
Chapter 4 Going to the Nursery_1

Translator: 549690339


Time passed, and before long it was June 24th.

Fang Yuan was officially on summer vacation.

What was anticipatory was that, in a while, he would go to the public breeding house to purchase a beginner elf spirit egg.

To become a Trainer in Hua Nation, there were four conditions.

First, one must be at least sixteen years of age, second, pass the Trainer physical examination, third, pay taxes annually, and fourth, possess at least one Pokemon.

Fang Yuan was just of age, and he had also passed the physical examination organized by his school; once he got the spirit egg, he could take the breeding house's certification to the Spirit Center to pay the fee and register.

Once the Pokemon hatched and he activated his Trainer ID, he could then call himself a Trainer.

Professional Trainers had the right to use 95% of the public facilities in various countries for free, but they needed to pass the rigorous assessment of the Trainer Association to obtain a license, which had high requirements, so the benefits were good.

The requirements for becoming an ordinary Trainer were lower, but the benefits were still decent.

The most important point was that, currently in society, only Trainers had the legal right to possess Pokemon and Poké Balls.

Actually, just the privilege of enjoying preferential services from facilities such as the Spirit Center and Friendly Store was enough to make those with Pokemon unable to refuse.

One could say that the identity of an ordinary Trainer was an essential pass, otherwise there would be nowhere to treat sick or injured Pokemon, as privately-run Spirit Hospitals almost did not exist in Hua Nation, with the medical services being monopolized by the Spirit Centers under the Trainer Association.

During this half-month, Fang Yuan had been trying to understand more things and also perfected the grass type spirit breeding plan he had conceived.

No one noticed the change in Fang Yuan, not even his parents felt anything strange, after all, even with two sets of memories, Fang Yuan was still himself.

"Son, are you ready? Don't miss the reservation time," Father Fang called out from the living room.

"Just a moment." In the bedroom, Fang Yuan put on his clothes, looked in the mirror, and tried to make himself look as natural as possible.

"Coming right now!"

After quickly responding, Father Fang and Mother Fang waiting in the living room both smiled spontaneously, as they could hear the excitement in Fang Yuan's tone.

Father Fang and Mother Fang didn't usually have holidays, but today they both took a day off for a simple reason, to accompany Fang Yuan to the breeding house to buy and reserve a spirit egg.

At Fang Yuan's age, parental accompaniment was a must.

Moreover, without an adult to pay, Fang Yuan couldn't afford it himself; all his savings were in that bank card with New Year's money, which only had a little over six thousand yuan.

That amount of money might suffice for an ordinary pet, but forget about a spirit egg.

Fang Yuan was indeed very excited, after all, he had been waiting for half a month.

Once Fang Yuan came out of the bedroom, the family no longer delayed and set off immediately.


There were five high schools in Pingcheng, and among them, only Pingcheng No.1 Middle School was recognized jointly by the Trainer Association and the Ministry of Education as qualified to cultivate Trainers. About 400 students who were going to enter their last year of Pingcheng No.1 Middle School would make reservations at the breeding house over the next few days to pick a date to buy a spirit egg.

On the street leading to the breeding house, parents were continuously taking their students there, and there were also parents hurrying back with students holding a spirit egg.

Pingcheng was not small, but it was inevitable to run into acquaintances under such circumstances; shortly after leaving home, Fang Yuan immediately let out a "Huh" as he encountered someone he knew, a classmate from the same class 12 as him in their second year of high school.

"Uncle Lin, Lin Jing," Fang Yuan grinned and stepped forward to greet them.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, about the same age as Fang Yuan's parents; the girl next to him was quite attractive and exuded an air of valor, with a very distinctive temperament.

"Oh, Lin Jing's classmate, hello," Uncle Lin replied with a smile.

Fang Yuan's parents had met him a few times at parent-teacher conferences, and they engaged in polite conversation upon meeting each other.

Fang Yuan wanted to chat more with Uncle Lin, but seeing his parents so engrossed in conversation, he could only helplessly turn his attention to his classmate.


This Uncle Lin was a legendary figure in Pingcheng. As the captain of the Pingcheng criminal police force, he had cracked numerous cases involving thefts and murders with Pokemon. He was very famous in Pingcheng.

He was the first living Professional Trainer Fang Yuan had seen...

"Fang Yuan, guess what I..." Lin Jing started saying to Fang Yuan.

"Growlithe." Fang Yuan cut in directly.

"You're no fun." Lin Jing said with a tone of boredom.

It's so frustrating to be guessed right in the middle of speaking.

"No need to guess..." Fang Yuan couldn't be bothered to retort. Lin Jing had been raised by Uncle Lin the policeman since childhood. Everyone in their class knew that. And as for Growlithe and Arcanine, they were almost standard issue for police officers in Hua Nation.

Growlithe, with their clever, brave, and loyal character, and sensitive sense of smell, would never forget a scent they had once caught. They could sense the emotions of others by their smells, making them the most suitable Pokemon for police work.

Although such Pokemon were quite rare, it would be easy for Lin Jing's family to reserve one, and they could afford to raise it, too.

Running into classmates was an accident because they happened to be heading the same way. The two families walked some distance together, but as they neared the breeding house and needed to find their respective guides, they had to part ways.

After Lin Jing and her father left, Father Fang suddenly stroked his chin and said, "Son, do you plan on dating after graduation?"

"A waste of time." Fang Yuan replied indifferently.

"I think this Lin Jing is very good." Father Fang said earnestly.

"Just afraid they won't take a fancy to your son." Mother Fang added.

"..." Fang Yuan looked skyward.

His parents were good in every way, just a bit offbeat. Exhausting.


"You are number 51, the Fang Yuan family, right?"

"Yes, we are."

After arriving, Father Fang made a phone call, and soon a young man with glasses came out of the breeding house and greeted them with a smile.

Seeing this person, Fang Yuan was invigorated. It was finally starting.

"Thank you all for coming. Please follow me. Oh, by the way, my name is Baishi." After finding the clients, the young man with glasses who came out of the breeding house smiled again.

Public breeding houses and Spirit Centers are subordinate institutions of the Trainer Association. Currently, the only places in Hua Nation where it is lawful to sell Pokemon and Spirit eggs are public breeding houses.

Purchasing or selling Pokemon through other channels constitutes a criminal act, though there are rare exceptions.

It's worth mentioning that the majority of the owners and staff of breeding houses are formally certified Breeders who have passed the Breeding Association's exams. They are well-versed in many aspects of Pokemon breeding, including hatching and caring.

Therefore, any Spirit egg or Pokemon that can be sold by official breeding houses will not have poor talents and will be free of any diseases. But of course, the price...will naturally be a bit higher.

To call it a "house" is actually an understatement—this place was more like a square, with a comprehensive categorization of areas.

Following the young man with glasses inside, the trio nodded continuously as they listened to his explanations.

"Before coming here, Mr. Fang, I'm sure you've already looked into the types of Spirit eggs we have at our breeding house. Do you have any preferences?"

"We don't know, the child has to choose for himself. The school has taught the basics, but he said he wants to see them in person before deciding." Mother Fang said.

"That's good too, letting the child decide for himself." Baishi commented.