
great liar's pleasure

Shi Tian's soul travels to a fantasy world and occupies the young master's body. A world filled with monsters, demons and super strong humans, danger lurks everywhere. The strong fear the unreasonable, the unreasonable fear suicide, and the suicidal fear the crazy. Shi Tian is a crazy person. If someone stabbed him with a knife, he would not dodge or evade, but took the pain of the knife and then ripped out his throat! Faced with such a madman, the average man would not dare to fight with him. "Fighting with me would be the stupidest decision you've ever made in your entire life, you stupid child. I'll make you regret ever being born into this world!" "The woman you once loved will be taken away to be used as a furnace to help me cultivate. You will fall from the altar of geniuses; you will lose your martial arts, lose your loved ones, lose your parents, and also be expelled from your family. When that, I can deal with you as I please. I will break your arms and legs, and raise you in my pigsty like a pig, and every day I will feed you the same rubbish that pigs eat, while I fuck all the women you have ever known in front of you I will make it so that you cannot die even if you wish for death, and can only beg me to kill you! Ha ha ha ha!

Suryaada · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 19 : surprise!! |R18

Feeling lust Shi Tian untied his robe, becoming naked in a few seconds.

"Jeez, why is this boy's penis so big? Much bigger than before."

Shi Tian exclaimed in surprise after seeing his sister. It is over seven inches long and two inches wide. Even though he felt his penis was bigger than average, he didn't consider it a monster.

But he was also surprised at the same time, he remembered that his predecessor didn't have such a big giant before, so how could it suddenly become bigger? What caused it?

'Could this be an innate talent?' Shi Tian thought in his mind, apart from the rapid growth of his penis, he couldn't think of any other reason. Now he feels happier. Having a big penis that every man dreams of, he feels proud and happy to have a big penis that every man dreams of.

With a happy expression on his face, shi Tian arrogantly stood up while shaking his penis. ridiculously. We can see a child shaking his hips. Makes the penis spin and dance. That is an unusual action that we see.

A few minutes later, Shi Tian suddenly heard the sound of someone's footsteps behind him. Shi Tian frowned. Could it be his mother?

It never occurred to him that his mother. will suddenly open the door and enter at this time...

When Gongsun Wan'er came in, she saw Shi Tian naked and shaking his hips and twisting his cock, with one hand held between her waist.

Seeing this scene probably made him angry at his son's indecent behavior.

However when he saw little brother Shi Tian, he was shocked. It was like magic that hypnotized him.

Apart from his son's ridiculous behavior. Currently, Gongsun Wan'er was looking at a dragon-like monster that was ready to spew out large amounts of fire. Gongsun Wan's face turned red again. It was his younger brother.

Her eyes immediately fell on him, Huge, which was repeatedly in her womb raised somewhat stiffly and also by a pair of large balls; Gongsun Wan's mouth was agape and her eyes were wide; very similar to how my friend's mother on earth reacted when she. saw my cock for the first time.

It Twitches; the veins bulged as blood pumped to my third leg; it hung down my legs, almost reaching my lower thighs.

'Oh, God'. Gongsun Wan'er stood up and stepped back, instinctively she cupped her own breasts with one hand, and the other hand put on her leggings to touch her wet pussy.

'Was his penis this big before? How did this get so big?' Gongsun Wan'er looked at the huge monster and said with surprise in her heart

'Well, my child, he's all grown up now… and Tian'er has done that many times' Gongsun wan'er said in her mind, Somehow, she felt like she had been showing off, showing… him Gongsun wan'er something he shouldn't have shown. .

Now with his mind free of work and worries, he turned his attention to the memories of last night, his thoughts mixed with regret and joy.

It should never have happened, and it would somehow affect his relationship with his son, but it was so good. No other lover had ever met her needs so completely. Usually there is awkwardness and feelings when his girlfriend gets used to what he likes and how he likes it. Last night was very smooth and natural.


Shi Tian turned his head, a look of surprise appeared on his face. His lips moved slightly uncontrollably.

Shi tian felt that he was quite an adaptable person – since the misunderstanding had already occurred, there was no need to explain it further.

Because that would only add insult to injury!

"Tian'er…" Her mother, Gongsun wan'er. didn't finish talking. He just said her name before swallowing whatever he wanted to say.

Adolescent urges were nothing unusual for him.

Shi tian Thinking in her embarrassing appearance was very cute, and his little brother became even harder when he imagined the actions he performed on his mother's body while he fucked her until morning.

Gongsun Wan'er's thoughts went wild and seemed to lose focus. We both felt embarrassed, as Shi Tian could see the redness appearing on his face and drops of sweat flowing from his sideburns to his neck.

Began to think clearly in Gongsun Wan'er's mind, not forgetting her purpose in coming here. Suddenly his face became a little calm.

After that the eyes. Gongsun Wan'er was shocked by her son's sudden change.

At this moment Gongsun Wan'er knew what was going on.

And for the first time, Gongsun wan'er felt the cultivation base of shi Tian… her own son!

Gongsun Wan'er felt ambivalence between happiness and bitterness. Previously, since fate had decreed that Shi Tian had no intention of cultivating at all, it was not a problem for him to live his life peacefully in the Red Clouds Kingdom. However, now that he had recovered and could practice martial arts, that was unknown. In the future, would this be a blessing or a tragedy for the red cloud kingdom….

Compared to Shi Tian, Gongsun wan'er was in euphoria. His son was finally cured, he would never hear someone call him weak again. If not for this change, Gongsun wan'er was worried that Shi Tian would eventually go crazy due to his desire for power.

"Tian er, the current me does not have the ability to restore you to your true status… However, since you have recovered, you can finally take a small step onto the path of cultivation. In the future, you will have to depend on your own strength to get back what originally belonged to you."

Due to his memories from when he was a baby, Shi Tian was able to understand some of what Gongsun wan'er said. That's enough for now. As he became stronger, he would naturally understand more about the truth behind his background.

Gongsun wan'er sighed softly, Gongsun wan'er approached her and examined her face then said, "Tian'er, have you practiced charm techniques or something? Your charm has improved from before."

Gongsun Wan'er was more knowledgeable and immediately discovered that after her son's cultivation reached Qii practitioner, she immediately discovered the puzzle. There was no doubt that Shi Tian had become very handsome, but now he not only looked very handsome but also very charming.

Currently, his face lacked any attractive charm. It is especially more effective against members of the opposite sex. Any woman will find him more attractive and likable.

There are many kinds of special techniques in the world, charm technique is also one of them. Some beautiful women develop charm techniques to enhance their charm and use it as a weapon.

"Not me! I didn't do it!" Shi Tian finally realized the problem, the main charm was just the one that attracted their attention. He finally understood the effects of cultivation.

"This is too strange, Tian'er, how did your charm increase so much in a few hours?" Gongsun Wan'er said curiously.

"I do not know." Shi Tian shook him and said. He really doesn't know!

"Forget it, this is a good thing." Gongsun Wan'er shrugged her shoulders and said,

"By the way, how is your cultivation, are you able to cultivate now?"

Even though Gongsun Wan'er already knew her son's cultivation level, she still had to be careful when her own son said so.

"Yes, my mother can cultivate again, I finally reached the realm of qi practitioner." Shi Tian nodded and said lightly.

"First qi layer practitioner stage!! Tian er?" Gongsun wan'er's eyes widened, and she looked at her son Shi Tian in shock. "Shi Tian, you finally reached the qi practitioner stage in today's breakthrough. It's really fast."