
Chapter 199: Linked Pearls Lightning_1

Dr. Chen Shengcong's research conclusion, "The attribute of the Awakened power can be used as the basis for judging which direction is most suitable for Eevee's evolution."

Regardless of his personal character, Fang Yuan felt that this conclusion had some truth to it.

Because of this, Fang Yuan had carefully thought about it, he had considered that Eevee's Awakened power attribute might be Ground...

He had considered it might be Fighting (Eevee: ???)...

He had also considered it might be Superpower.

But Fire, that he really did not anticipate.

Could it be that Eevee's great-great-great-great-grandfather... was a Fire Spirit?

Then, in theory, if Eevee had an outstanding Fire Type talent, it should evolve into a Fire Spirit; evolving into a Solar Spirit would seem off.

Not off...

Fang Yuan thought about it again, and actually, the connection between the Solar Spirit and the Fire Attribute was still very tight.

Solar Spirits are not good at night combat but excel in daytime combat, the reason being that Solar Energy can restore their mental power.

Speaking of Solar Energy, one must mention the Sunny Day Move and the classic weather strategy of the Sunny Team.

Under Sunny Day, Fire Attribute Moves increase in power, and Grass-type moves like the Solar Flame can rapidly charge and release, making Sunny Day an excellent enhancement BUFF for both Fire and Grass types.

If you don't stick to just game data, in reality, the Solar Spirit is definitely an admiral of the Sunny Team, and the Sunny Day Move is categorized as Fire Type!

If Eevee is good at Fire Type, maybe in the future it could easily learn the Sunny Day Move?

And then combine it with abilities like Morning Light and Ruby to become a self-sufficient weather maker?

"Thinking about it that way, it's not too shabby," Fang Yuan stroked his chin.


At the same time, the Solar Spirit shook its body.

Feeling the temperature of the Flame growing increasingly high, it quickly dissipated the Flame, worried about setting the room on fire.

Fang Yuan wiped his sweat; the temperature was indeed a bit high...

It seemed that the Solar Spirit's Fire Awakening was not quite the same as a normal Awakened Power·Fire; it had received an Amplification from the Destruction Gene's Solar Energy inside and become more powerful.

"Mii~~" The next moment, the Solar Spirit closed its eyes slightly.

Following Fang Yuan's earlier guidance, it began to sense the Ruby on its forehead.

The Destruction Gene merged into the Ruby, bringing a great burden to the Solar Spirit. Although it could feel that the Ruby contained a vast mental power, the Solar Spirit realized after trying that it could not control this power well.

If it forcibly used this explosive mental power, there would only be one outcome, and that was that the Moves' power might become uncontrollable, erupting with unexpected destructive force, like when battling the Electivire. Although the Moves were powerful, they consumed a lot, and were not suitable for prolonged combat.

This situation was almost what Fang Yuan had predicted; the Solar Spirit sighed, feeling tired, then elegantly collapsed onto the bed, transforming back into Eevee's form.

"This is good too." Looking at Eevee reverting back, Fang Yuan smiled, as the 0.3-meter-tall Eevee looked cuter compared to the Solar Spirit.

Eevee swiftly climbed onto Fang Yuan's shoulder along his arm and yawned.

It wanted to take a bath, and signaled Fang Yuan to go run some hot water for it.

"Speaking of which... Eevee's form should also be able to use Fire Awakening, right?"

"How about a cold bath? Try heating it up yourself," Fang Yuan suddenly had an amusing idea.

Eevee: Σ(°△°|||)︴?


The next day.

Fang Yuan and Teacher Li entered the Electric Plains once again.

The events of yesterday seemed as if they had never happened, and the two continued to focus on the Magnemite.

This time, after they entered the Magnetic Zone, the Electivire didn't appear again, tacitly permitting the Magnemite to enter.

However, Fang Yuan's speculation was not confirmed.

The Magnemite, trained with the help of the Space Magnetic Field, had not just failed to instantaneously grasp a rare move like Teleport, it hadn't even grasped an ordinary Electric move, which made Fang Yuan somewhat disappointed.

The Magnemite itself was also very dejected, having originally thought that the Space Magnetic Field could enable it to comprehend new moves, but in the end, it was all busy work for nothing.

"But there must be a reason for such attraction; if we can't get any substantial gains now, maybe it's because the intensity of the magnetic field here is not enough,"

"When I take you to a real secret location in the future to experience the Space Magnetic Field," Fang Yuan decided and started to cheer up, and said to the Magnemite.

This time would not be too far away...

"Magnemite~~" The Magnemite danced with excitement.

Seeing the happy appearance of the Magnemite, Fang Yuan paused. Fortunately, it wasn't a Trio Magnet Monster now; otherwise, when truly happy, Magnemite might be so delighted it would split apart...

"Let's go, the Magnemite has accumulated enough, it's time to let it challenge stronger Lightning," Teacher Li suddenly said.

From the first day, the Magnemite has been enduring immense pain as a price for a chance to quickly improve its strength. By the last day, due to the baptism of the electric and lightning of the Electric Plains, the maximum electricity it could store internally far surpassed that of its peers.

It would be absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect if it were trained in a charging room.

Once it evolves into a Trio Magnet Monster, its advantages will be even more prominent.

Now... it was time to evolve.


At a certain place on the Electric Plains.

The weather was clear just a moment ago when suddenly, strong winds swept in, and the sky darkened immediately as rolling Dark Clouds quickly covered the sky.

By Fang Yuan's side, Eevee saw this formidable lightning and shuddered.

At the same time, it wondered if, with its own Superpower, it could dispel the Dark Clouds in one blow?

"This area has a high chance of producing beaded lightning with great destructive power, lasting a long time, and much slower than ordinary lightning. Magnemite would find it very hard to endure unless it breaks its limits and successfully evolves with the help of lightning, or else it will be severely injured, waiting for the next opportunity," explained Teacher Li.

"Magnemite!" Fang Yuan cheered on the Magnemite.

Coming to this area on the last day was to wait for beaded lightning. After driving away the nearby Wild elf that had gathered, everyone's attention was turned towards the sky.

There are different types of lightning, including linear, band, sheet, and the mysterious ball lightning... And the more special ones like black, purple, red, and even deep sea lightning, each a different type.

The Electric Plains was home to beaded lightning.

The Magnemite looked up at the sky, and with determined eyes, it flew upwards.........

Under the blackened sky, the first to descend was still the ordinary linear lightning. The ascending Magnemite, as always, attracted the lightning to strike itself, refining its body, devouring the electricity, and then releasing it in one breath, contending with nature.

In the beginning, everything went smoothly, just like usual... However, the special beaded lightning had not yet appeared here.

Beaded lightning often follows immediately after linear lightning with almost no time interval, giving Magnemite very little reaction time.

There was a thunderous boom...

Fang Yuan saw a linear lightning stretch down from the clouds, gradually widening, and ultimately its color changing from white to yellow!