
great liar's pleasure

Shi Tian's soul travels to a fantasy world and occupies the young master's body. A world filled with monsters, demons and super strong humans, danger lurks everywhere. The strong fear the unreasonable, the unreasonable fear suicide, and the suicidal fear the crazy. Shi Tian is a crazy person. If someone stabbed him with a knife, he would not dodge or evade, but took the pain of the knife and then ripped out his throat! Faced with such a madman, the average man would not dare to fight with him. "Fighting with me would be the stupidest decision you've ever made in your entire life, you stupid child. I'll make you regret ever being born into this world!" "The woman you once loved will be taken away to be used as a furnace to help me cultivate. You will fall from the altar of geniuses; you will lose your martial arts, lose your loved ones, lose your parents, and also be expelled from your family. When that, I can deal with you as I please. I will break your arms and legs, and raise you in my pigsty like a pig, and every day I will feed you the same rubbish that pigs eat, while I fuck all the women you have ever known in front of you I will make it so that you cannot die even if you wish for death, and can only beg me to kill you! Ha ha ha ha!

Suryaada · Fantasy
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19 Chs

chapter 16 : the first beginning of becoming a qi practitioner part 1

Cultivation is the practice of training the body and mind to harness mental energy and qi, so that practitioners can gain extraordinary strength, and extend their lifespan, potentially achieving youthful immortality.

Innate True Qi was a special piece of spiritual energy that humans were born with. This spiritual energy comes from the mother, and will help support the child during their early years. Unless a child begins cultivation, this energy will dissipate in their early years, and generally dissipate completely before the age of ten.

Those who started cultivating after this Innate True Qi was gone, would find their progress much slower than those who still had it, without heaven defying lucky encounters.

The best time to start cultivating is when the practitioner is only 4 – 5 years old. This period is known as the golden age for cultivation, because the true qi carried from birth from the mother's womb is at its peak. Innate Qi will disappear completely when the practitioner is eight years old.

When Shi Tian's body first begins, one must first start taking Body Tempering Pills, and practice the basic Body Tempering Arts, as well as the skills to utilize mental energy. This would allow them to start filling their Heart Acupoint with qi and blood. Once fully charged, they will complete the qi practitioner.

But it was very unfortunate for the initial owner of the body named Shi tian. He practiced so half-heartedly. This happened because he was a famous fool in the Red Cloud Kingdom because of mental disorders. Even though he was a prince, he had an immature nature.

Even so, people wouldn't dare to curse in front of him, because he was a prince.


In the room Shi Tian got up, and was still naked, and went to the bathroom connected to the room to clean himself from the pleasure attached to his body.

After showering Shi Tian put on his clothes.


Opening the door to the bathroom silently and with silent steps, Shi Tian came back to his mother's room without making a sound, so as not to wake his mother, Gongsun Wan'er, who was sleeping.

With silent steps, he covered his naked mother with a sheet and was about to go to the side room where Gongsun Wan'er usually cultivated.

But, Shi Tian didn't realize it...

That there were two pairs of eyes that saw him come out of his mother's room and leave.

One of them was Qing er's personal maid. whose face turned red when she saw the departure of shi tian, her young master. through a small hole in the bedsheets.


Shi Tian walked towards the actual cultivation training ground.

It was still early, so there weren't many people inside. Shi Tian didn't respond in the slightest.

Shi Tian immediately headed to the location where his room was, with ease. Shi Tian managed to find a room that matched this key. When he remembered that his mother had given him access to Gongsun Wan'er's place.

Coincidentally the door in front of him was still sealed, so Shi Tian had to use the key he got from his mother to open this seal.

Shi Tian immediately used the key he got from Gongsun Wan'er to open the door to the room in front of him

After the seal disappeared, Shi Tian was finally able to enter the room.

When Shi Tian entered the room, Shi Tian found that the inside was quite large, it could accommodate 50 people, quite comfortable to live in.

Even the beds in previous rentals on earth were much smaller than this room.

Inside it was empty, there was only one plain bed that looked very strange with ancient carved patterns.

"This place is very spacious" Shi Tian felt that this place was very suitable for him, there was only one bed here, it looked very ordinary and unusual.

If Shi Tian didn't need to cultivate in this place, perhaps Shi Tian would just want to stay in this place.

"This is very comfortable" Shi Tian immediately lay down on the luxurious mattress he had, this mattress was much better than it looked.

Shi Tian got up from bed, he began to notice an ordinary looking ring on his left hand. Shi Tian remembered that this was a gift from Gongsun Wan'er, his mother.

Although these rings had ordinary appearances, he realized that these ordinary rings should be mysterious artifacts, called storage rings. These rings have an intermediary space inside them. Cultivators used these storage artifacts to store their items. Shi Tian also had this ring on the finger of his left hand, but he couldn't use it because he didn't like cultivating at that time. One needed spirit qi to use the storage ring.

