
Great reincarnations

Dion, a fallen one to the gods and kings but a visitor to the fallen worlds, falls into the deepest part of the fallen world known as the Phantom Sea. Here, he encounters other individuals while pursuing his objective: to traverse nine worlds to return to the living worlds. But what is his purpose? As Dion navigates through the treacherous realms, haunted by his past and driven by a desire for redemption, he seeks to uncover the truth behind his fall from grace. Along the way, he must confront his own inner demons, forge unlikely alliances, and ultimately decide whether he seeks forgiveness, revenge, or something far more profound. As Dion's journey unfolds, the true nature of his quest becomes clearer, leading him to confront the very forces that cast him down and determine the fate of not only himself but also the worlds he once called home.

TeaPrincess · Fantasy
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"Don't you think the sky and the stars are too horrible?"

The ghostly sea, a place where all pirates gather, a world where ships and crews are the normal


The black sky, adorned with stars and shrouded in darkness, only allows them to be spotted a few times a year, a phenomenon that occurs only in the living worlds manifests itself in the fallen.

In a bustling bar filled with pirates and people of barbaric appearance, a beautiful woman with green skin, eyes of the same color, and long black hair cascading over her torn pirate outfit, captures everyone's attention.

Her lips move to utter words that resonate throughout the establishment: "Let's drink until we pass out, and the first to fall pays the bill!" she exclaims, raising her tankard of beer.

"Yes!" they all shout and laugh in unison, while the captain, more excited than usual, receives accolades from the crowd. "The captain seems more excited than usual," one of them comments.

"Normal? Don't you remember? Today, the visitors fall.

At those moments, falling stars can be seen," another responds, pointing to the black sky with his finger, referring to the fallen stars, while the red-haired boy who asked earlier nods in understanding.

Among the crowd, a young boy runs through the bar excitedly, intrigued by the conversation, he decides to go and ask, "Elder Blackbeard, what are the fallen?" The man who had previously answered the young boy's question looks at the younger boy and with a smile that reveals his broken and worn teeth, responds: "The visitors are those summoned to these lands, for having sinned in the name of heaven, they are the purest beings who turned into the lowest, those who succumbed to temptation or betrayed.

Although those are usually the main reasons why they are punished down here and deprived of the light of the nine worlds, there are worse ones, people who went against heaven, or who went against kings.

"For us, they are usually called visitors, and for kings and deities, they are usually called fallen. In order to return to their worlds, they have to traverse the nine fallen worlds." "Understood, Elder Blackbeard," nodded the young boy, "Elder Blackbeard, can stars be seen in the living worlds?" The boy asked, "Blackbeard with a smile full of excitement shouted: Of course, young lad, for we are about to venture forth to see them, we will cross the territory of the great waterfall, then we will enter the end of the world, we will become stronger, and we will be able to recover what we once were, the strongest pirates, and with that, we will be able to avenge ourselves against that jerk with the white beard!"

Among the crowd, the young woman approached the elder and with a shout said, "Watch your language, you're in front of a child!" "I'm sorry, Captain," said Blackbeard.

"Do you think we all don't want that? I am the one with the most hatred and resentment."

"You're right, I got carried away, my emotions got the better of me."

Time passed, and in the excitement and drink, the first to fall from the drink was the captain herself, soon laughter could be heard.

"Hahaha, she sounded so convinced this time."

"Yes yes, I thought she would lose today hahaha."

"The second to lose will have to take care of cleaning the upper deck, lower deck, and the kitchen."

"Isn't that exaggerated?"

"Seems like someone lacks guts."

"What did you say? I accept the challenge, let's see how many drinks you can handle."

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" As the shouts and cheers in the bar echoed, a throbbing sound rang out, as if it were the start of a bell sound and the middle part of a song.

"Everyone, wake up the captain."

As if she had heard the sound, she jumped up and ran out of the bar followed by the men and the boy. There, the black sky was dragged by the blue meteors falling, revealing the stars.

"It's beautiful," shouted the boy. "Jack, what are you doing out here in the cold, what are you doing?" a brown-haired woman approached the boy.

"Mom, look at the stars, aren't they beautiful?"

" Haa..." With a sigh, the woman couldn't refute the fact that it was beautiful.

Blackbeard, the last man out of the bar, couldn't help but gaze at the stars.

"I wish I could see them every night and not just me, I wish everyone could.

" With a smile, he couldn't help but let out a small smile at the sight of the captain, a girl he had cared for like his daughter, it was like the last time he saw the stars, she smiled with excitement, an excitement that could be seen in her eyes, the smile was more visible in her eyes than in her mouth.

"Haa... Then this may possibly be the last time we see the stars." Before he could finish sighing, a bright, golden light covered the sky. " What's happening?"

"I can't see anything."

"Shit, this is making my eyes burn."

Complaints about the unexpected event soon arose. The light began to cease, raising all the darkness that the other meteors couldn't displace were being displaced by one alone, it had a peculiar shape, a golden horse with wings galloped, elegant trots, peculiar and aggressive movements that swept away the entire black sky.

"Blackbeard, upon seeing this, could only think of one thing: 'It's like when Whitebeard appeared, a strange event, simply this one is much superior, a strong person is approaching to provoke a storm that not even the kings' ships can withstand.

'" "It's beautiful."

"Yes, I've never seen anything like it."

"Mmm... Excuse me for interrupting, but don't you think it's getting closer to us?"

"Stop saying nonsense, why would a visitor fall here?"

"They usually fall in the realm of the deep forest."

"No, seriously, what is falling here?"

"He..." "You're right, run!" said the captain.

Upon hearing these words, everyone ran in different directions.

"Run, Jack!" The brown-haired woman said. The boy, obeying his mother, ran away from the object, with nerves and heart pounding a mile a minute.

But at a meter and a half of running he stumbled over a rock. "Mom, help me!" shouted the boy.

But suddenly he felt himself being grabbed and lifted like a sack. "Jack, sometimes I feel like you attract bad luck."

"Thank you, Captain Thalia."

"I told you not to say the names of the pirates without their consent is a sin."

"Sorry, Thalia."

"You're doing it again... haa... well, you know what? Nevermind." When they were far enough away, they saw the meteorite fall, leaving a giant crater.

"Let's go see that bastard who almost killed us."

"Let's greet him With cordially," said one, taking out a bat labeled "cordiality".

When they approached and saw the figure, they were surprised, it looked like a fallen angel, it looked like a kind man with a fragile appearance, but they soon gave up that idea when they saw his body, he seemed sculpted by a god, a man with beautiful blond hair, long and messy hair waved in the wind, framing a face marked by intense emerald green eyes. His ears, long and pointed, while sharp horns, like those of a demon, emerged majestically among his hair.

"What the hell, a freaking prince charming or what?"

"I never thought a man would seem more beautiful to me than my wife."

"What the hell did you say?"

"Sorry, darling."

"What could he have done to fall here?"

At those words, the man turned and looked at the men, and with a small smile, he uttered the following words, pointing to the sky with his index finger: "Don't you think the sky and the stars are too horrible, don't you think we should destroy it and create a new one?"

"He's definitely crazy."

"Now I understand why he's here."

"A crazy scoundrel."