
Greatest Ecological Safari Park

Hey hey, the principal is down! (Crying) Don’t… don’t rush to call an ambulance, help me up first! Fang Ye wakes up playing games late at night and finds that he has become the director of a run-down zoo. The gentle and spiritual Siberian tiger, the fierce and arrogant silver fox, the gray wolf who likes to sprinkle dog food… With the development of the zoo, various charming animals have attracted tourists from all over the world. “Why do animals like me?” Fang Ye raised his head and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees in response to the curious questions of the children. “We should also start from a sunny evening…”

Poison_Rage · Book&Literature
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755 Chs

Chapter 148: Fresh and delicious

Early in the morning, the familiar alarm clock rang.

Fang Ye pressed the bell, got up from the bed, and began to wash in a daze.

Squeeze out the toothpaste, brush your teeth in the mirror, thinking: "Wait, I will read the book first, then go to the cafeteria to have a meal, and then go to the exhibition hall..."


At this time, the WeChat message prompt sounded on the phone. Fang Ye picked up the phone and looked at it. It was from Blue Carp.

"Did the principal get up?"

"Today I have breakfast in the cafeteria, or should we go to the city to eat Ψ( ̄? ̄)Ψ"

"Would you like to change your taste occasionally"

Fang Ye was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have an appointment to go out to play today.

I almost forgot. The director who devotes himself to the zoo affairs so much every day is a lesson from the world!

Hurry up and rinse your mouth, "Gulu Gulu Gulu, Bah!"

Typed on the phone and replied: "I saw your message when I first started, so shall we go to the city to eat?"

I didn't buy a ticket for the train to Pingjiang, because this kind of city is relatively close, and the trains going to all directions will basically pass through, and the tickets are not tight.

So when you go to the train station, you can choose which one is the closest to the train.

The blue carp was sitting on a chair in a bathrobe, with two lotus root-like white legs dangling under the bathrobe. When replying to the message, he couldn't help but smiled sweetly: "Okay, okay."

"I have finished washing, let's meet downstairs."

"Hey!!? The director, didn't you just wake up, why are you so fast!"

"I'm not ready yet! Wait for half an hour, no, twenty minutes will do!"

Fang Ye is speechless. Why are girls so troublesome? I never see such ink marks in normal times.

Don't you need time to wait for the bus? Don't you need time to go to the city? Don't you need time to eat?

Although this is only 6 o'clock, at this rate, I am afraid that it is not 9 o'clock after dinner in the city.

By train, it takes two hours to reach Ubo Park, and it's noon when it arrives.

After visiting the zoo, I have to take a car back at night. What should I do if there is no car at night?

How can there be so much time delay.

"Hurry up..."

I urged, typed out a few words and deleted them, and finally said helplessly: "Well, wait for you, don't worry... I'm by the pond."

"Huh, hey~"

Blue Carp panicked and rushed to the closet. After it was over, the first date with the principal was going to leave a bad impression!

In fact, she got up at 5 o'clock. After she got up, she took a shower, put on some fragrant shower gel, and started to put on makeup after blowing her hair.

As a breeder, she has to be in contact with animals. She usually only puts on a little light makeup, and the nail polish is also safe for pregnant women.

Today, I did a rare and careful makeup. I just finished putting on my makeup. I haven't chosen what clothes to wear when I go out!

Oh my! What is the right thing to wear!

Take out each piece of clothing, hang it on your chest, and gesture in front of the mirror to see the general effect.

It's black, it seems too heavy, too serious! no!

This green one seems to be a bit frivolous, no way!

Blue, the breeder's uniform is blue, of course you can't wear blue today!

This cuff with pleated cuffs seems good, but is it a bit old-fashioned? It's kind of like what an aunt likes to wear...

The blue carp picked it for a long time, then looked at the time, and was about to cry in a hurry!

No matter, just this one!

Change clothes in a hurry.


Fang Ye was under the dormitory building, sitting on the bench by the small pond, with Erlang's legs tilted, waiting for the blue carp to come down a little bored.

Swiping the phone, reading the news casually, and occasionally glanced at the entrance of the dormitory.

Suddenly I saw a tabby cat showing its head from the bush, its white cheeks mixed with black patches.

It was the one that had been fed before, and it was occasionally seen in the garden. It is now much better than before.

Fang Ye suddenly lowered his body and put on a surprised expression: "Yo, meow!"

At first sight, Huamao shrank his head when he heard the human voice. At first, he was a little wary. After seeing that it was Fang Ye, he relaxed.

It is already familiar with Fang Ye!

Glancing at him, "Meow~" lazily yelled, as if saying hello to good morning.

He jumped out of the bush and walked to his side, his ears fluttered, his body stretched out like foaming hair, his eyes squinted, his buttocks pushed back, his claws stretched forward, like a bowstring tightened, continuing It slackened again after a few seconds.

Fang Ye smiled, squatted on the ground and picked up the cat unceremoniously.

Huamao rolled his belly, rubbed his hand, looked like he was enjoying, and his body trembled, making a comfortable "snoring and snoring" sound.

It feels good to flirt big cats often and kittens occasionally

"The principal?"

At this time a trembling voice sounded.

Fang Ye raised his head inadvertently, and immediately saw the blue carp that had been well-dressed.

Today she is wearing a pale yellow blouse with a pure temperament with light pink flowers printed on it. The short sleeves are two-layer cake folds, and a small yellow and white cartoon cat metal buckle bag is slung.

Aqua blue plaid skirt, white cute socks and black leather shoes, looks youthful and cute.

With wavy shoulder-length hair, tied with a hairpin of a small white flower, her little face flushed, her eyes dodged, some anticipating and a little nervous, her expression was like a shy deer hiding behind a tree.

When Huamao heard other people's voices, she got up from the ground and ran away.

Fang Ye stared at the blue carp blankly, smelling a faint fresh fragrance, and a word came out inexplicably in his head: fresh and delicious.

Didn't you find the blue carp so beautiful?

Isn't the way the world started today? How does it feel like a different person.

He recovered, stood up from the ground, and said nonchalantly: "Then let's go, let's go faster."

Can't let other employees see such a beautiful blue carp!

Otherwise, I will misunderstand their relationship even more.

And seeing the blue carp dressed up so meticulously, but I didn't pay attention to it, wearing the camouflage green garden uniform as usual, I felt so ashamed...

However, the school uniform is a system product, breathable and soft, and comfortable to wear!

"Oh oh!"

Blue Carp promised to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and walked beside Fang Ye, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. Fingers gently stroked the cartoon cat on the bag, and the metal buckle was cold.

Doesn't the principal say something about his own image today?

If you don't comment, do you think it's average or not good-looking?

"It's pretty pretty today."


Blue Lei turned his head in surprise, but saw Fang Ye calmly looking ahead, as if he hadn't said anything.

Suddenly there was some doubt in my heart. Is it because I am expecting too much and have auditory hallucinations?

Fang Ye couldn't help sighing: "Eh, when we walk together, do you feel a little bit of flowers and cow dung? It feels a bit embarrassing, do you want me to go back and change my clothes?"

The blue carp chuckled, his sweet smile blooming like a flower: "No, the garden director looks very handsome in this one!"