
Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.

Village of Ambitious Birds · Urban
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1445 Chs

Family Excitement

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Thank you. Thank you very much.

"Thank you."

Zhang Anmin could not stop bowing and saying thank you. He was excited, and he was full of gratitude. 

If he had to say, the surgery today did not only allow him to try performing hepatectomy on his own, Zhang Anmin also felt that he had been baptized. He had been recognized, and the future development of his life and had been laid out. 

The doctors in the visitation room stood in front of the glass wall and nodded at Zhang Anmin.

Zhang Anmin was overwhelmed with emotions. The people who came were all experts. Even if some of them were not experts, they were still his colleagues in the world of medicine. Zhang Anmin had never obtained that type of attention before in his life.