
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 60

"*Yawning*," I muffled a yawn with my hand and closed my eyes, longing for a moment's rest, arms crossed casually.

"Where were you yesterday, Yuuto-kun?" Akeno's inquisitive voice broke through.

"Training," I responded with a casual shrug.

"Is there anything else you do apart from training?" Akeno persisted.

"Sleep, eat, shower, handle nature's call, and all those necessary daily routines," I stated matter-of-factly.

I could practically feel Akeno and Koneko's deadpan expressions.

"Are you being serious, Yuuto-kun?" Akeno pressed further.

"Absolutely," I affirmed.

"Do you never have any fun, Kiba-senpai?" Koneko's curiosity chimed in.

"Training and resting are my kind of fun. Those are the moments that light up my life," I responded with a hint of enthusiasm.

"You're not pulling our leg, are you, Yuuto-kun?" Akeno probed again.

I opened my eyes and turned to Akeno, who sat beside me. "Believe me, it might seem a tad dull, but I'm determined not to be weak, not now, not ever," I declared with unwavering resolve.

"Do you really need that much power, Yuuto?" Rias asked, stepping into the room while drying her hair with a towel.

"Yeah, I need it," I replied, my expression serious.

The mood in the room immediately shifted. My words seemed to cast a somber hush over the atmosphere.

Suddenly, Issei burst into the room, catching everyone's gaze, mine included.

"Hey, is something up?" Issei questioned.

Seems like this guy has no clue how to gauge the situation.

"(Hey boss, check it out! I've souped up that Sacred Gear and got it back in action!)" Lumina's voice chimed with a hint of playfulness in my mind.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired, "(How long do you think it would take to craft a high-tier sword?)"

Lumina's response came with a touch of mischief, "(Well, for a top-notch blade, I'd say about 4 hours tops. But, if you're aiming for something mega strong, be prepared to chill for a whole month or maybe even longer)."

Nodding in satisfaction, I rose from my seat and turned my gaze towards Rias, Akeno, and Koneko.

"I'll be taking my leave. Also, please convey to Tannin-san that he needn't continue my training. I have other matters that require my attention," I informed them before striding out of the room, purposefully avoiding a backward glance.

"(Hey boss, what's the deal here? Spill the beans! You're ditching the combat training, huh? But let's be real, you're a bit of a newbie when it comes to facing off against the big shots)," Lumina playfully teased, her words dancing in my thoughts.

"(Tannin-shisho's training would further prolong the process. I've chosen this path because you've fasten sword creation. Now, I can create a blade that increase my combat skills. With other power sources of power in my grasp, the training efforts will yield more substantial results)," I reasoned.

"(Given your explanation, I can't argue. Very well, but what kind of sword would you like me to assist in creating?)" Lumina inquired.

"Incursio" I muttered.

"(Gotcha! Incursio it is, boss. Time to rock and roll!)" Lumina declared, revving up the process of crafting the chosen blade.

[ Initiating the process... ]

Before I do more practice, I gotta use the other sword I made.

I unlock Reiryoku, Nen, Haki, and Aura. That'll make me even stronger from the start.

Now, I can get the power without really learning it or being in a world where power's all around.

I teleport back to my basement and lay out Ki, Senjutsu, Haki, Aura, and Reiryoku on the floor.

"*Inhale* *Exhale*"

I stretch out my hand to grab the sword...


-3rd Pov-

Occult Research Clubroom,

Tannin was seated on the sofa, leaning back as he rested.

"Why did he say he doesn't wanna train with me anymore? What's the reason?" Tannin inquired.

"He mentioned having other stuff to take care of now," Rias clarified.

"Hmm, if that's what he said. I won't push him into training," Tannin remarked. "He's grown up, he can make his own choices."

"You're not upset, Tannin-san?" Rias questioned.

"Why would I be mad at him? I knew he'd stop training with me sooner or later," Tannin replied.

"Why?" Akeno chimed in.

"His eyes are hungry for power," Tannin explained. "He reminds me of myself when I was young. Sometimes, the hard way is the best way to learn."

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko finally grasped why Kiba was always focused on getting stronger.

"Do you know why he's like this, Tannin-san?" Rias inquired.

"That's something I'm clueless about. He never talks to me about personal feelings," Tannin admitted. "Our conversations revolve around improving his fighting techniques."

"He has been secretive these days. We don't even know where he has been *Sigh*" Rias said "He just shows up when he thinks it's important or handles his client"

"Why didn't you use your familiar to keep an eye on him?" Tannin inquired.

"I actually tried that, but he sensed it somehow. So that's not a viable plan," Rias explained.

Issei raised his hand to capture everyone's attention, his mind clearly racing with something he wanted to share. "I think I know where Kiba went."

"Where?" Rias prompted.

"While I was hanging out with my friend, I used their telescopes to peek at someone," Issei admitted.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and even Tannin found themselves somewhat disappointed by Issei's less-than-respectable approach.

'I sometimes wish I hadn't reincarnated him. But his Longinus was just too potent to pass up,' Rias privately lamented her decision, the powerful potential of the Longinus outweighing her reservations.

Looking slightly embarrassed, Issei pressed on, saying, "I spotted him training in this massive mansion."

"Then let's head over there," Rias decided.

"I think I'll sit this one out, so you all have a good time," Issei said, bowing politely before making his exit.

"As for the rest of us, we should go. I'd like to have a chat with the future Red Dragon Emperor," Tannin declared.

"If that's the case, then let me take a look at your memories to find the location," Rias suggested, stepping closer to Issei and placing her fingertips on his forehead.

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