
Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.

Village of Ambitious Birds · Urban
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1445 Chs

Feng Zhixiang slowly sized up the operating theater. He was not in a rush to start operating.

Nowadays, he took a long time preparing for surgeries. This was especially true when it came to major surgeries like cholecystectomy in patients with gallbladder cancer, unlike plenty of young doctors who were in a rush to start operating whenever they got to carry out a demonstration surgery or live-stream surgery because they were worried that the audience would get impatient and leave.

A doctor of Professor Feng Zhixiang's age and status did not care about this at all. He would not withhold his expertise if other doctors intended to learn from him, but if those doctors were unwilling to do so, he was not interested in giving them the time of day either.