
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Others
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145 Chs

Subduing A Raging Sand Raccoon

"You..." The Kazekage, Rasa, did not expect Chojusen's sudden appearance.

Before Chojusen teleported into the room, Rasa had been scolding Gaara for not being considerate of the village. Now that the person who caused Gaara to change was before him, Rasa didn't spare any extra words and directly moved towards Chojusen. He moved with supersonic speed to try and capture Chojusen, not at all knowing that Chojusen was not someone he should underestimate.

Gaara screamed "NOOO!!!" But that didn't stop his father in the slightest.

Chojusen vanished from where he stood, using teleportation to dodge Rasa's attack. But to Gaara it looked like Chojusen had been punched into annihilation; he couldn't follow his father's speed with his eyes, so he thought Chojusen had died.

Seeing his first friend die before him, broke his already weathered spirit and the Shukaku was immediately unleashed in its complete form; completely destroying the Kazekage's Office from the inside out.

The Hidden Sand Village seemed used to this occurring, as all the civilians quickly and efficiently moved to shelters, leaving the streets of the village completely deserted. Chojusen reappeared hovering right over the Shukaku, he was being supported by his air walking energy-control technique.

Rasa stood on top of a building, looking at Chojusen with a serious face. Now he had to deal with a raging Shikaku and an unknown variable in the form of Chojusen. Rasa couldn't gauge Chojusen's level of power, as he had only thrown one attack his way, but just the fact that Chojusen could react to to his speed and stand in the sky was a major cause for concern.

Chojusen didn't want his fight with the Kazekage and the Shikaku to harm innocent villagers, so he reached Shikaku's head and teleported it to the desert outside the village. Rasa knew where Chojusen and the Shikaku went, as he could hear the sounds of their battle even from the Hidden Sand Village.

If we compared the Shikaku's stats with Chojusen, Chojusen would be severely outclassed, as the Shikaku was a being ranked as SSS rank by the system; this meant its base stats were in the hundreds of millions. However, just on account of Chojusen having the Teleportation , he was almost untouchable even in his base form against the Shukaku; when he added Void Cloak into the mix, his evasiveness reached ridiculous levels.

Still, being untouchable meant nothing, if he couldn't deal any damage and that was exactly the situation Chojusen found himself in, when attacking the Shikaku in his base form. So, he used Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode to deal hits that actually made a difference. Chojusen quickly transformed into a Fiendgod Butterfly Sage, and spent a minute using his various space skills to injure the Shikaku, before Rasa showed up to the battlefield.

As Rasa saw how Chojusen fought, he felt a bit of fear creep up in his spine. Chojusen, donning black chakra wings that seemed to blaze in the sunlight, was landing blows with his staff on the Shukaku that caused it to back up; a feat that didn't sound impressive, until you recognized that all the Tailed Beasts were titans the size of skyscrapers. If your hits could fend off a skyscraper-sized sand monster, it would be safe to say that you were extremely powerful in the ninja world.

Rasa noticed that whenever Chojusen pointed at the Shikaku, it would momentarily freeze and allow itself to be hit with absolutely no chance to defend itself. When Chojusen wasn't locking the space that interacted with the Shikaku and striking it into submission, he was either teleporting away from its wind attacks or phasing through the monster with no signs of damage done to himself.

Rasa could only watch with dread as he thought of what he had done. Did he had actually send a mere Jonin to assassinate this monster? This demon in human form that could beat up the Shukaku as if it were a little kid? He cursed himself for bringing such a calamity onto himself.

Rasa knew that he couldn't escape from this little devil and even if he could, he wouldn't run away. From his point of view, everything he did had been for the prosperity of the village; even if it was at the cost of losing his youngest son. He chose to kill off Gaara's friends because he thought they were a distraction for Gaara, and would ruin his plans of making Gaara the greatest weapon for the Sand Village.

Now that choice backfired and not only made the Shukaku run rampant, but also needlessly created an enemy out of Chojusen. Rasa could only hope that Chojusen would spare the Sand Village and only take out his anger on himself.

