
Chapter 94 Awakened power_1

"This is..."

Noticing the subtle change in the Poké Ball, Fang Yuan's eyes twitched quickly.

"Wait, Magnemite!"

He hurriedly called to the Magnemite, asking with confusion, "Just now... did you release magnetic force toward the Poké Ball?"


Magnemite didn't quite understand why Fang Yuan would ask that.

Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.

"It's not quite right, though. If the Magnemite isn't discharging electricity and the parts on its sides aren't rotating at high speed, its magnetic ability should naturally be in a calm state..."

"Could it be that its magnetic ability caused an overly strong magnetic force?"

"No way... Even if the magnetic force was too strong, it shouldn't hinder its ability to fly, right? Magnemite with magnetic abilities are already being applied in some domains, and there hasn't been such an issue reported."

Fang Yuan kept asking himself, under the bewildered looks of Dad Fang, Mom Fang, and the Magnemite, then turned his gaze to the empty mineral water bottle on the table...

He gauged the weight of the empty bottle, then placed it flat on the table and said to Magnemite, "Magnemite, just like when you play with the phone or look at the Poké Ball, concentrate, and try looking at this empty water bottle."


Despite being puzzled by Fang Yuan's actions, Magnemite did as told.

One second, two seconds...

Under Magnemite's gaze, the empty water bottle suddenly turned at an angle!

Fang Yuan's eyes widened.

It wasn't magnetic force!

There was no metal on the water bottle.

"Try these."

Fang Yuan then tore up a wad of toilet paper and laid out a bunch of toothpicks.


Magnemite looked serious, somewhat realizing its abilities, and following Fang Yuan's command, this time, under its concentrated spirit, both of the items unsurprisingly moved as well.

"What's happening?"

Dad Fang and Mom Fang, having not been exposed to Pokémon, had limited professional knowledge, and they both looked towards Fang Yuan in unison.

"It's a kind of mental force, also known as superpower."

"Is it special?" Dad Fang asked.

"Of course, it's special because Magnemite can't possibly learn moves like these."

"These objects all moved laterally, which means it's not the Psychic Type's Gravity Technique. Since Magnemite can't ordinarily master moves like Confusion, that leaves only one possibility."

Fang Yuan looked seriously at Magnemite, saying, "This is Awakened power. Magnemite has awakened the Power of Awakening of the Psychic attribute."

Magnemite could control objects like water bottles, paper wads, and toothpicks through the air... This was the only possibility.

Dad Fang and Mom Fang clearly hadn't heard of Awakened power. After Fang Yuan's detailed explanation, they nodded with confusion.

The so-called Awakened power is a kind of move that varies according to different individual Pokémon attributes.

It can be understood as a special talent hidden inside Pokémon, a talent that can even allow Pokémon to use moves of a type they are not naturally good at, contrary to their attributes.

For example, a Fire Type Charizard may be able to wield the energy of the Water Series by virtue of its Awakened power.

On Earth, Awakened power is considered to be a kind of hidden talent-based move in Pokémon.

The specific way of awakening is unknown.

In the few cases available, it was also a natural awakening by the Pokémon, with no discernible pattern...

In the games, aside from the Unknown Totem, this move that the players used to expand their offensive capabilities could only be learned through move discs. In reality, this move held a certain air of mystery.

"Could it be because the Awakened power interfered with the Magnemite's ability to release electromagnetic waves..."

The yet to be fully controlled thought waves and electromagnetic waves mutually rejected each other, causing the little magnetic monster to not only fail at mastering the Power of Awakening but also to lose control over electromagnetic waves, resulting in it being unable to fly.

Fang Yuan's body shivered; could it mean that Magnemite wasn't defective by birth but truly gifted?


As of now, Fang Yuan still didn't know what potential a psychic type Magnemite with exceptional talent held.

However, it was undeniable that this Magnemite was far from worthless, and the mobile phone's explosion was very likely connected to it.

You have to know, the last one who was mocked for not being able to fly has already become a Legendary Pokémon!


The next day.

Fang Yuan took sick leave and didn't go to school.

Having a clue, he decided not to consult Teacher Li about Magnemite's issue but to explore the reasons why Magnemite couldn't fly himself.

And then... to buy a new phone for Eevee.

At the Pingcheng Public Battle Arena, Fang Yuan arrived early in the morning with Eevee and Magnemite.

Last night, after Fang Yuan's earnest mediation, Eevee finally believed that the phone explosion wasn't Magnemite's intention and was no longer so hostile towards it.

However, Eevee was still very dissatisfied with Fang Yuan's attitude, puffing its cheeks with anger the whole way there, feeling that Fang Yuan was being too nice to Magnemite.

It gave Eevee the illusion that Magnemite could compete with it for affection.

"Eevee, you accidentally mastered the Rage Move yesterday. Can you find that feeling again today?"

At the training ground next to the battle arena, Fang Yuan squatted down and spoke to Eevee.


Eevee nodded vigorously, recalling yesterday's phone explosion scene, and in the next moment, a surge of anger rose from its heart, filling its body with a warm sensation full of energy without any need for Eevee to summon it consciously.

Following Fang Yuan's point towards a piece of restorative rubber wall, Eevee quickly made a Tackle against it—


The rubber wall was dented.

Seeing the extent of deformation in the rubber wall, Fang Yuan thought, "The power has already surpassed the Tackle Move, but the speed is not fast, so it's still inferior to the Quick Attack Move."

Is this just the extent...?

It seems not angry enough; perhaps if the newly bought phone was smashed again, then maybe it could reach the power of a "Fierce Collision" move?

After struggling with the thought, Fang Yuan abandoned this reckless idea; it's too costly, relying on Rage Energy is simply a heretical path! Gratitude is the right way!

He needed to quickly correct Eevee's path, to empower Eevee with love!

"Eevee, Rage and Gratitude should be based on the same principle, right?"

After returning, Eevee replied to Fang Yuan that both Rage and Gratitude were uses of Emotional Energy, as taught by the Long-eared Rabbit.

It's just that one is a relatively negative Emotional Energy, and the other is relatively positive, that's all the differences there are.

"That means, if you imitate the techniques of the Rage Move to practice Gratitude, then you're not far from mastering Gratitude!" Fang Yuan speculated.


After thinking it over, Eevee felt this made sense and decided to give it a try right away. If it could learn Gratitude, it would be able to play with the phone for an extra half hour every day...

Victory was in sight, and Eevee was full of fighting spirit.

As Eevee began practicing nearby, Fang Yuan took out Magnemite's Poké Ball.

After some thought, he let out Magnemite.

If, after extensive training, Magnemite could control its mental power and successfully master the Power of Awakening, might it be possible for it to fly once again?