
Chapter 132: Second Stop: Magic City_1

Translator: 549690339

During his two-day stay in the Imperial Capital, Fang Yuan spent 18,888 yuan to teach Magnemite the Thunderbolt move.

This was after a discount...

Afterward, the Rain Cloud Training Hall indeed sent over several bottles of lubricant, which served as maintenance.

The effect was somewhat similar to the ointment Yang Han gave to Fang Yuan for Eevee to learn Iron Tail; this lubricant looked like a diluted product.

The lubricant was specially made by the Rain Cloud Training Hall and couldn't be bought outside.

So having some was better than none.

Beyond that, during the charging process, it has to be said that professionals are indeed professional. Magnemite didn't feel any pain throughout, but rather quite enjoyed it, as if having a full meal.

In just two days, Magnemite mastered the Thunderbolt move.

Thunderbolt, Awakened Power, Counter Shield, Light Wall, Electromagnetic wave...

From the moveset perspective, Magnemite's moves are even more luxurious and powerful than those of Eevee, which left Eevee confused for a long time.

Previously, when Fang Yuan was searching for a charging room for Magnemite, he even mourned for it...

Because in the series, Electric Elves wanting to grasp more powerful electric moves through charging needed to endure great pain...

But looking at Magnemite, not to mention pain, it didn't even feel tired, purely enjoying itself, which made Eevee suddenly feel indignant.

"The stronger Magnemite is, the better the Energy Blocks it can make, and the easier it will be for you to get stronger later."

"You have to learn to do the math."

After Fang Yuan did the math for Eevee, it became immensely joyful.

Fang Yuan didn't delve into the cost-effectiveness of charging Magnemite because after this charging, the electric current that Magnemite's body could endure had indeed increased by a lot. As a result, the strength of its Electromagnetic Wave would also be enhanced. In other words, Magnemite's Electric abilities would soon catch up with its Psychic abilities.

It could be considered a relatively harmonious growth...

Fang Yuan always felt something was off; wasn't Magnemite both Electric and Steel Series?

Why was he instinctively cultivating it in the direction of Electric and Psychic Types...

"This won't do, Steel System Moves are also very powerful."

"Like Mirror Light Shooting, which has a blinding effect, it is of extraordinary tactical significance."

"Gyro Ball, the natural Counter Shield, it can attack and defend."

"Iron Wall, essential for enduring damage."

"Magnet Bomb..."

Fang Yuan thought, a magnet that explodes, could this move be combined with Magnemite's superpower and magnetism?

To employ Magnemite's intrinsic superpower and Electromagnetic Force to adjust the trajectory and velocity of Magnet Bomb attacks, thereby achieving the effect of a modern military Railgun!

It's a military Railgun, not the Electric Move Railgun.

The Electric Move Railgun is simply like launching a cannon, attacking with a large clump of electric current.

The modern military Railgun, on the other hand, uses the Ampere's force generated in an electromagnetic system to accelerate a metal projectile to achieve the kinetic energy necessary to strike the target. Compared with the traditional gunpowder-driven cannon, a Railgun can significantly increase the projectile's speed and range.

Using Ferromagnetic Bomb as the projectile, Magnemite's controlled high voltage current, Electromagnetic Wave, and magnetic ability build an electromagnetic field system.

Also, Magnemite's Powerful Mental Strength combined with Locking Technique to adjust the trajectory and lock onto a target...

With a special molecular structure, the Three-in-one Little Magnetic Monsters, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster can, like Dugtrio, Probopass, Three Headed Evil Dragon, Huge Gold Monster, and others, more easily multitask, and it seems they can really complete the corresponding operations... With individual embodiment as future weapons, this way, the power of Magnemite's Magnet Bomb would be more than doubled.

"I must be daydreaming; it couldn't be that easy to accomplish..."

As Fang Yuan thought about it, he smiled.

But... trying never hurts.


After visiting Emperor Capital University, enjoying the local delicacies, and using a local training gym to help Magnemite master the Thunderbolt move, Fang Yuan could say that he returned fully rewarded.

That evening, Fang Yuan and Eevee were packing their things, ready to leave.

The first leg of the travel training in the Imperial Capital was about to be left behind. Fang Yuan had calculated the time and planned to visit Demon Capital University before the Spring Festival.

Demon Capital University wasn't too far from Pingcheng, but it wasn't too close either, making it an ideal next destination for Fang Yuan's journey.

The Ping City Trainer Association provided Fang Yuan with two letters of introduction.

For this visit to Emperor Capital University, Fang Yuan only used one of them, and the other was prepared for the visit to Demon Capital University.

China's four famous universities:

Emperor Capital University, Demon Capital University, National Defense University, Pokemon Medical College.

The letters of introduction Fang Yuan received from the Pingcheng Trainer Association covered two of these schools.

Both Emperor Capital University and Demon Capital University were more comprehensive and suitable for Fang Yuan to apply to.

National Defense University, on the other hand, was for cultivating students with specialized expertise. For example, the special Pokemon Porygon, capable of free movement in cyberspace discovered in the Phantom Secret Realm, was regulated by National Defense University; only students attending the university and who were exceptional could possibly gain access to such Pokemon.

As for Pokemon Medical College, it specialized in training Pokemon doctors and nurses.

While not all Pokemon doctors and nurses came from here, the best certainly graduated from this institution.

Getting into Pokemon Medical College was also the fastest way to come into contact with Pokemon like Chansey.

Fang Yuan had never considered these two universities from the start; the chances of getting in were slim, so his targets were always clear—either Emperor Capital University or Demon Capital University.

One day later, Magic City, northeastern part of the central district.

After arriving, Fang Yuan first found a hotel to stay in.

First thing tomorrow, he would visit Demon Capital University.

Maybe... just like the visit to Emperor Capital University, he could stumble upon a training facility.

Last time, Magnemite learned a move. This time, maybe Eevee would show its prowess and learn a move, too.

That way, his life as a Trainer would be more comfortable.

"Eevee, tonight you and Magnemite try to use Reflect Wall," Fang Yuan instructed.

"Although your spiritual power hasn't met the standard, the corresponding technical intuition should help you construct the Reflect Wall."

"Bwoo..." the Eevee on the hotel bed whined helplessly.

When had it been reduced to learning moves from Magnemite?


Eevee created a Substitute, instructing it to go learn from Magnemite while it, eyes devoid of spirit, stared at the phone screen.

Although incapable of multitasking, it should be okay for its main body to passively receive images and sounds, right?

Seeing the approaching Substitute, Fang Yuan and Magnemite looked at each other in bewilderment.

Fang Yuan held his head; Eevee, true to form.

"Bwoo bwoo!!" Magnemite was also impressed by Eevee's move.