
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Others
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145 Chs

Gaara’s Pain

"Hey, I'm Chojusen. You want to be friends?" Chojusen had always been simple and direct, up until now, this method had never failed him, so why change his ways now?

"Are you talking to me?" The boy said. He was confused as he was used to being hated and treated like trash for being a Jinchuriki.

"That's right! So… do we have a deal?"

"Mhmm… are you new around here? I don't think I've seen you before." Asride fom his family, no one had treated him fairly. He would remember the face of someone who didn't hate him on sight.

"I'm a tourist! Are you saying we can't be friends because I'm a foreigner?"

"No! It's just… people are scared of me..." the boy didn't want to tell the first person willing to be his friend that people were scared of him for housing a monster, but even if he didn't tell him now, Chojusen would find out eventually from the reactions that the villager had against him. He confessed the truth "because I'm a Jinchuriki."

"Oh? That's cool. Which tailed beast do you have?" Chojusen acted like being a Jinchuriki was nothing special. As a monster himself, he couldn't really say much about Jinchurikis being monsters.

"What?" He thought he misheard. Who would say that being a Jinchuriki was cool? The general consensus, regardless of village or nation, was that Jinchurikis were just as horrible as the Tailed Beasts they had sealed within themselves.

"Which tailed beast do you have?"

"...The One-Tails; Shukaku."

After a short and awkward period of silence Chojusen said "So are we friends or not?"

"You really mean it?"

"Of course!"

"Wow, I can't believe I made a friend. Oh, my name's Gaara by the way."

"Gaara I hope I'm not being too rude asking this… but, do you constantly use the One-Tails power?"

Gaara just made his first friend, he didn't want to lose his friend because of lying so he said "Well, the truth is that sometimes I lose consciousness and the One-Tails escapes my seal, while still being connected to my body." This was common knowledge across the village, as it was a common occurrence for the village to sound their emergency alarm when the Shukaku broke out of Gaara's seal.


[New Mission Alert~

New Mission: Put the One-Tails in a suitable seal.]

"Huh? Why did a mission get triggered now? And what do you mean by a 'suitable seal'?" Chojusen asked the system with his soul.

[Missions can be triggered several ways. The most common are missions created out of necessity, the world law's requests, and the host's wishes. Gaara's mission came from the world law's requests. As for the seal, Gaara's current seal is utter trash. It's made completely out of dead space. You just need to create and transfer the Shukaku to a seal with true space.]

"Ok? But I don't know any sealing techniques, and sealing techniques can't just be thought up; I need to know how seals work. Do you have sealing techniques in the store that I can buy right now?"

[I got just what you need! For the low, low price of all you shop points, I can give you the Dimensional Seal Method. Usually, it would cost ten times as much, but because you already know how to create a personal true dimension, the price dropped significantly.]

"Just buy it." What a good system; it actually said that spending all of his shop points was a low, low price.

Chojusen learned the Dimensional Seal Skill and would now just have to practice for a while, before he could help Gaara out.

[Dimensional Seal (Rank C | 0/100): Creates a new dimension with a finite volume that can seal away living beings. Current Effect: Can seal away beings up to the peak of Genin Level forcefully, The Dimensions final volume will be 10 cubic meters.]

Chojusen directed his attention back to Gaara and said "Anyways, it's getting late and I need to go back to my home. I'll see you around the next time I visit the Sand Village."

"Goodbye! If you every visit and can't find me, you can go to the Kazekage's Office and say you're there to see me."

Chojusen nodded his head and walked out of the Sand Village with Karin, when he was distant enough for the village guards to not be able to see his actions, he teleported back to the Leaf Village.

For the next couple weeks, Chojusen worked on developing his Dimensional Seal after the usual training with Karin. When their next little date was setup by Choza, he went back to the Sand Village and looked for Gaara to play with and give him a better seal. But before that, he asked the system why it mattered whether the Shukaku's Seal was made of dead space or true space.

