
Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

The white lotus, a legendary artifact rumored to contain the very secrets of the soul, granted its wielder otherworldly power. Countless powerful Magi from all across the universe waged an epic battle over it. When the dust settled from their fierce clash, the artifact disappeared, awaiting to be inherited by one with great destiny. Adam dreamed of breaking free from the grip of poverty, yearning for a life of riches and comfort. Yet, in a world ruled by arcane spellcasters, achieving such a dream meant becoming one himself. However, learning magic was an expensive aspiration. Not only did it require talent, but also vast resources, neither of which he had. But one day everything changed when he stumbled upon a mysterious white lotus... *** Join my discord: https://discord.gg/w4vACWwfSv

Esenel · Fantasy
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434 Chs

Main Event

After paying the bill at the restaurant, the group went to a nearby pub called Drunken Ring. However, the pub was just a front. In actuality, it was a fighting ring as well as a gambling den.

The professors from the academy of course knew about it, but they decided to overlook it. Students needed some sort of enjoyment after all. Besides, nothing illegal was going on here.

The entry manager was a middle-aged Rank 1 Magus. He wore fancy robes and welcomed the students inside the pub after they'd paid a fee.

When he saw Adam coming here with his friends, his eyes lit up. "Magus Adam! Are you going to participate today?"

"Nope." Adam waved his hand. Then he pointed at Edward. "But he will."

The manager was initially dejected, but when he heard Edward would be participating, he beamed. "Great! Tonight's going to be interesting. I'll make sure to set things up accordingly."