The intermediary space inside the storage ring depends on the quality of the storage ring. Storage rings are divided into four grades, low grade, middle grade, high grade, and superior grade. Low grade storage rings contained a space measuring around five cubic meters inside, mid grade storage contained a space measuring around twenty cubic meters within, high grade storage contained around a hundred cubic meters inside while superior grade storage rings contained a space measuring around five hundred meters cubic in it.

"I wonder what's inside" Shi Tian was a little curious about the space ring on his left hand, after that he released a little spiritual qi and opened the ring, just like in his memory.

However this ring contained Gongsun wan'er's powerful spiritual imprint. A high-grade storage ring would allow its owner to place a spiritual imprint on it. This way, if one were to luckily obtain a storage ring and wanted to take out the items inside, one would have to remove the spiritual imprint first. The owner of the storage ring would feel it if he tried to do so. Such an automatic defense capability was something that only high-level storage rings had.

Lucky,. Gongsun Wan'er merged her spiritual imprint with Shi Tian. That way Shi Tian didn't need to bother to remove her mother's spiritual imprint.

Luckily, the owner of the original shi tian body still had strands of spirit qi. That was because the owner used to practice half-heartedly. That way he could access the ring.

A cultivator usually draws with his mind a space ring that will produce items as desired by the owner of the ring.

Taking a deep breath, shi Tian began to gather Qi and slowly pushed it into the storage ring.


The storage ring vibrated slightly and Ye Chen's sensitive soul power felt a subtle air flow spread out.

Also a space ring with its inner space dimensions. Using just his mind, the owner can store items within this magic ring and retrieve them at will.

Shi Tian was shocked!

Then, Shi Tian could see the space inside the storage ring.

It was a standard cube, with a height and weight of six meters which made it bigger than a normal person's living room, its crystal-like body had a faint glow around it, it seemed like it came from a different dimension.

Inside the cube, there were two manuals, a long knife with a large sheath, and several egg-sized jade stones that glowed with white light.

"This is a rock?"

Shi Tian was curious about the shining stone. It seemed to contain a lot of qi contained within it.

With a thought the beautiful stone came out of the storage ring and was caught by. Shi Tian's hands quickly,

"This might be Spiritual stones a must-have item for refining qi? This might be Indispensable for cultivation?"

After reading this short memory, Shi Tian finally understood more about how absorbing spiritual stones was about becoming a qi practitioner.

Right now shi tian's cultivation would almost be close to that of a qi practitioner. If the original owner of shi tian's body cultivated without half measures... maybe right now he would be the first generation of genius in the red cloud kingdom... and become the strongest powerhouse.

But what can he do, he is very stupid and has a mental illness or mental disorder.

He wanted to try as fast as he could to cultivate in this place, Shi Tian started to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes, he started to cultivate and attack the Energy in the spiritual stone which contained a lot of world spiritual qi.

In lotus state.

The surging world spiritual qi instantly poured into shi Tian's body.

This room was designed for cultivation, inside it was quiet and peaceful, no one would disturb Shi Tian who was cultivating peacefully.

As it turned out, very few people in this world could practice true qi in the first place. People who succeed in becoming Qi Practitioners. However, the demand for talents to become a Qi Practitioner is very high, so most people do not take this path. Instead, there is another path available, namely developing inner strength. Inner strength basically does not require strict talent. As long as one is not stupid and is willing to try, basically anyone can develop inner strength.

The internal martial arts that ordinary people practiced were equivalent to a simplified version of the qi training method, lowering the need for talent and making it easier to achieve. As a result, basically anyone can practice it. However, the inner strength developed through this process would not be as great as true qi. And, because they never truly opened their meridians, inner strength would be limited to the meridians; it cannot nourish organs or be released externally.

However, as long as they cultivate their inner strength to the limit and then break through, they can transform it into true Qi and become a Qi Practitioner, commonly known as an innate master.

The path of qi practice is divided into ten layers.

And, it wasn't as rough as the first, second, and third tier divisions. Sometimes, it would be very difficult to tell whether someone was ranked first or second because the martial arts they trained in were different, so their abilities would differ drastically. The paths they took were also different.

However, regardless of the cultivation method, the path of qi practice is about opening eight extraordinary meridian channels, namely Heel Yang meridian, Heel Yin meridian, Connecting Yang meridian, Connecting Yin meridian, Corset meridian, Penetration meridian. meridian, Conception meridian, and Governance meridian

The eight extraordinary meridians do not connect directly to the internal organs, nor do they connect the outside with the inside, which is why they are called extraordinary meridians. Each one covers the entire body, connecting several major acupuncture points. With each opening, their true qi would grow a little stronger, and that was a layer. Fully opening all eight extraordinary meridians would reach the ninth layer.

Reaching the tenth layer would be even more difficult. This requires complete opening of the twelve standard meridians, namely three yin meridians in the arms, three yang meridians in the arms, three yin meridians in the legs, and three yang meridians in the feet. These twelve standard meridians crisscross each other, connecting the hands and feet with the internal organs and the five elements. It was easy to suffer from qi deviation and injure organs, but once one broke through, they would be able to reach the tenth layer, the realm of perfection, reaching the peak of Qi Practitioner.