[Dead Space cannot house living beings, so it is completely unsuitable for Jinchurikis to seal their Tailed Beasts. Because Tailed Beasts are basically immortal masses of energy, they cannot die. However, being stuck in a seal comprised of only dead space would cause the Tail Beast to feel like it was being asphyxiated.

You can guess how bad it must feel to be choking all the time; it's no wonder people think the Shukaku is insane. Would you still be sane after living for years in constant agony?

The only way it can feel relief is by escaping that worthless seal. Do you know what that means? It means your friend Gaara can't go to sleep or else the Shukaku will take advantage of that and leave the seal.]

"How can he live without sleep? Is he like me with my Yang Awakening Skill?"

[You don't get it. He has been living with that seal since before he was even born. It's a miracle that he hasn't gone insane yet.]

Chojusen was impressed with Gaara's willpower, he saw him in a new light after this talk with the system. Not only was Gaara ostracized for being a Jinchuriki, he was constantly in mental warfare against the Tailed Beast that made him feared.

Chojusen first wanted to go get lunch with Karin before meeting up with Gaara to fix his seal. However, now that he knew that every moment Gaara still had that seal was another moment tormented by the Shukaku, Chojusen changed his mind and decided to help Gaara first; the three of them could eat lunch afterwards.

Chojusen didn't waste time going to the Kazekage's Office to go look for Gaara and directly used his teleportation sensing range to find his location. Coincidentally he was in the Kazekage's Office…

Chojusen and Karin made their way to the building, but were stopped at the entrance by some guards. The guards said "Halt! Who are you? What business do you have in the Kazekage's Office?"

Chojusen and Karin gave their papers to the guards and said "We're here to see Gaara."

"What?! Why?" The guards couldn't have thought that Gaara had made some friends and that they were there to visit him; he was after all, the village's demon. Instead, they came to the conclusion that these people were here with malicious intent against their village's "ultimate weapon."

"He's my friend and he told me that I could find him here in the future."

The guards told Chojusen to wait and sent word to the Kazekage.

When the Kazekage got word of this news he became seething with anger. He could not believe his ears. Was he hearing correctly? His third son, the Jinchuriki of the Shukaku, was out making friends when he couldn't control the Shukaku's power? This was completely unacceptable! The Kazekage told the guards to take Chojusen and Karin ourt to a disceet location and "silence them;" he thought that maybe, if his son wasn't so busy playing with his friends, he could actually be useful to the village and learn to control the Shukaku.

The guards did as the Kazekage told them and they brought Chojusen out to what he thought would be a waiting room. However, after the doors of the room were closed Chojusen felt his powers drain from him, which could only mean that he was facing opponents. He was instantly put on guard and said "What is the meaning of this?"

The guard didn't know how Chojusen knew that he had entered a trap, but he didn't believe that a little kid could be a threat so he said "Sorry kid, I'm only doing my job. Just following the Kazekage's orders."

Chojusen kept looking at the ninja and told Karin to not resist him, before sending her to his Personal Dimension. Out of all the skills he had, the only ones that did not get restricted from the limiter were his passive skills and his Personal Dimension Skill; he could send things and people to his dimension, even if his power was restricted to non-existence.

With Karin safely stored away in his personal dimension, half of Chojusen's worries were gone. He turned to the guard that was sent to assassinate him and said "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The guard was now extremely wary of Chojusen, after seeing him make the girl disappear. He said "Don't make this harder..." but before he could finish his sentence, he reappeared behind Chojusen and slashed at him with a sword.

Chojusen didn't panic and directly countered the sword with a staff he had taken out of his personal dimension; he always carried several staffs and all kinds of necessities in his personal dimension.

Chojusen used his staff to strike the assassin in the left side of the head and knocked him out. Since the Kazekage wanted to mess with Chojusen, he had no qualms about losing any hint of formality and respect he had previously had for the Kazekage. Chojusen directly teleported to the Kazekage and said "So. You want me dead?"

Author's editing seal of approval blesses this chapter~

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