The only way Rasa could see Chojusen being somewhat lenient with him is if he helped him subdue the Shukaku. So, he used his Magnet Release to suppress the Shukaku's sand with gold. With the Shukaku restricted, Chojusen could now easily make his way to Gaara's side and wake him up without harming him. After Gaara became awake, the Shukaku naturally returned back to its seal.

Gaara was exhausted from having his body transform into the Shukaku, but it was nothing Yang Awakening couldn't fix. With the Shukaku back in its seal, Chojusen created his own seal to replace Gaara's current seal.

Above his hands, space distorted and the kanji for "empty" appeared constructed out of tiny space and time particles. Since Chojusen was still in his Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode the effects of the seal would be doubled once it was imprinted on Gaara's body.

Chojusen superimposed the Dimensional Seal on top of the already existing seal, causing no apparent changes in the outside world. Inside Gaara's mindscape however, was a completely different story. Now, the Shukaku appeared in a vast desert, spanning several hundred kilometers in all directions. The Shukaku was no longer struggling to breath and vented its years worth of frustrations on the new desert it appeared in.

Nothing it did in this desert would bother Gaara, as Chojusen had set the seal up to have several layers of restriction between the connection from Gaara to the Shukaku. Gaara could now use his Chakra to regulate how much of the Shukaku's power he received; even if the number ever reached 100%, the Shukaku would be able to possess Gaara's body without causing him to transform.

[Host has completed the mission: Put the One-Tails in a suitable seal. Reward: 10,000 shop points.]

Outside in the real world, Gaara stared at Chojusen with disbelief as he said "You! How did you!? What?!"

"I guess that means you feel better now?"

"Yes, but how did you make Shukaku's voice disappear?"

"I made a seal suitable for a Tailed Beast to live in, and placed the Shukaku therein. The seal that you had before was utter garbage, and was the reason the Shukaku was so riled up."

Hearing this, Rasa gave in to his curiosity and asked "Wait, is that really true?"

To say that Chojusen was not too happy with Rasa, would be a severe understatement. He said "You still have the nerve to ask me questions after trying to kill me?"


"You what? Even if I told you, would you even care?"

"Of course I would care! Knowing the problem with Gaara's seal is a critical issue, which if resolved can resolve our village's problems!"

"Your village's problems?"

"That's right! Everything I've done is for the good of the village!"

"Really? Then why did you seal the Shukaku, a living being, in a seal comprised of pure dead space? Moreover, why did you seal the Shukaku in your own son with such horrible conditions?"

"You don't understand. Ever since the Wind Daimyo started hiring ninja from the Hidden Leaf, he has been gradually cutting down the funding for my village. If I didn't do anything, the village would eventually be degraded to the point where other villages could try to invade us.

Harsh times call for extreme measures. Since our funding is slowly being drained away from us, I could only try to make the village stronger. Can you think of a better way to massively increase a village's strength than by controlling a Tailed Beast?

My first two kids were not compatible with the Shukaku, but Gaara was. Who else would you make into a Jinchuriki if you were in my position? Yes, making my own son a Jinchuriki would ruin his life before it even began, but if it would make our village prosper, I would do it without hesitating."

Chojusen couldn't really say anything back to Rasa, what he said was logical and there was no real malice behind his intentions. The concept of good and evil was subjective, after all. To Rasa, he thought he was being virtuous by making his son a monster that could help the village, but to most people, Gaara was just a monster; a monster with no humanity or care.

"Well, fortunately for you, I have solved a big chunk of your problem. With my new seal, Gaara won't be at risk of losing control ever again. He can now use his chakra to manipulate the new levels of restrictions connecting him to the Shukaku. I don't know if he will be able to control the Shukaku in the future, but at least now, the Shukaku will have its sanity returned to it."

Chojusen turned to Gaara and said "Though, I don't think you should try to control it. The Shukaku is just like us humans and is capable of having emotions and thoughts. It might not be friendly now, since it was just released from hell, but given a bit of time, it might warm up to you if you treat it like a friend."

Chojusen turned back to Rasa. His face became the most serious it has ever been, and he said "Now then, how do you plan on compensating me, after trying to kill me?"

Author's editing seal of approval blesses this chapter~

BrightDawncreators' thoughts