex. Alex tried his new ability. It was a perfect time when he need some guinea-pig. He disappeared, he punched the pirates member, "Boom!". There was an explosion, he disappeared again and beat nearby pirates crew.

"You, what did you do to my subordinate! Don't you know me? I'm bull pirates with bounty 20 millions bellies". Bull captain.

"Yeah, i know. Do you know me?" Alex said.

The bull pirate captain was enraged by alex. He was transforming his body to half bull, half human. He attacked alex with bare hand, alex close his left eye again. He avoided bull pirates captain attack. The bull pirates captain more enraged by alex, he was punching him like a madman but he couldn't hit alex. Then alex punch him, "Baam!". There's burst of small fire and explosion.

The bull pirates captain looked disbelief because this child punch has power more than 200kg. Alex body cultivation had a breakthrough to 7th stage, he didn't know how more stages the pinnacle of body cultivation in one piece world. He had normal punch power about 210kg, he could made new techniques.

"Heh you are strong for a child, but you couldn't defeat me!" Bull pirates captain said.

"Really?" Alex. The bull pirates captain attacked alex again, but alex avoided all the attack. Alex kicked the bull pirates captain on his gut. Then alex said, "it was enough, i don't want sparing with you, you are weak."

The bull pirate captain was enrage again, but before he wouldn't attack again, alex just step back and snapped his finger, "click". "Booom!.". There was fire ignited around alex and attacked the bull pirate captain.

The bull pirates captain shocked but the fire burned him, "aaaarrghhhh... what is this? Who are you?!!" His subordinates had burned to charcoal. This flame was fiercer than ordinary fire, The pirates captain couldn't move and was paralyzed.

Before all the fire burned the bull pirates captain, alex said, "Me? I'm an alchemist.". Then all the fire burned the pirates. Alex snapped his fingers again, "click". The fire was extinguished.

Alex was satisfied with his new ability, he was using his runes to store some ammunition powder and made the runes sucked some oxygen. He ignited trigger with some friction.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


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