
I'm Back

Alex stood on his ship while eating the bird meats. His progressed on his physical and combat techniques training. He didn't want to dependence on his devil fruit ability.He needed to add more physical condition and stamina if he wanted to add more devil fruit.

After he sealed his 2 new devil fruit, he had progress on armament and observarion haki. Because mystical zoan enhanced his armament haki, and his zuma zuma no mi enhanced his observation haki like enel. The processes to seal his 2 devil fruit was eating them, at the same time sealing the devil fruit inside his fuin fuin devil fruit soul.

His armament haki could coat his whole body, his observation haki could cover 200 meters radius and it could be used 20 meters effectively when in battle, he could see near in the future when in combat.

He had mitsu tomoe symbol on his chest, there were 3 tomoes, the tomoes head swirl toward the center and the tails swirl outside and shaped like circles. It had black color and some white lines. The circles inside was white lines and the outer side was black.

Alex didn't wear any clothes, just tattered pant and sandal. He got weird habit after eat 2 more fruits such as he didn't feel chilly when he bare body was exposed.

His physical strenght was more advanced and he was more rational and more calm when in battle. He didn't care about his images.

He hurried want to see his new ship anyway. It had been whole years. He missed his friends and family. Then he saw the karate island from far away, he had already grow up to 175cm(5.7ft) height with red eyes, black hair which has shoulder length on the back side and his hair's frontside almost cover his eyes, his light brown skin looked masculine paired with his compact muscles and 8 packs abs.

"I'm back! Haha." All the eyes at the port just stared him like he was a fool. But there were some people that recognized him, and their eyes shining. But some ladies near the port was drooling over his body and wanted to eat him as dinner. Alex didn't care and just wink at them, then disappeared.

At the training ground, there's a man with glasses and had weird hair looked like number 3 on top of his head. He was training 2 small little girls, one had pink hair and other had yellow blonde hair.

"Oh, you little girls have a good foundation. Keep going, uncles would help you as always. Come on, why didn't you hit me. If you couldn't hit me, you have to give uncles a kiss on the cheeks. Huehuehue." Perverted galdino giggled.

"You perverted uncles, i don't want to kiss you. Hmmp. Lets beat him kunou!" Bonney.

"Yeah, my first kiss just for big alex nii-chan. Hmph. You baddy uncles!" Kunou.

Then 2 of them used seimei kikan kami e and soru, their hands slightly become black and punched galdino at his face and send him flying 10 meters.

"You bad uncles. I will report to alex nii-chan and he would beat you!" Bonney.

"Hmm. I miss onii-chan. Uncle galdino is bad." Kunou.

Galdino was laying on the ground while he had nosebleed and still giggled like perverted uncles.

"Haha, you are always teasing both of them. They just child you know. Kunou, bonney, you have become strong, keep the training, your onii-chan must be happy if he know your progress." Said gem while carrying a baby who sucking his dot, this baby was goro, gem's son.

"Because they are cute you know, boss must be happy blessed by those cute lolis. I want make cosplay costum for them anyway, such a beautiful masterpieces when they will wear it. Huehuehue." Galdino.

"BOOM!" Kunou and bonney kick galdino on his stomach.

"Haha, you take easy girls. I will take goro back home first, don't forget to cleaning training ground after this." Gem.

"Ok!" Both of them.

"Hei bonney-chan, when onii-chan would comeback? I and mama missed him." Kunou.

"I don't know, but it should be this month. I want to show him that i become stronger. Hmp.hmp." Said bonney feeling proud.

Then there was voice behind them.

"Heh, so you 2 girls had become strong. So, Do you want follow uncle? I'll give you so many candies." Alex.

Kunou and bonney just nodded at each other and ready to attack another perverted uncle. When they saw someone behind them, their eyes shone while smiling brightly. They tackled him and he patted their head.

"You little girls have become strong in 1 year. How are you girls?" Alex.

"We are fine onii-chan, look.. look." Said kunou while showing him her hand coated in haki at the same time bonney showed him too.

"Ah. You girls are amazing, I'm proud of you." He kissed their forehead. "Could you take me to yasaka-chan?"

"Ok, but you have to give us a gift." Said both of them.