
Great Hero becomes Demon Lord Slave

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life? I don’t have anything. I don’t have anyone. My only attachment to this world is gone. I feel like dying. Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn’t have anything. ================================================================= Hello guys... Comeback to writing since My life is broken in rl... Rather than killing myself, I better find something to mend my broken life :') Doesn't care about your comment... I just writing for healing... https://discord.gg/fYwzCSR5 My dc Also, I'm looking for a cover that explains my brokenness Got a recommendation? comment or chat me in discord, doesn't matter, since I don't get any in google that resonate with me *Note: Not an English native, just using Grammarly to help with my Grammar

DimLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Prologue - Broken Life (Not yet Edited)

My entire life can be summed up in one word.


Yeah, it was pretty broken.

At least I can look back on my childhood memories with fondness, even if I have such a life.

Well, that's how my consciousness attempts to comfort me.

But being born into an average family with a father who is always busy going to work and a mother who always comes back home late made me grow up neglected.

To get my parents to spend more time and pay attention to me again, I caused a scene and always skipped school. I also tried tobacco, alcohol, and, worst of all, drugs.

Well, they do start to look at me again, but this time with disgust in their eyes.

After that… nothing.

They didn't talk to me, reprimand me, or get angry at me… nothing.

They simply ignored me as if I didn't exist.

That time, I felt unwanted; I felt like dying was the best outcome for all of us.


My mother was pregnant again.

A happy smile always paints my parents' faces.


My heart is burning with jealousy! burning like a blazing fire!

I hope something bad happens to their unborn child, who has gotten all of their attention instead of me, their first child!

That was my thought… Until the child was born.

White, tiny, pristine, like a little angel.

The first words that come to my mind when I see her.

I think… I think I need to guard her against the cruelty and evilness of this world.

When she comes into this world, the atmosphere in the home becomes more bearable for me.

My parents' disgust and icy stare gradually fade, giving way to a warm and happy smile.

And it's all thanks to my little sister. I think she is an actual angel who brings warmth to this freezing house.

After that, I started going to school again and stopped touching that bad thing.

I didn't want her friend to make fun of her later because her brother is such a jerk, right?

So I study very hard until I have aced almost all of my subjects.

I built up my knowledge; I started going to a cheap gym, entered a martial arts club, and learned anything that I could learn.

Just in case my little sister asks me about something she doesn't understand, I have the answer in my head, or if some bullies, especially a guy who gets too close to her, I can break their limbs.

Unfortunately, due to my lengthy absence and poor reputation, I lack friends; I don't even have a single acquaintance.

When I see people at school talking, laughing, or fighting, I become envious, especially of the lovely bird who is always holding hands.

But when I think about that little angel at home, I think I can give up everything just to hold her.

Well, nothing can replace my little angel after all.

And just like that, time passes, and my little sister is about to turn two.

My parents are starting to get busy, and my little sister, like me, is being neglected.

I believe my parents are tired of playing the roles of parents and children, so they revert to their true nature. But it's not like I'm complaining or anything because I can spend a lot of time with my little sister.

Ah, how happy I was when she always called me 'Blotha'.

Her tiny voice is so cute and soothing in my ear.


That time was the best thing ever to happen to my life.

But, just as life has an end, so does happiness.

My dad... was promoted.

So he has to go to the main office, which is in a different city, to get more training.

That was the start…

The start of how my life slowly crumbled apart.

My dad died in the plane crash, while my mom fled with the insurance money.

Just left me and my little sister alone.

Leaving nothing. Not even a penny.

As a result, I sold everything in the house that could be sold, leaving me with only one bed and one refrigerator.

As much as possible, I try to save money or at least wait until my younger sister can be left alone so I can look for work.

That was a difficult time for me, who was just about to turn fifteen at that time. But just seeing my sister smile makes all my hardships worthwhile.

And finally, after a long time of waiting, my little sister turned five years old. She has grown up splendidly. I can say for sure that she will grow into a stunning young lady.

And tomorrow... I'll start looking for work, which means I'll be leaving my little sister at home alone.

I am worried. But what can I do when our lives are already so difficult. Given our circumstances, I am pretty sure that my younger sister will be bullied once she begins school because she is poor and does not have parents. So, as her brother, I need to steel my heart and start looking for work and saving money for her so she doesn't feel inferior to her peers.

At the very least, I want to be a brother she can be proud of.

And that was the last time I saw her in my life. The last time I heard her voice. And the last time I hugged her.

By the time I get home, she's gone.

I tried to ask the people who live near here, but no one saw her.

I went to a police station to plead for help, but they just ignored my plea just because I'm poor.

So I keep looking and looking, searching and searching, hoping to catch a glimpse of her tiny body.

Even after three days without sleep or eating, I didn't stop. I can't stop! My little angel, I need to find her, because she's the only emotional support I have in this world. I don't have anything; I don't need anything, I just want to see her playing and laughing, I just want to see her smile with happiness.

Unfortunately, my efforts are futile.

In this one month, I didn't even see a single hem of her clothes.

My world…

It's turning gray.

I can't believe that just a few hours after I got out, she was gone.

I still have hope—a tiny hope in the corner of my heart.

I hope that maybe my mother comes back and takes my little sister with her.

Until eventually, a cop comes to my house and reports that they discovered the body of a five-year-old child, with all of her organs missing.

That's when my hope vanishes completely.

After I buried my little sister body,

Here I am, reminiscing about the past.

I lie down and look at the sky.

I wonder why the world is so harsh on me.

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life with my little sister.

I don't have anything. I don't have anyone.

My only attachment to this world is gone.

I feel like dying.

Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn't have anything.

Let's just die next to my sister's grave, and maybe my soul will be with her even in the afterlife.


Author Nore:

Sup guys,

Just want to ask for your help, please donate to me in PayPal... Alright, before that I think I need to tell you a little about me, I guess? And why I'm literally begging you to help me.

So, I've entered a hospital because of an accident, long story short, I don't have any money, so my only choice is debt, I hope my recovery is fast, but shit happened, and I'm 1 month in the hospital with piled up debt... Added to how I got fired from my work...

Yeah, I'm miserable af... Now I'm discharged, To pay for a fraction of the debt, I sell everything I have, and leave with my laptop which I use to write a novel here... I just don't know what I should do... I want to look for a work, but there is no way I can get it fast

My debt is about 1890$ well maybe next week it's already 2k... I want to die actually... But I also don't want to

So I hope you can help me... Whatever it is, it means a lot to me :')


And you can join my discord
