
Good Vibe

If you only look at what it is ,you might never attain what it could be(Anonymous)

The greatest tragedy in people lives is not death but life without a purpose(Anonymous)

A professional is someone who can do his best work when he does not feeling like it(Susan jeffes)

Education is the only weapon that can be used to change the world (Nelson Mandera)

Every time you see the sun rose it's another opportunity to become the best you(KaranJose)

The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man; nothing else that he builds ever lastes . Monuments fall , nations perish ; civilization grow and die out ,after an era of darkness ,new races build others ,but in the world of books are volumes that live on still young and fresh as the day they were written,still telling men's hearts of men centuries.(Anonymous)

Don't worry about everyone else.The whole world is full of everybody else ,you know that if ?But only a few makes a significant achievements (Sonya)

Virtually nothing on earth can stop a person with a positive altitude who has his goal clearly in sight


I focus what I focused before I can be a focus (Anonymous)

Yesterday is a Dream , Tomorrow is only a vision ,but today we'll lived makes yesterday a Dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope

Every day is your day!!! live it ,love it and enjoy it

Being alone is not a disease.It helps us find our inner self,our strength our happiness create sometime for you .

Whatever is good for your soul do that

The good times and the bad times teach us something . Appreciate both of them and do not compare your time to others

Everytime you fall,there is a lesson you learn.Dont give up

Make sure you leave great footprints in everyone's life ,no matter how and what they think about you

Be strong enough to let go what ruins your happiness

When you see thorns ,look for the roses around it ,Life has its way around us but we need to see it positivety so that we can see the roses

When you can think of yesterday without regret of tomorrow without fear,then you are on the road to success

Great mind have purpose others have wishes

I believe the great value of the past is a lesson so that we can make tomorrow a better day

The world is a strange place and such things happen in it daily (Ghanaian Novelist)

Successful people know that suffering is part of human existence

Greatly people have a habit of focusing on things they want

You must do things you think you cannot do(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Everybody can be serve .You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve .You don't have to Plato and Aristotle to serve ....you only need a heart full of grace ,a soul generated by love

Don't judge a book by its cover but open and read it storyline

If you are a pupil or a student ,read until the books demand to know why are you reading them reading them

Do all the good you can

In all the ways you can

In all places you can

At all times you can

As long as ever you can

(John Wesley)


Let the passion that is within you rise to meet your destiny

What you fear about tomorrow is not hear yet Don't be afraid of the day you have never seen(English proverb)

Without Passion man is a mere latent force and a possibility like the Flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth it spark

Fear holds you back from flexing your risk muscles .It's been said that worry is adarkroom where negatives are developed like a rocking chair,it keeps you going ,but you don't get anywhere

"Every morning I spend fifteen minutes filling my mind full of God and there is no room left over for worry thoughts (Howard Chandler's)

"Dissatisfaction and discouragement is not the absence of things but the absence of visions

"It's better to die for something than it's to live for nothing ".Says Dr.Bob Jane ,Sir .A man without principales never draw much interest.

Failure may look like a fact ,but it's just an opinion .It's not how for you fall but how high you bounce that's makes all the difference

The best way to go on after failure is to learn the lesson and forget the details

Eyes that look are common .Eyes that see are rare .


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The greatest tragedy in people's lives is not death but a life without a purpose.If you are continually mixing with people who destroy your confidence are very negative or may cynical and disparaging about success and achievements ,more out of the environment and try to mix with people who are positive , enthusiastic and who are "builders rather than "takers.Mixing with people who are success -orientated will again make it virtually impossible for you to be successful.

Karan_Josecreators' thoughts