
Great Magician Prin

Prin_2004 · Urban
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13 Chs

Awakening part-3

"Umm Mother"

"What , say clearly if there is danger or not. I want to know" Flora asked.

"Mother there is indeed some danger but it isn't something that your son can't overcome "

Ruth asked, " What are chances of safety and life threatening "

Future Prin hesitated before replying, " They are not low, you don't need to worry about that"

Flora said," Although we didn't see you grow up but we are still your parents, we can tell if our son is lying or not. Tell us exactly what are chances "

He replied unwillingly, "Mom they are not that high, because I am the first person who will use ' Memory of past and future' and even for someone else because of this they are even more low but don't worry I will definitely survive."

"And after everything is over I want to live life like normal person with everyone. That's my and Emily's both of our wish."

He didn't wait for their answer as if he speaks more they will be more worried about his suffering and pain.

"Everyone now it's time for me to leave, please remember everything I said.

Yeah I forgot one important thing, after successfully Awakening my and Emily's talent ,Soul and Magic I will suffer drawback because of containing two persons fate so I will be in coma.

And to lift it Emily will have to kiss me until I wake up and through this process her original memories will be transferred to her and I will come out of coma"

After saying this blood started coming out from all over his body.

Everyone was shocked seeing this.

Seeing their shocked reactions he replied, "Don't worry it will go away as I becomes a memory and stored in my child body.


Mom Dad can I hug you one last time "

Listening this both of them hugged him.

Seeing them hug him his eyes showed joy and he smiled despite suffering endless pain from using the World treasure .


Hearing all this Emily somewhat understood what was going.

She became worried if everything will be alright and Prin will be safe or not.

Time passed very slowly.

This day seemed like 10 days to everyone.

No one left the discussion room.

At night doctors came to discussion room to report ,they said "Your Highness ,Everything is alright now although it was very difficult for him to survive but he survived. Right now he is in coma and everything is normal expect the fact that he is in coma."

Hearing this everyone sighed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this doctor were surprised, that the boy has gone through when hearing he is in coma everyone was relieved.

Flora was also relieved," Doctors thank you very much for your hard work, I will forever remember this " Tears came out of her eyes.

Ruth said,"Flora, Ronin let's go"

Ronin called for Emily and said," let's go Emily he is fine now let's go to see him"

They all reached the room in which he was .

They entered and saw that his body was covered in bandages and some were even red due to his blood .

Flora cried seeing this. Emily also couldn't stop tears coming out from her eyes.

Ronin said," now is not the time to cry we all should be happy that he made it."

Emily asked," why is he not opening his eyes, he is alright, right?"

Ronin asked," Emily you remember what your aunt Flora told you this morning right, about waking him up from coma."

Emily suddenly remembered, "her face full of embarrassment, turned red"

She said ,"it is the only way to wake him right. I will do it.

I will ki -sss kiss him.

But where do I need to kiss him."

Everyone was surprised even they didn't know where to kiss him,"Emily usually kiss are done on lips so I think it must be there right, what do you think Ruth?" Ronin asked.

Ruth nodded.

Emily was excited about the kiss but she was worried about Prin so she overcame her embarrassment and kissed him on lips.

She kissed but after a moment taken a step back embarrassed.

At that moment Prin started to move his hand showed movement but it was only that he didn't regain consciousness.

Flora said," Emily I think you need to kiss a little longer to wake him up, see with this only his hand moved."

Emily nodded embarrassed and again kissed him.

This time she didn't stop and continued to kiss him.

After a long 2 minutes Prin suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment he knew what was going on and he also remembered everything up till now and even that past of future .

Seeing him wake up everyone rejoiced.

He said," Emily I want to transfer you memories please come here."

She came and sat beside him.

"Umm I can't move my body very well, so can you help me up."

She helped him up.

" Sorry for this Emily but bear with it, then Prin kissed her and leaved his saliva in her mouth"

Seeing this everyone was surprised.

Flora asked," What are you doing Prin "

I said while smiling, "Mom ,Dad , Father-in-law, long time no see"

They were shocked hearing this " Why are you speaking like this Prin"

I answered, " Well ,you all knows everything, Right now even though I am 14 but I have much more experience than what I should have so that's why there might be some variation in my and Emily's speaking from now on."

" Right now I transferred my saliva to Emily so that the memories of her can be obtained though the genes.

Well there was one another way but I think we should not do that as we are not yet married in this life."

Everyone became even more shocked Hearing him say this.

"You are not yet married, what method was that. Are we imagining that what it was is that right."

I nodded.

Meanwhile Emily was busy remembering her memories that she didn't hear us.

After a while tears came out of her eyes.

Ronin panicked, "Emily, what happened? Why are you crying? Does it hurt somewhere when Prin transferred memories."

Flora said," Prin is anything wrong, why is she crying?"

I said," There shouldn't be any problem with the process. And I can guarantee that she won't suffer even a little bit pain. "

Ruth said," Yeah you're right, we believe you but she is crying right now. Something must be wrong. "

Emily suddenly hugged Prin.

"What do you think that I won't know if try to erase my memory " she slapped him.

Ronin asked," What happened Emily, why did you slap him."

She then again hugged Prin and said,"While I was collecting memories, as first memory came I knew he would try to erase some of my memories, so before he came here 14 years ago I already transferred this memory and gave it to him.

And guess what he did exactly same.

He tried to erase all my memories in which he was suffering and the memories about the process of transferring so I wouldn't know how much he suffered because of me."

She answered while crying, " Father, I am sorry . Father-in-law, Mother-in-law I am very sorry ."