
Greatest Ecological Safari Park

Hey hey, the principal is down! (Crying) Don’t… don’t rush to call an ambulance, help me up first! Fang Ye wakes up playing games late at night and finds that he has become the director of a run-down zoo. The gentle and spiritual Siberian tiger, the fierce and arrogant silver fox, the gray wolf who likes to sprinkle dog food… With the development of the zoo, various charming animals have attracted tourists from all over the world. “Why do animals like me?” Fang Ye raised his head and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees in response to the curious questions of the children. “We should also start from a sunny evening…”

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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755 Chs

Chapter 150: The vegetable garden is better than this

What kind of deer do you keep?

Fang Ye looked at the sign on the fence and didn't know what to say.


Paved with such a bumpy red brick, the exhibition area without a few trees turned out to be a national first-class protected animal elk.

Elk is also known as the four differents. The wide main hooves and well-developed side hooves allow them to walk and move in the swamp. The long hairy tail is good for repelling flying insects.

Their suitable living environment is wetlands and swamps, and they gnaw their heads down on the grassy green land!

However, now I can only hide from the sun in the shadow of the sign, which is too wronged!

At least a few trees in the exhibition area.

What is the difference between an elk in this environment and livestock such as pigs and sheep raised in the country?

Pigs and sheep may have better lives. Farmers are also afraid that pig heatstroke will make them less profitable. It is impossible to just dry the pigs in the sun.

A child was disappointed: "I can't see clearly..."

The parent next to him said confidently: "It's okay, watch me make them move."

He picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it towards the elk.

The elks seem to be accustomed to being harassed and throwing stones, and after assessing the power of small stones, they ignored them.

The parents picked up another stone. The blue carp was habitually trying to dissuade him, but Fang Ye found it, took her hand and shook his head gently.

Although the blue carp didn't know why, he still didn't make a sound in cooperation.

This time the elks gave a face, and two of them dodged and moved their positions.

"Moved! Moved!" The child cheered happily.

Fang Ye sighed as he saw it, shook his head again and again, and continued to move forward.

Leaving the parents and children just now, Blue Lei asked with some confusion: "President, why didn't I persuade them just now?"

Fang Ye smiled bitterly: "Look at the environment in this exhibition area, it's so bad, even the vegetable gardens in the countryside are better than this. Can you count on this environment and tourists to respect and love animals?

The breeders here do not show up. If you are a tourist, go and persuade others. They must think that you are nosy, and you are appointed not to wink you. What should I do if I give you a grievance and cry. "

"Oh, we are here to see the animals, not to make trouble."

Blue Lei understood the truth and nodded obediently. She didn't want her date with the principal to be unhappy.

Fang Ye explained: "Science education must be carried out in a way that everyone can accept. Uncivilized behavior is not good, but people like to listen to what they like, and don't like to hear what they don't like. You make sense. People just don't like it and don't want to listen. What can we do?"

Sounds nonsense!

In fact, most things in the world are like this.

People's obsessions are very deep. Once they are formed, their concepts of things are deeply ingrained, and no matter how they say they are, it is useless.

If you want to grab people's ears and say something is not good, you shouldn't do what you should do. On the contrary, it will arouse people's rebellious psychology and become more extreme.

So we have to talk about ways and methods.

At the beginning of Linhai Zoo, the tourists fed, but the dissuasion had no effect. The tourists would not take it seriously or were very dissatisfied when they were dissuaded.

Now it provides a good environment for animals. I see animals live healthy and happy in such an environment. Compared with the zoos they have seen before, visitors will refresh their understanding and know that a good zoo should be like this. Animals don't perform. Just showing natural behavior is also interesting.

Seeing it with your own eyes is crucial!

Coupled with a display card introducing the hazards of feeding, the uncivilized feeding and so on will naturally become less, and the breeder will be more convincing when persuading.

The change of concept is a subtle, long-flowing process. Some things can only be taken slowly, and freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

Walking past a beautiful stone bridge over a stream, Fang Ye couldn't help frowning, and the blue carp quickly pinched his nose.

It smells so bad!

The color of the stream here is green, not the natural green of the clear reflections of the green grass and trees on the shore, but a slightly white and dirty green, with a smell of fishy smell.

There are basically no tourists staying around here.

The two accelerated and ran over. The blue carp finally let go of his nose and let out a sigh of relief, but still had an uncomfortable expression: "It smells so bad, how could it be like this..."

Fang Ye shook his head: "A pool of stagnant water that does not circulate and does not have the ability to purify itself, so of course it becomes smelly."

Obviously, the park wanted to make the scenery of the small bridge and flowing water, and it turned out to be filthy and dirty like a smelly ditch.

Just about to leave, Fang Ye suddenly discovered that there were still animals in this river!

The woods were surrounded by nets more than one meter high. A bird with a mostly white body, black feathers on the back of its wings, and red slender legs stood on the shore, staring into the distance.

There was also a dead fish with a white belly turned over in the nearby stream. The fish couldn't survive in this environment. It was probably thrown by the breeder, but it didn't look like it was in the mood to eat.

It is also a national first-class protected animal, the Oriental White Stork!

The Oriental White Stork is a large wading bird with a graceful body, but in this foul-smelling environment, the white feathers are dirty and messy, and there is no trace of grace at all.

Although the turbid water constantly exudes a smell, there are grass and trees, and it is difficult to compare which is better than the treatment of the elk exhibition area which is empty and only has a red brick floor with hot feet.

The blue carp looked at the bird and couldn't bear to say: "What a poor red-crowned crane..."

Fang Ye was shocked: "Red-crowned crane? Isn't this bird the Oriental White Stork?"

Because the zoo expanded a few more lakes, he also planned to build a waterfowl lake later, so he learned to find some knowledge about waterfowl and birds.

The red-crowned crane and the oriental white stork do look a bit like, but he remembers that the neck of the red-crowned crane is black.

Quickly open the eyes of observation and take a look.

[Oriental White Stork:? ?

Age: 3 years old

Mood: Poor

Health status: poor]

"Huh?" Blue Carp blinked, with a puzzled look, and pointed to the sign hanging on the tree next to her, which actually read red-crowned crane.

"Damn, you can even write the wrong sign..."

Fang Ye shook his head and didn't know what to say.

Take a closer look at the exhibition sign. Half of the text introduction is about the distribution location, and only then roughly talks about the habits and reproduction.

Since the content is all condensed on such an exhibition board, can the distribution be less introduced, focusing on the habits?

Suddenly I thought of something, I opened my phone search, and it turned out that the original copy of the content on Baidu Baike...

Oh, it's okay to refer to the biological knowledge introduced by Baidu Encyclopedia, I am not afraid of copying it directly!

However, under the sign, it says "Don't Feed", which is probably the only place that can make people feel relieved.